The Daily Notes from Canonsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

page nvs THE DAILY NOTES, CAN0NSBU2C, PA. MONDAY, APRIL 30, 1951 RADC3D IPDKICEIRAWS DAILY CROSSWORD 9:00 Varieties. 9:30 The Goldbergs. 10:00 Studio One. 11:00 The 11th Hour.

12:25 News Roundup 12:30 Previews 10:45 P. M. WCAE Swing Shift. KDKA Boston Pops Orch. 11:00 P.

M. KDKA News, Music to 1 a. m. WJAS News. Musjc to 12:30.

HE MIGHT BE RIGHT AUSTIN. Tex. (UP) The man had been stabbed with a kitchen knife by his wife, and detectives asked if he wanted to file a complaint against her. "No." said the man from his hospital bed, want to file a divorce." 3. Mark by time 4.

Wine receptacle 5. A sally of troops 6. Mother 7. Epoch 8. Concentrated 9.

Delicate food ACROSS 1. King with -he golden touch 6. Birthplace of Mohammed 11. Texas mission 12. Regions 13.

Delay is. Poker stake 21. Dresses 22. Cry of sheep 23. Sea eagle 24.

Relieves of weight 26. Assam silkworm 27. Body of water 31. Evening poet.) 32. Fireplaces 34.

Epoch BORN TO BE HEARD MEMPHIS, Tersn. (UP) die Roecker tied for first place in a hog-calling contest. Now his friends greet him with knowing smirks. Roecker's an opera singer. Unbelievable TELEVISION 6:03 Video Adventures.

6:30 News. 6:45 Supper Time. 7:00 Captain Video. 7:30 News, Sports. 7:45 Pitt Parade.

8:00 What's My Name 8:30 Al Morgan. Relief for Asthma! 16. River (Eng.) 10. On the 17. Anex ocean 14.

God of lower 35. Lodge 19 8:45 P. M. WCAE World Flashes. 9:00 P.

M. KDKA Telephone Hour. WCAE Guest Star. WJAS Radio Theater. WJPA Murder by Experts 9:15 P.

M. WCAE Bishop Pardue. 9:30 P. KDKA Band of America. WCAE Dream Boat WJAS Radio Theater WJPA War-Home Front 10:00 P.

M. KDKA Boston Pops Orch. WCAE Ralph Flanagan. WJAS My Friend Irma. WJPA Here's to Vets.

10:15 P. M. WJPA I Ixve Mystery 10:30 P. M. KDKA Boston Pops Orch.

WCAE News of Tomorrow. WJAS Bob Hawk. WJPA Night Watcn. Satarday's Aaer 40. One of an Asiatic people 42.

Perch 44. Cutting tool 46. Personal pronoun temporarily 36. Operatic melody 38. Weary 39.

Pieced out Thousand! of Canadian! have found unbelievable relief from their asthma spasms with a Canadian druggist's medicine 20. Distinctive world aspect (Rom.) 22. Misrepresent 18. A frontier-25. Centers man's shoe 28.

External 20. Country seed coating home (Eur.) LA Trade in your old refrigerator on a New 1951 WESTINGHOUSE The new one will probably last until 1975. TELEVISIOn Acczssonizs Alliance Tenna-rotors MONDAY VENIN3 6:00 P. M. KDKA News Reporter.

WCAE News, Sports. WJAS Bob Prince. Sporfcj. WJPA World News. Sports 6:15 P.

M. KDKA Tello-Test. WCAE Baron Elliott WJAS Bob Clayton, News. WJPA Local News. 6:30 P.

M. KDKA Men About Town. WCAE News, Music. WJAS Dinner Music. WJPA Music.

6:45 P. M. KDKA Three Star Extra. WCAE Let's Sing. WJAS Lowell Thomas.

WJPA Musical 7:00 P. M. KDKA Your Sports I. Q. WCAE Song Time.

WJAS Beulah. WJPA Fulton Lewis Jr. 7:15 P. M. KDKA Music.

WCAE News. WJAS-Jack Smith. WJPA Beatrice Kay. 7:30 P. M.

KDKA News of World. WCAE Lone Ranger. WJAS-Club 15. WJPA Gabriel Heatter. 7:45 P.

M. KDKA One Man's Family. WJAS News. WJPA Newsreel. 8:00 P.

M. KDKA Railroad Hour. WCAE Inner Sanctum. caned Templeton's RAZ-MAH. This splendid medicine is now available to help you breathe -more easily so that you can work and sleep in comfort, relieved of the wheezing, coughing, gasping and choking of bronchial asthma spasms.

Ask for Templeton's RAZ-MAH today and get the unbelievable relief that thousands have enjoyed. Money back if not overjoyed. SUN STORE 17 w. Pike st. Circulatory Ills Form Large Part Of Insurance Claims NEW YORK, N.Y.

Payments to beneficiaries of deceased policyholders by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company in 19 5 0 amounted to $286 million, with seven out of every 10 dollars of this sum being paid for deaths from the diseases of the heart and blood vessels and cancer, according to Charles T. Taylor, and Metropolitan's president. The total of death claim disbursem*nts for the year was $19 million higher for 1950 than for 1949, and $110 million higher than for 1940. The increases represent growth in both the number of persons insured and in the average amount of life insurance held by individual policyholders, Mr. Taylor expalnedi.

Payments for deaths from enemy action in the Korean War appear among the company's claim disbursem*nts with a total of nearly in 1950. The cardiovascular renal disorders, among which are included diseases of the heart, coronary arteries, angina pectoris, cerebral hemorrhage, and nephritis, were responsible for claims amounting to $153 million, or well over one half of the entire amount paid out. Ten years ago these causes of death accounted for 45 per cent of the total. Payments for deaths from cancer, including leukemia and Hodg-kin's disease, accounted for $51 million, or nearly one fifth of the tntal amount, and diabetes for $9 CANONSBURG ELECTRIC APPLIANCE PHONE 1791 26'2 N. Jefferson Ave.

Call 704 West Penn Heating Co. Mm taction 29. Part of "to be" 30. Corner 32. Country in Asia 33.

Harbors 35. Feline 37. Unit of work 38. Evening sun god (Egypt.) 41. God of war (Gr.) 43.

Valuable forage plant 15. Smallest liquid measure 47. Having ears 48. Adhesive mixture 49. Native of Sweden DOWN 1.

Female horse 2. The holm oak i 35 'mil c22 -u- 41 1 I I I BH 1 11 11 1 4-3 Mention Taxpayers 1050 Derough and School Taxes Vill be Liened the First Monday in May, Unless Paid Promptly. SAVE YOURSELF ADDITIONAL COSTS and INCONVENIENCE Tonight P. n. DONT MISS IT Plenty of Bargains Q9 roJ n.

WJAS Star Playhouse. WJPA Hashknife Hartley. fl 0 8:30 P. M. million, or 3.2 per cent of the to-' J.

.1. COLAIZZO, Tax Collector Entrance 323 W. Pike St. 226 Murdock St. KDKA Voice ot Firestone WCAE Henry J.

Taylor WJAS Arthur Godfrey WJPA Crime Fighters WBHB DAILY CRYPTOQUOTE Here's how to work it: A LB A A Is LONGFELLOW" One letter simply stands for, another. In this example A is used for the three L's, for the two O's, etc. Single letters ape, trophies, the length and formation of the words are all hints. Each day the code letters are different. A Cryptogram Quotation LVAT NMIM FH LVVT FH KNMBKJ VTFK VIH HXFPMH YMFIM.

Saturday's Cryptoquote: BUT ALL WAS FALSE AND HOLLOW, THOUGH HIS TONGUE DROPPED MANNA MILTON. Distributed by King Features Syndicate tal. Pneumonia and tuberculosis were responsible for relatively minor proportions of the year's claim payments. Payments for pneumonia and influenza accounted for only 1.6 per cent of the total, and tuberculosis for 1.8 per cent. One dollar in every 10 was for-deaths from external causes, with payments for accidents amounting to $23 million, for suicide to $5 million, and for homicide to $1,500,000.

For motor vehicle accidents alone disbursem*nts were about 000. "More than $191 million, or two-thirds of the year's total, was paid to beneficiaries of policyholders who died before reaching 65," Mr. Taylor pointed out. "Of this total, $144 million was paid for policyholders who died between the ages of 45 and 64 years and more than $47 million for those who failed to reach age 45." Mr. Taylor noted that $4,300,000 was paid on industrial and ordinary policies which had been in force less than one year, and that in one third of these cases the policies had been in force less than three months.

Babies, Young Children, Often Victims of This Disorder In those instances where the diarrhea was severe before treatment began, the infants were first given fluids by injection under the skin or into a vein to restore normal fluid balance. The results obtained by the use of the dried, banana were compared with those obtained with other methods of treatment, such as a period of starvation during which fluids were given by injection under the skin, followed by the use of formulas of skimmed milk, or protein milk with water or tea between feedings. Other Method With the banana treatment it was found that the average time required for a cure was 2.9 days. By the other method of treatment it was 5.02 days. At the end of 72 hours, out of the 20 children treated with the banana preparation, 17 were rated in good condition and three fair.

With the other method of treatment, seven children were good, seven fair, and six poor. Sixteen of the 20 children treated with the banana gained weight during the treatment. It would seem, therefore, that dried banana has an effective substance in the treatment of diarrhea in infants and young children. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS A. Is there any absolute cure for spurs on the heel bones? Answer: The condition usually can be cleared up completely with the aid of surgery.

By HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, M.D. INFANTS and young children are especially subject to attacks of diarrhea. In many cases the upset Is due to infection with specific germs, and hence can be treated with one or another of the antibiotic drugs. ust as often, however, the illness seems to occur in the absence of any infection.

The problem of handling it is made more difficult and is largely a matter of soothing the digestive tract until food can again be tolerated. Recently, a number of children with this type of diarrhea were treated with good results by giving them dried bananas. In carrying out the treatment, the doctor placed the children on feedings of one tablespoon of dried banana per pound of body weight for each 24-hour period. Two ounces of water were used to dilute each tablespoon of dried banana. Enough feeding was made up for the whole day and the total amount was divided into nine feedings.

Boiled water was given as often as possible between feedings. In Skimmed Milk At the end of two or three days, if the Infant's condition was -Improved, the dried banana was given in skimmed milk. Older infants were also given well-cooked cereals, beef broth, mashed vegetables, and custard. g. jpJ I fltli7" I (sl "It's the fype of engine limr-l 0 IZX powering America's finest cars!" (IVT m''0n TYfl) TTl TiY If ffli You can pay more One by one, America's costliest cars III III In i J.

are switching to V-8's. Their makers are llfLJV learning that this type of engine just I ill can't be beat for get-up-and-go and fuel 1 II I I I I C3tl't fallY bfittBI" savings. But why pay more for V-8 1 I I I I when Ford, offers you one of the finest 1 V- I 1 mJ I I for hundreds less than most sixes? And LJ I I you benefit from Ford's 18 years experience in building more V-8's than all i mi i 1 I WW0 iii-aigiiv 'm other makers combined! LLfX. i pf But, a "Test Drive" will show you that twm" fXjT -Jm SsSa power isn't the only reason why owners 1ufs 'LS'f '( I I Jf. have become so fully convinced that you nV-Jr -VSr yt can't buy better than Ford.

You'll ex- iItMNF ifia3tK ill fjZl perience the safe, smooth stops of Ford's' ffLaHmh 5 Double-Seal King-Size Brakes. You'll lJ 1 KfTptTW feel the comfort of Ford's Automatic ffVT VVfT fl V'' Posture Control. And you'll be delighted JV0f" -Ah kfKni If 1 "i t' cjf with Ford's quick, easy Key-Turn 0 INFLATION HITS AT NATION'S ECONOMY NEW YORK, April 30 (UP) Charles E. Wilson, 'director of Defense Mobilization, says inflation at home has knocked out more tanks, planes and guns than Communists in Korea. He told some 2000 executives of the American Newspaper Publishers Association's Bureau of Advertising last night that inflation will lead to disaster unless checked.

"Inflation is an enemy which wipes out our tanks, our guns, our planes as ruthlessly as any Chinese or North Korean Army," he said. Wilson said that for every $10 billion which Congress appropriates for weapons $2 billion is lost in spiraling costs. Inflation thus is more formidable than Communist troops because "we suffer that loss ourselves without inflicting any corresponding loss any loss at all on the enemy," Wilson said. He said individual citizens could lick inflation through cooperation by being content with reasonable profits and reasonable wages, by understanding the need for higher taxes and spending money on only those items which are necessary. "Don't hoard," he advised.

"Don't patronize black markets." "I ask my fellow citizens to keep in mind always that the sacrifices they are, being asked to make to control inflation are small indeed with the suffering, yes, the disaster, that uncontrolled inflation would follow in its wake." (Copyright, 1M1. Kink Fsaturss Syndicate. Inc.) CONTROL New AUTOMATIC RIDE Advanced AUTOMATIC MILEAGE MAKER The road you see may be rutted but the road you feel Is smooth. For, with Ford's new Automatic Ride Control, new spring suspension and shock absorber action is continuously self-adjusting to changes in road conditions. With all their power and zip, both Ford'i V-8 and Six engines offer penny-pinching savings.

Ford's Automatic Mileage Maker squeezes the last ounce of power out of every drop of gas automatically by matching timing to fuel charges! NOftM AOVIKTMiNO. Sow Vegetable Seeds At Proper Depths Vegetable seeds are planted at varying depths. Generally, the smaller the seed be shallower it is covered Ail seeds need shallower covering in early spring than later, and less covef in heavy soils than in sandy ground. After seeds have been covered to the proper depth with fine, moist soil, firm the soil to hasten germination. Sow onJv enough seed, more is wate of seed ana time spent in proper thinning of plants Jater.

"Test Drive" the '51 FORD at your Ford Dealer's SPRUCING UP THE OLD HOMESTEAD? A mighty good idea. Whether you're adding another wing to the house or whether you're just painting up or fixing up, you'll find us at your service! A wide selection of sturdy dependable building products free 20 years of valuable experience are here for you! HEADQUARTERS FOR THE HOME! New FORDOMATIC DRIVE Here's the newest, finest most flexible of all the automatic drives an "automatic" that's advanced in development. You'll find It offers trigger-quick getaway passing power when you want it and smooth jerk-free performance. Optional on V-8 modti at tifro coif, -f apmnf, accsuoWsi and trim iubj fo chans without nofco. nalfflsm CANONtlUltft PA.

JU 1m HEN SNATCHES KITTENS LAKE CORMORANT, Miss. (UP) A Rhode Island hen owned by Mrs. R. D. Wormack has "kidnaped" five kittens.

The hen keeps he kittens in her nest and won't et the mother cat come near them. PHONE THE LUMBER NUMBER 1000 Canontburg, Pa. Phono 430 26 North Jefferson Avenue.

The Daily Notes from Canonsburg, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.