The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

UU nr. 1 afc f. i I 3 7 1 1 14 7 2 4 1. a sr V'1' fa Last PxeJ IT W. cars.

I 'Jl IF aJ A. Dalferee. 9 A. U. 1 Ufjjr opb IELIA? Dimltry.

10 A. a I at fair 1 7 i "CAPITOL. Ure. f. M.

i bst tTar WM BAG A' EI. 8'nnott. M. SAR.AN AK. No.

Smith, 1F.IL riiiVer BELL. Hsnly. 6 P. M. Alalxnaiver PiL'L M.

i M. "Siira tMPiKB state. p. m.

Sturgeon P. SL XZlZm C. HA VS. P. M.

KL.taTJl?..BCLLKTt a. Church. IF. H. K3jhT.T.l CERES.

Lmh.rto, P. jtfSjwlr" POWELL. Martin, 0 P. M. TOR MONTGOMERY J.

Be new pojfr itttmer BA8ALE, John C. Einnott, mu tr, (bulit this for the tbrougbnTsde.) leaves the lev 'of tb Carroliton sod Jefferson Rsilroad THIS rSIN9.Aftr arrival tb 0 o'clock cars, fo' ulr'xxaery. Weiompka, a all landioison Alabama VT ijinrin please band in tbeir bill of lading to ibe Before he above boar. Ft pm' omce Tbe British bark ExilGRANT, Harrison, matter, i i 4 awt. eeada to ifliaeliaraa e.r.n a Pn Spaas Lirrrpumi It Third District, Consignees are requested to attend to 71 lecetrt of their goods oa the Levee, and to take out Wseriiits within firs daya All goods net reretptej for the Levee will be stored at the risk and expense ol U'amw.

OLIVER 3d Carondelet st. Neither tbe captain nor tbe conatgneea ot tbe Brit rk EMIGRANT, from Liverpool, will be retponaiolt tab bark iZ aWbts contracted by tbe crew tbrreof. J7 e. W. OLIVER A CO 3S CarondMet at.

ttk finaianeea ar owner of tbe following articles. nicked bp to the Miaausippi river near Cairo, and aoppoeed To be from the wreck of euamer R. Ft. Bacon, and brought 11 tbia city by ateaaaer P. W.

Oraham. ant reqaea'cd to rave property and pay salvage on tbe same, or it will be aold at auction for tbe benent of whom concerned, viz Vyre at Lambard, 1 tierce of bania; K. A bbla. whiskey sundry marks. 3 bb Is.

flsnr. Pat it JOHN HYDE A CO 4 Potiirnsrt. for eai. IV and kVETTLES. sUgbtly damaged bv fire, made and eat as by Niks A Co.

Arply to tee LOUISIANA MUTUAL t30RACE corner of Camp and Katehei streetaw PiS i PJeyel Flnaos. Just receiviuc. per Lezinaton mail Invoice of PLEtEL PICCOLO PIANOS, direct from too mamfectorv. pbq ioj win dc onerea tor casn at very 1 low nrices. Parties wishme trrir stvle inatroment will find it to tbrir interest fo call and tx anine mem.

et 13 Camp street. uraiar's Notice. a I.L oerinu bold ins claims against tbe estate of JOH9 A eRXE. deceased, late mate of tbe eteamb wt i ram. will please present them duly authenticated imme stately to tbe undersigned Curator of said estate, and I tfeose indebted to aai estate will make immediate paj at to tne aame.

D. O. iLL. Curator. At Shaw A ZonU'a, Kof.

40 and uiUin street, rrotl nrni. rMiuim 9 VOh. ST. LOUIS The commodious freiebt steamer EDWARD WALSH. Uro.

IW. Cable, master, is now in port rea.rv receive beigai, anu win aepart as aoove on sail. bHJA 1 March 3d, sc 6 o'clock P. M. For treigbt only apply on rn O.

M. WHTTE. 1S Front street. tirwve Academy, Near Cairollton, La J. EVERETT.

Principal. TTTHK fourth semi annual session of institution will I eaamence on nr.u:ir.3ii, naau, sua vne a .1 I ih I htmw of Ihla AniUWtnll tsrn bisaincere tbanka to the patrons of tbe tnstitution. uliat tbeir continued patronage, aasunna them that no means will be left untried to promote the welfare of the pupils, saw, bchi tua imwrnrnw opixuoa 01 an appre berween mport jove. iclous Persani 1 ran be conductor. CODSSE Or t.STRUCTlOI.

Tbe eoorseof instruction embractsa tbe usual nsf thorough English Edurauon. Latin, txreek. tbe Madera Lanauagee, and Book keeping, tiuing tbe pupil or business or tbe University, as tbe parent may desire. Toe beat of rolefsors employed in every riepartment. To rrencn spoken French PuHIU; examinations occur in tbe months of December and May, of the precise date of woica tbe public will be isly uloemed.

The annual distribution of prises takes olace lmanaoiateiy after tne examination la December. I LOCATION. i Tbe JaeatiDn of tbia acboo! about midway and Oreenville combines the several i at advantaaea ol oeing aaiuonous exceedingly 1 of above all. free from tbe pern 'fed unwholesome moial Intlueni es of tne city. I vMitine tbe institution from tbe ci'y by railroad irttmt the sate, bv intimatingthrir desire to tbe sacllrOMe tne progi immim me pvpi a in speaaing me and English iaoguagea.

these languages will be eaclosively. on alternate deya. during recreation 1 AM amw anAEogtish on tbe following. 7 EXavAUCIAT10N8. Ac ifl ,.6 'I 1 I Tula instlta'ion la free frooa all aectsriao Influenceb, every pupil being allowed tbe most perfect freedom In the srafeasioa of his religion.

The pupils fiom Catholic fam flies are. however, repaired to attend tbe Cat boll cbnrcb, tnoae rrorji rtatestant families the Prole stant cbnrch. aai tne biqosiu. TCITlOa, fc Payable Quarterly, In Advance. stoardera g' per uarter.

Pay Bchalara so shins arid Mending Beat and Bedding, if not furnished by the parent, paja yir asiy sue, so rnennf, hi. Each pupil should come suiplird with tbe following ar 4cies) 1 stiver spoon, 1 silver 6 table nspkins.o tow rls. all aaarkod wltb tbe narre of tbe pupil. References Minor aVenner. Parish JefSrraan: Tl C.

Holliday, H.D, Panab Jetferaoa A. Daplantier, Pariek St. Cbarlea Sarpy, Parish Sr. Charles: J. 1 MarieT.Bt..fsw Orleans frof; C.

Alace, St. Cbarlea Institute. sw further particulars, apply personally at tbetnefrra las, ar Aillress the Principal through, tbe Carrollton Poet 'Omce. The Honlsn Pest, TBE KSI ANi POST, and THaT BOSTOir STATES MA If ASD WEEE.LT P08T enoe termi of our lournala for the ensulne year are Dallv Post. for tbe Press and Post, semi illr (Tuesdays and Kridaya.

4 and for the States Fast (8stnr.las.) Si These papers have been published in Boston during tbe last twenty yean, and have steadily Increased In popular farar Tbeir range of subscription la exceeded in extent svnd BASTCgate by no paper in tneriew e.ogiana stares. ThTST. edited bv CHARLES O. GREENE BJCHARU FROTH1N6HAM. Jr and employ a large sud competent corps of assistant editors, reporters sot correspoo learx Neither labor Dor expense is spared to tbeir columns valuable and interesting.

Xnelr reading mattsr la arranged In tbe moat careful systematic manner. In its variety may be found tbe aource of tbe success wbicb 1 he root baa enjoyed, anu, wi ee mthIt merited. In tbe editorial department be amount of correspondence, foreign, and from different sjertaof tne Union inecouaensea news parsgrapDsi inv jeuuila of borne matters, lectures and entertainments; tbe thorough and accurate marine Information tbe daily financial and monetary remarks sod weekly reviews: tbe firMiBfl from London Pictorials aod European public Lm. tne aolitieal records: musical notices; humorous matter, and poerirai contribotiona. arnich make up tbe daily issue of tbe Post tbe reader may eeers desire, whether for amnsem*nt or informs Jies.

Tne first aide" of the paper is a daily recurrence spicy variety, selected and original, designed ts meet Arery taste Tbeir advertising columns embrace an almost entire ynapsUof tbe business of New England and from that department sf the paper alone can be obta'ned a correct tmneeanon of the character of trade. Its facilities and its peratisns; while tbe financial editorials give an accurate a trrau In the cotntnercial world. The PRESS AND POST tsmade from tbe Daily's con tenia, sad publianed every laesosy aiio rrioay mornioa ir im ri rv uid handsomely printed, on fine paper, in cJeartvnr and the snos nption is foar dollars a year. The7BOSTOtl SIATEaiLAN AND WCKKLY POST awready eejoyta very large circulation 1 ana 11a rspiuiy yjacreaalng USt arxesia luc piricreate wuicu luc piniK rn ouu for ir Its contents form a history of every week foreign news In detail, domestic information, agricultural TLJtema, commercial and monetary articles, statements ol le, of toe wesroer. 01 crops, sic.

accounts 01 meet Inn. political records, newa of every description, poetry aleaeaat reading matter, humorous items, epigrams; in i. frt tboroucbiy furnished aeneral Newspaper a brief mud comprehensive history a vehicle for every species of aueful ana enrenaining mrormaiion. ise niauesman is vubllsbed at the rate of two dollars a year for sobscrip xion. Clubs, taxing Ten or more copiea in one package, oiii It Surnished at a liberal asonnt.

ThMe loam sis are carefully conducted, and. as onr pa groaage proves, in accordance with the poblic want Tfcey ane edited tn a faitn in oemoeratic principles, out in 1 tat Apirit of forbearance and conciliation towards ail parties Am advertisinsT mediums they are unsurpassed; pene trattng, as they do. Into such a variety of households oeattred over tne whole union, ana read as tney are oy aai deeses of tbe community ey furoisn on opportu aity for tbe dilToslon 0 Information which can scarcely we entaibf cisewncre. v. BUL8, GRrtNE 19 and 81 Wa'er street, Boston ItJLetntrie fJonrse Pacltug.

ine long expecrea matcn for A500, mile beats. three in five, to skeleton wagons, will come oil THIS DAY. between the well known horse Silver tad tbe celebrated Tennesaee boree Andmc J. Folk. Rice's r.

Siirrr Tail. 0. Fatcber's A AmdroeJ Feik. Mace tocommence at 3)ft o'clock. Admittance fifty cents.

rs a BICE, Proprietor. French RvHe It A MON I. Irom France. TJRTTATE TUITION during the day, and Eventnc JL c.ass three times week, 1 narsosy, Bataraay anu The course will begin on tbe 1st of Ernst 'lerger's Private Seminary, Odd Fellows' Hall, entrance Mmm lafayette street. Fi7 it ir Fr Hale or Kent.

'baPAVlLlori. at the end ef tbe JefleT wreoj sop and Lake Pontcbartraio Railrod. oppo tr fC I 3 nuft'iue me note 1, xuown as sen a wiuj all tl. Awnings.

umilBrc ana xr ruiumj yacht TORLD, now lying on tbe platform in front of ue Pavilionv or terms appiy 10 1 FT7 i F. W. COELER. 110 Common st Retail k'irocrrv Stere fr Male. rflHE proprietor, savins two stores, wold sell one on A liberal terma.

Address Cat this otflce. JaaT In l.r.m. tioD Wnated CT EFT Wo street. Mmrdi (sraa evenine. an lj old en 9" man.

ased 70 years, named JOAN FOR TUNE; had wttb bios a emu bone and saw, seeking orfc. Any information of him will be manually re csjvcd and rewariiel, being left with at W. R. PATTEHbOS, ST Camp street. PH.

P. WERLEIN, fios. and 7 Camp street, would invite tbe attention of tbe musical public to a new invention of an UPRIGHT PIANO FORTE, with asn Orarxan AttAs hiririr mt 9f rrnr ra mna xsctnra, It is StKjethin very superior of Its bind, and both In Bsrsssmtabe Piano as well ss tbe Organ, may be used separately, at the pleasure sf the perforo er. Tne Orsan i foar stone, and it well rnpolv tbe place sf agmsAOrian In cburcbea Call at No a Camp Ar Private fpQ LIS.ELY Cotton Field Hands and a good Brtck ,0 Igver, from JLersliaw District, Sou CarollnA Apply to J. A.

BARX a MAY, faction KlaTBamasux Flauaa. OP tbe sfl beariog Fig Banana Plants, trosx the choicest kWd, from Sao Domingo, for sale by 100 Js. w. piiiMOLU, vn nop se.eex. COAie Pittsburg Coal, trash bom tbe A sstaea, claaa acres nod tor family use, sad foe sale in Auaautiea to suit, delivered cartage tree, at tbe lowest psrkst price, by xTiaTrnf it iaie go Hnilders.

A SEW FRAME W0RCH. for tbe German Catbolica. has to be erected la tbe City of Jefferson, La Bui.d wis wishing ta andertakebe building may apply for speel firsttoDs and farms, in tbe auiae of ten ds to Rev. P. AaArVLfcR, AL, residing satba French Chnrc' City nn AMUsem*nTS.

Ht. Chxtrlaa Txtesigrsx. B. DsB ..1 essrs and Manager. K.


WEDNE8DAT EVENlNd. February m. will be pre sented, for tbe 1st tune this season, tbe popular play of JXN C.MAR DE BAZ AN Don Cwsar de Baxaa, Mr Pope; Jose, Mr Doff. Laxarella. Mrs Davis; Maritana Mrs Stuart: Marchioness.

Mrs Booth. To conclude with, second time this sen son, the success ful drama or WALLACE, THE HERO OF SCOT LAN Wallace, Mr Popei Klrkcatrick, Mr Hield. sATTo Morrow Benefit of Mrs. Bernard. issr Friday, March Second benefit of Mr.

Duff. asr Box BjoA now open for tbe reservation of seats. Notice Alteration of time doors will open at a qnarter before seven o'clock. Performance to commence at a Quarter past seven o'clock, precisely. Fs Pelican Tfaentre.


Lessee. (IEO. HOI.LA1D Artiug Manager. 0. BARTON HILL 8'ase Manager.

Leader of tbe MR. MXERS. Tliird sppearance ot tlie celebrated Actress MRS. MAR PREVOBT ADDAMS. WEDNESDAY EVENING.

Feb. 3ft Tue performances will commence with the new and most successful petit comedy, entitled A PRETTV PIECE OP BUSINESS IlrSbre, Mr Browne; Capt Merrywrther, Sir Hill; Mrs Fsnny Uraotly, Mrs Pope; Miss Charlotte Snee. Mrs Hill; Dobaun, Mrs Hill. After wbicb tbe comedy of GK18T TO THR MILL Fraurlne, Mrs Addama; Thierry Damont, Mr White, Marquis dr Richville, MrC Hill; Mona de Merlurhet. Mr McMillan; M'lle Merluchet.

Mrs Rowe. The whole to conclude with the laughable farce called OUT FOR A HOLIOAV Mixxlr. Mr Oeo Holland; Bolt. Mr Hill; Mrs Stitrbley. Mrs Hill.

tV To Morrow Fourth appearance q( Mrs. Mary Provost Addama. asf Box Sheet now open for tbe reservation of sears. asT Box orbce open from 9 A. M.

to 3 P. when seats can be secured. BxT Admission Parqnette, TS cents; eallery, tsci Free Colored Persons, 60 cents. asT NOTICE Alteration of Time Doors open at 7 o'clock and tbe performance commences at balf past 1 o'clock precisely. FM Orleans Theatre.

Benefit nf Mom BORDAS. THURSDAY, MARCH IMS. Will be arted the Grand Opera, by Meyerbeer, of THE PROPHET Messrs. Genibrei, Bortlas, Lagrt and La crix; M'mes Cambier, Bailie Pretti. asTMONDAY, March 5 Fim representation of the new sran.1 opera, by Meyerbeei THE STAR OF THE NORTH SmT Performance commences at 7 o'clock.

FX BENEFIT OF MRjTl. BERNARD, AT THE ST. CHARLES THEATRE, TQCKSDAY. MARCH I. on which occasion tbe follow, ing eminent artists will appear; Tbe celebrated English Opera Troupe M'lle Nao, Mr.

St. Albyn and Mr. Irving; in conjunction with Mrs. Coleman Pope, Mrs. Barton Hill, Mr.

Dumeld, Mr. Geo. Holland. entertainments will consist of GUY MANNERING, THE BOHEMIAN GIKL, abd a farce In wbicb Geo. Holland will appear, (of Box book now open.

lt St. Chaties Theatre. CARD. MRS. STUART respectfully Informs ber friends and the pubiiic that ber Benerit takes place WEDNESDAY.

FEBRUARY 38, wbenwi'l be presented for the flrst time this sesson, DON C.KSR DC BAZAN Don Csriar, Mr Pope; Marttaue, Mrs Stuart To conclude with the success ful drama of WALLACE, HE HERO OF SCOT LAND Wallace, Mr Pope; Kirkpatrick. Mr HielJ. 17 The box bjuk is now open for tbe reservation of aeatA The Public are KeaperCfully Informed thai M'ME ROSA DEVR1ES, and Her Company shortly arrive in this city and give GRAND riBEWtU OPERATIC CONCERT. KW Foil psrticulars In future advertise nents. Flo Armory Hall.

Open Every Night. (SumUys excepted,) for a short sea son. cimmencing Mondav, Marrb THE BUN YAN TABLEAUX. Consisting of sixty Maguitirettt Scenes, with figures of life six, illustrative of the PILURIM'S PROGRESS Making tbe most magnificent moving mirror ever pre sen'ed to tbe Aniericso public. This sublime work was painted by the eminent American artists Huntington; May, Kile.

Dariry, Crapsey and Prof. Dlrgan, aod 1s acknowledged by leadiug jour nals. by art'sts, ani by eminent Judges to be a superior work of art Tbe coat of tbia gorgeous painting, whirb embraces sixty scenes from the "Glorious Old Dream," was gio.uoo, and has b. en viewed by more than persons in tbe principal cities of tbe Ouion. A descriptive lecture accompanies the Painting.

laV Csrda of admissioo, ro crnia Children and aervants. bait price. Dors open at 7 o'clot k. The Mirror will move at 7Jj precisely. Exbiult'on on Wednesday and Saturday at 1 o'clock.

Uosra open at 12. Liberal arrangements can be made for tbe admission of schools Descriptive pamphlets of this great American Faint ing may be bad at tbe dor price 10 crLta. A HAM. Proprietor. Ft R.

J. GREENWOOD. Manager. iUabie'a Jlenaiterle now on exhibit on on BARON (sE, NEAR POYDRAS STREET, FOR ONE WEEK. ONLY.

gsVOpcn dsily st 2 sod 6 P. M. Admission, sl cents. CLlldren and aervants. rents This Menagtrie rons sts of the largeat collection of eLi mala ever exhibited in this country among which is tbe large white POLAR BK AR.

he only one in Ame rica; also THREE YOL'NU LIONS, six moutbs old. And in connection with this eslabiisbmrht, suxxra charge, can tw MAJOR VERHINES. only to Inches in bein, weighing only JO pounds, and So yean of see. He ts a native of Tennessee, aod is tbe snalleat specimen of bnitiaaity ever wittieMed Also in compaov ts the relehrated band of BDCKLEi 'S 8ERF.N AOEKS, snd no extra rbarse. Fl Iw One Week Only.

TITE PEAK FAMILY. YOCALISTS AND GERMAN BKLL RINGERS, Will give a aeries of BIX CONCERTS, On tbe Bells. Harps. Guitars sod Cremonia, at HALL. Commencing on FRIDAY EVEN ING, February M.

and continue every evening, Sunday excepted, for one week. Tickets cents For sale at the principal muiic stores, aod at the ticket orbce from 10 A. M. until P. M.

each day of concert, when a plan of ball rnay be seen, and seats sec urea wituoui extra cuaigc saTConcert commences at half past 7 oVIork fi W. B. BLA1SDELL. Agent. iini tkt flench irlDI.

moii muiv the celebrated French Giant, 7 feet 8 ii inches birh, has arrived and will bold his levees at tbe USEUM for a few daye, Monv Bib'n is one of tbe largest specimens of the bnman species, of which blstory gives us any account, realises WltO living inrra our uiioi i.iu..i.uv rnnr.r.tmni of the xlantsof famed antiquity. He is uot less remarkable for symmetry of form than extraordinary he 1 gnu Cronr At trnetfansj. THE SMALLEST and TALLEST LADIES IN THE "'ORLD. with the ce'ebrated GEN. GIFFORD.

who Is a man of benti ru I form, and as great a curiosity as tbe far famed 1UJ1 ri JJ. AMERICAN MUSEUM. MB. TANNUCHI has succeeded, at a great expense. In eniaxing Mrs.

Ellen Britfgs and her company, rnnerrt iukof three of tbegreateet HUMAN CURIOSITIES liltas Ellen enter.) 33 years old and mcues mgu a MOREHOSE. is vcars old and 7 feet bixh Gen. A GIFFORD, So yeara old and 40 Inches lugb wbich niay be seen FOR A FEW DAYS, commen cine on 8ATURDA January 7tb, at his Mtiseom Hi ST. CH AKLf.9 ein.ce.1. rnn flrl sCollavva IlalU as TO0N6 MEN'S SOCIETY MASKED AND FANCY DRESS BALLS Fifth aod Last of the A Series, will taxe place on si. Blum, fcj MONDAY, MARCH 19. 1W5. fsssxV. Managers r. E.

Mortimer, H. L. Zebal, R. Larose, T. H.

Hottoo, W. Wilson, E. P. Raresblde, F. F.

Trincbard. J. F. planchard. Thoa.

Taaulno. sxr Gentlemen wishing to procure Ladles' Invitations are requested to send In their names and residences at tbe office of the Ball Room. The Board of Managers will met every Wednesday evening at Tit o'clock, at the orhce of tbe Ball Room. saT No lady a ill be admitted without an Invitation ticket having been approved by tbe Board of Managers. Skr Subscribers' tickets are limited, and to be bad of the Secretary, at tbe office of the Ball atom.

All mssked persons will be requested to unmask before entering the nail room. Tbe last meeting of tbe Managers will take place on Saturday, march lrtn, sncr suiu no utuim i 1 1 syr positively no Gentlemen's tickets can be procured oa tbe night 01 tne pau a fcv.A Vnnov Dress Flrfmsil'a Ilall Will be giver, oy rnuini PAN No. 19, on SDN DAY EVENING, March st ARMORY HALL, Camp streei. managers Mariirny. John LewU, ADCrossman, Beuzeneao, Jsskson, Geot rooan, Garland, rumo, Gen Tracy, Palfrey.

Jobn FarrelL rioor manaeers Wm CoxTOve, Lilly, Hand. Gratlan. Flanagan, Committee of Invitation A Montgomery, McGreevy, A Gleason. Redmond, I. Dasremont, Costeilo, PSweeney, I) Hurley.

McCabe, Comfort, Rusba Ft( td Brown. Waldo. Kennedy, 'Tickets, tl each. Now cn Exhibition Dally. om iriKnrRT is.nrki.Rn aaspxt in tbe Wor girth feet, length of wools feet lncbes; bas taken tbe premium at tbe Crystal Palace, togetnerwitu oujh mix luiimuc swj Admission, so ccniai kitmim FH FIRE.

UMb w.A I mA. svsr at tne annum mtrui tt, der company ro 1. oris on 8 j. Geo. W.

Butler Foreman. J. Gender First Acsistaot Foreman. F. A.

Geiger Second Assistant Foreman. J. Bertel Secretary. B. Dotigart Treasurer.

Cnse. Voebel Stewart. y7tt B. BERTEL. Secretary.

HALL OFTELICAN HOOixANDLAD DER FIRE COMPANY No. 4 new vr Irans. Fsoruary SK, 1H66. ine umoers ana Mem tiers of this Company are hereby noti fieri to attend an adiou'ned called meeting on FRIDAY EVIMMM of A3 arc urxt, as 7 cioca. Punctual attendance la earnestly solicwea.

Attend also monthly meeting, on MONDAY EVE 5ING, at o'clock. Bvirder: im.i...ry. AMERICAN HOOK. AND LADDER FIRE COMPANY No. A Tbe officers and members of tbis company are hereby noti aed to attend tbe regular monthly meeting ta be beld on thuiudai z.

tne imr March, at o'clock. Punctual atteDdaoce Is parti cularly lAqosatAi ir, Sl ssa Aa A At Jvv DUV1 affnglntt Leaaoao. 'r" B. J. M.

WHITE wla takes llmittd namber of pn ails lo Vocalization, inose wisoing tosxracuoa wm se sjpplr st Hewitt's Music store, fll camp street. F7 wcTDrrn bj IgH CO ROOM One large comfortable furaabed QfKt Kritt, tppoftPt PUick1 artll. SPECIAL NOTICES. SaT Messrs. Editors The friends of Judge THOMAS H.

KENNEDY, of tbe Third e'et Court, request you to announce bim as candidate far tbe ASSOCIATE JUDGESHIP of tbe Supreme Court at tbe approaching election to fill tbe vacancy that will occur by tbe expiration of the commiasioa limited to two years by tra cop stitution of tbe State. Tbe District compress Plaque mines, St. Bernard, that portion of tbe perish mt Orleans on tbe right hank of tbe river, and all that portion of tbe city below Julia street including the settlements at tbe Lake. Pw im NEW VARIETIES THEATRE The subscribers for the rebuilding of the late Flecbie Varieties Theatre sre re qflcstrd to meet at half past 7 o'clock on WEDNESDAY EVENING, the SSth lnau. In parlor St.

Charles Hotel. FS7 JACK SON MONUMENT ASSOCIATION. New Orleans, Febuary 1A, ISM. By virtue of a resolution adopted by tbe Jackson Monument Association, PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned until tbe 0th of March next, for tbe erection of an OBELISK, or Shaft, varying in. bright from tilf.ytoone hundred and fifty fret, on the ground recently purchased for the State of Louisiana by the Jack eon Monument Association, and forming a portion of tbe ha' tic held of tbe 8th of January, 1815; sail obelisk, or shaft, tt be constructed nf marble or iron, and tbe propo sals to be accompanied by tbe requisite plana, specifics tions and cost of tbe work.

Tbe sum of one hundred dollars will be awarded as a bonus to tbe party whose plan may be adopted. Proposals to be sent to A. D. CROSSM AN, No 18 Bnr gundy street L. HEfLIGER, Flo Secretary Jackson Monument Associa'ion.

NEW UKLKANS. JACKSON AND GREAT NOK.TH ERN RAILROAD COMPANY New Orleans, February IS, IHA6 Subscribers to the stork of tbis company are hereby notified that an installment of Five percent, wil be due and payable at tbe office of the Company, on THURSDAY, the 8th day of March, 1H6S. By order of the Boird Flft tf JOHN CALHOtJN, Secretary. FRIENDS OF HARMONY LODGE No. bit, F.

aod A. meets every Saturday Evening, at half past 6 o'clock, st the Mssonic Hall, St. Cbarlea street Officers for tbe ensuing year 8. P. Solomon, W.

E. Heidlngsfelder, 8. Alex. Trelford, J. Henry Williams, Treasurer; B.

l)a Sllva, Secretary. Brethren from Sister Lodges are fraternally invited to attend. By order of tbe W. M. Jajl ly B.

DA B1LVA. Secretary. FISK. Fh.eE LIBRARY. NEW ORLEANS ME CHANIC SOCIETY Persons having received books on a deposit from the Free Library will please rat urn them to tbe Librarian, who may be found at any hour at tbe office of Luther Homes, No.

loti 8t Charles street, and receive in rat urn tbe deposits made by them. Donations of books, Ac, will be thankfully received from our liberal citizens, who may feel disposed to assist the Society ta reestablishing this Library. Every effort will be made to open the Library to the poblic at an early day. All communications addressed to tbe dittrrant officers of tbe Society, through the Post Orftce, will be duly at tended to. fJaiti tf) H.

O. AMES. Secretory. gasf At the annual meeting held January lxvi, tbe following ladies were elected Directresses of tbe 8t Anna's Asylum, comer of Prytaiiiaand St. Mary's streets, for the year I8AA: Mrs.

A. M. Caruthers, President, 37 Rampart street; Mrs. James Clarke. Vice President, x.

Barnnne Street; Mrs. E. B. Srnedee, Treasurer, Camp street Mrs. M.

R. Stuart, Secretary. lls Annunciation street. DIRECTRESSES: Mrs. E.

Learock, o7 Rampart atreet; Sirs W. L. Poole, 4n Magazine atreet; Mrs Cbarlea Briggs, corner of Pry tania and Third street; Mrs. G. C.

Duncan, 154 Canal street; Mrs. N. M. Nugent, Ninth near Prytania street Mrs. N.

J. Pegram, lf Erato street Mrs. E. D. Hyde, 4M Magazine street; Mrs.

C. Toby, corner Prytania and First streets Mrs 8. Giden. corner Constance and Robin 1 Mrs. 8.

H. Turner, corner Washington and Third street; Mrs. W. J. Dewey, South stnet near St.

Charles; Mrs. Ed. Parmele, corner Coliseum and Mary's streets Mrs. Asbbridge. 1ft Prytania street; Mra.

J. Wright. Canal street: Mrs. Richard Cbar'es. St.

Charles street near li volt Circle; Mrs. U. T. Lonsdale, Bartuolemew at near Camp atreet. Annlw a'ion ran be made bv tbe friends of tbe Insttro tion to aoyiof tbe above named Ladies for admission into toe Asylum of deserving ooiet ta 01 ensnty.

onrmm1 hull Corner of Live Oak and Seventh streets. Fourth District. President, Mrs. salt a Kcss, Residence, corner Race cad Pacsaler streets. OmmiiiM on Ch'ldreai Mrs.

Thomas 1 residence Oranire atreet. opposite Annunciation Square. Mra. H. H.

HsnseU, residence. Felicity Road, head of Camp street. Mra, R. L. ttooertaoa, Casacal vostreet, nearPont cbarrtraln Railroad.

010 OalEWMEN iiCNEVOLENT ASSOCIATION sami. er. a'sa. rmiueaii 1 ii sideat; Cbaa. Crosman, td Vice President; John Spencer, K.

S.i Win. Beatty, F. Henry Bier, Treasurer. Regular meeting every Monday at 7 si P. tbslr Hall, cor RADhl' AMU HANTS' 1N1ELLIGENCE OF riCE, No.

Crescent lnaurancs Buildings, Camp street rorner Commercial Places It Is particularly requested tbat those persona who may have but latelv located them eia tn Me Orleans, those who locate here durlas tbe business season, who may havanotea doe la Bank, or wbo may expect drafts oa toem lor acceptance, or who arc likely to have goods directed or consigned to them, will piesie lease tueir aaaress as ace boots omct. or aodreas torooga toe rner uniff. mn.u oa it PUBLIC NIGHT SCHOOLS. FIRST D18TMCT Tbe T.l.t acnoola will be opened from Monday nlsht, Novem ber for tbe benefit of residents of tbe First District, wbo are prevented by some useful employment from attending tbe day schools The Male Department will be located In tbe Marshall School House, bt. Mary street.

Between Jans ana wiroa, ander rbarse of Messrs. Harbv and Mead. The Female Department, In Franklin School House, St. Cbarlea street, under cuarge of nti. toxit By order of tbe School BoaM JAMES BEGGS, Secretary.

WANTS. WANTED A sit oat ion ss Cook, by woman, wbo rau be wed recoinmeni r.otefoVrs at thle oth' e. a resoeefab imended. Apply I FiT it 1 1 a 7AMTF.D A unrulier of Milliners; also, two romie VV tent Young Ladies to atteud store. Apply at No.

11 CPBrtres streei. r.v ji 111 ANTED A Situation To Hotels and Koardiof House Keepers A widow laiy from the North, but wbo bas resided some years at the Soutb, aod is arelima .1 r. I 1 nn Hli. 1. witb tak'ug care of the linen department, but would bare no objection to ni ling any position where sue could maze herself useful.

inquire 01 FiA I lit F. 8. BLOUNT, Mobile. lfANTED An experienced oh keepefl wbo can Yv beat of reference, wishes a situation in some extensive commission or jooomg house, auarcaa nox Picayune otflce 17 ANTED Iwobrst rate Miliiuers, at No. xxn Camp street, corner of Julia street.

PIS Tt Mrs. McENANY WANTED A gentleman from a town of tbe interior, a eU r. vmau. and but latelv a orinciDal of a floar isbicc blub school, bavins lost bis voire, wishes, witb comnaratlrelv eood health remainins. to be employed in some useful cailinx, in wbicb whispering will take tbe place of talkiug.

Employment 111 the cause of religion ta preferred, vr ritrs lor be prers. can tie a copyist, ooox keeper, Ac Please address Kusrtcus, Iew Orleans. Flo lut I lAMEu A lady, who lias Lad mush experience in teacotnr, wistiea a situation ss uoveruess ina rauiiiy Her course of Instruction comprises Eng'iab and French wbich languages slie speaks. and music. Unexceptionable reference con be g.ven.

Addresa Picayune orhce. Fl4' ANTED A COOK A first rate Woman Cook is vv wanted immedintely.at73 Rampart street. Colored preferred. None but the best need apply. Ja2x tf WANTED A lady wishes a sltuatiou aa English Teacher in a family, or to form a claaa of a limited number of pupils, either in tbe city or country.

8 lie ll aiso instruct thoroughly in tbe rudiments of music, and give lessons to begiontrs on the piano and guitar. Apply at this office, or address Miss V. Post OA re. References Dr. Mercer, Dr.

G. W. Campbell, Martin Gordon, Jr. Ja7 tf Planter I'laatei I OO BBL8. Plaster, Wotherspoons brand, now land lOO ing snd forsa'eby Fct IT WM.

i. DEWEY, US rsvlar street. ENGLISH CANNEL COAL fiou bbla. English Caunel Ej Coal, Wigan mines, an article warranted superior to any imported tbia season, now landing ex snip meridian and lor sale in quantities to suit, delivered, oy ts st JA8 N1MICK. liw Gravier street.

Conl at Kednped I'rlcen. 1YTE bave now landiue. st the foot of St. Joseph street. VV a boat load of superior Pittsburg Coal, fresb from the mines, which we are delivering at tne reduced price of 7 cents per Parrel, oy tne cart load.

Also, cnguso Cannelatai 36 per barrel. Orders received at the Yard, ft 2 Camp street, or 77 rjravier street Fift flMp MORTIMER TURNER A CO. BRICKS. SAND, LIME, Ac luO00 Paving Bricks; luo.ouO Building Bricks; 3 i.oon Country Bricks; 300,000 English Fire Bricks 10,110 Cold Spring Fire Bricks; 10.UO Peniacola Fire Bricks; ttxi.uru Biioxi Fire Bricks; 100 barrels fire Clay if 0 barrels Thomaston Lime SuO Piaster; Mm barrels Cement 1,000 barrels White Sand I fin) barrels Yellow 8and 3O0 barrels White Shells; Latba: ino sncss Plastering Hair for sale by JOHN C. STEWART, us Gravier street, tili 3t and Julia Street Landing, New Basin.

COAL, WOOD, Ac Pittsburg Coal. In bulk and In hogsheads i English Cannel Coal, Anthracite Coal Charcoal, in buk. in bosxbeads and in sacks Oak, Asb and Pine Wood, of tbe best quality, delivered In quantities to suit purchasers, at tne lowest rates, by JOHN C. STEWART, i Gravier street. Frv SO and Julia Street Land or.

New Basin. xJoa! ftllnlnaT Office of tbe Illinois Central Rai.road Company, Cblcaeo. Jannarv a. i860. 1 NOTICE is hereby given tbat tbe company is prepared to make mining contracts st a specific price per ton, with parties disposed to get out coal from tbe Duquof n.

or any other coal lands owned by tbem. These mining rights. with the special tariff of transportation on coal, recently adopted by tbe Board, will enable or eratora to em bark in a iarge ana xjmistng cosiness with small capital. for rartner iniormsuon, sppty st tne omce 01 tne com peny, in Cbicago, to B. B.

A SON Superintendent. For fur ber info mation, apply 1 1 ror runner 1 24 3dplm 1 LLIAH HEWES. Transportation of Coal. NOTICE TO COAL MINERS. Illinois Central Railroad Office, I Chicaro.

Dec 13. ISM. THE Executive Conrmlttee of tne Ilitnoia Central Railroad Company, bave passed the following reso lution Resolved, Tbat the company win charge for three ears, tl 7 per ton for tbe transportation of coal from )u Ouoln to Cairo (74 a.lies.1 aod fto per ton from JJe Soto to Cairo, (01 milea 1 The company will place conve nlentalde tracks para'lel to tbe company's main track at each of tbeaa stationa. foe tbe exclusive service of tbe coal bnsiaezA Tbe parties transporting coal will load their ears aai make uu trains in readiness for theenxine. The company will place a side track at Cairo for the suit able accommodation for tbe discbarge of tbe coal.

Tbe company will agree ta return ten per cent, of the freight paid to any company ercanized for tbe coal business, wbs actually transport and pay tariff rates oa 100.000 toss, or 1 ,0,. upward, wiluiu lucre jews uuau wu i For further Information, address Cbarlea M. Da I'cy. Chicago, or B. MASON, Superintendent, for inrtner lni.irmaaon, sppiy Fts Ddplm HEWF8.

r.nb: Fninlfv Baronche and Horse. ATX A good secowd fcand Cab. also a Family Ea AiTTl1! with four eeata, ana a fine Harness snd SAe mi. en M. .1 Ma.

IM Jackson street, between Roman and Prleur streets, riea. Itiatrict. For taraaa. sac Bnolv at Ho. Comsaext Self "fmy TFT l'1" alia AltMS bualaaa.

One 7 witb a capital of oue or two thousand dollsra, who is a competent draggist and rbrmist, by applying to Box with the letter A L. Post Olkc, Texas, can beat of the particulars as slo oy 11 Nn i i orbce sf the Picayune. A fair chance for a splendid bos. ness. F.7 tf AUCTION SALES "Hay Hay.

BT OS. PHY NEV1US WUI be sold at auction en WEDNESDAY. nSfh at It o'clock on the I evee, opposite Post 44. First District, by order and under the inspection of the Portwardens, for account of whom tt may concern, and to be continued natti closed lao ba'ee Hay, more or leas damaged per ship T. 8.

Farley, on her voysge to this port safe Terms Cash. ygg Sale of Soaauntmble Dry (Jaaxls. Spool of Cotton, Ginehsms, Ac. BY BLACHE A LEAUMONT. Auctioneers WUI be sold at auction on WEDNESDAY, loth at 10 o'slock, at tbeir auction rooms, 77 Cherrree street ocases of superior white Spool Cotton; 4 cases tine Madras Handkerchiefs; I case Muslin Dresses.

An sssortment of seasonable Dry Goods, such ss Batiste Ginghams. Cotton Checks. Muslins, Colored Cambrics, Striped Gingham, Colored Cottonadea, Merino Undershirts, Silk Cravats, Bareges, Wbite Cambrics, Furniture Prints, Blue Check, Tspe Checks, Hsmilton Ticking, English snd Philip Allen's Prints, Muslin Curtain, Arabia. Linen Drillings, Grass binens. Sleeves, Chemisettes, Bayadere Roots, Wolfe and Colored Mueliua.

Also A large Invoice or black and whit Lace Bobblnet, F7 Scotch 1'lg Iron. BY R. B. BYKES. Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on WEDNESDAY, the i'h Inst at lot, o'clock, at Na 46 Magazine street, for account of whom it may con cern 26 tons Scotch Pig Iron.

BW Terms Cash. F7 einlentlid Furniture Sale. Fasblonab'e Mahogany and Black Walnut, (Nearly New BY GARDNER SMITH, Auctioneer Office, 7 Com mercial Place ill be sold at auction on WEDNESDAY, HKtb inst, at 10 o'clock, at No. 31. Camp street.

Tbe entire contents of that extensive building know aa Desoau's Veranda consisting In part of Fasblonab'e Mahogany Bedsteads, Armoirs, Marble top Bureaus, WsshJ stands and Tables Sofas, Dtvtiis, Rocking, Easy and Par lor Chairs; Black Walnut Bdsttals, Armoirs, Marble top Bureaus, Waabstands and 8 11 hoard; Dining, Arm and Chamber Cane Scat Chairs; Frat ber Beds and Pillows, Moss Mattresses. Ac Carpets and Oil Cloth, Curtains, Ac. Cornices, Fine French Plate Mirrors, Time Pieces. Mantle Ornaments, Parlor and Hail Lamps; Plated, China, Glass and Crockery Ware; one large steamboat Cooking Stove and nxtorca complete, with cepscity to cook for two or three hundred persons, and a general assortment of Kitchen Furniture. Also one tine Rosewood Piaao.

Also at 1 o'clock precisely, the unexpired term of lease, say from tbe 1st of March to the 1st of November. er Conditions Casta. Fu I ts 1 1 Boxen iTlnnufacturcd Tobacco. BY MOKPHY ANEVIL'S. Will be sold at auction on WEDNESDAY.

JMth inst, at 10 o'clock, at Messrs. ills A Rawlins's. Agents for Virginia Manufactured To bacco, corner of Gravier and Tcucupitoulae sheets imJ boxes Virginia Manufactured Tobacco, choice brands, consisting of pounds, half pounds, fa, hs and If. Terms Under Ji. cash; to liil, fuurmocths; over tluoo, six months, for approved paper.

Flo 1 1 urn and houldera. BY J. L. CARMAN A Auctioneers Will be sold at auction on THURSDAY, March 1st, at 11 o'clock, at No. 60 Magazine street 17 casks Shoulders; 9 casks Hams.

FiS Knrnlture Fnrnltnre. BY R. M. MONTGOMERY Auctioneers Will be sold at auction, on THURSDAY. 1st March, at 11 o'clock, at tbe Old Auction Matt, 87 Camp street A large assortment of new and second band Furniture, comprising Mahogany and Walnnt Bedsteads, Armoirs.

Bureaua, Waahatanda. Sofas, Lounges; Centre, Card and lining Tardea; Bpring aeat Chairs, Rockers and Easy Chairs. Curtains, Carpets, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Bedding. Cooking Stoves, ILltcben Furnitnse, Ac gatr Terms Cash. Tin floe I'nrlor Furniture.

BY R. M. MONTGOMERY A Auctioneers Will be sold at auction on FRIDAY, tbe ad March, at o'clock, at the old Auction Mart. 7 Camp atreet Onesuperb Rosewood Prlor Set, Crimson Bracatelle; two Mahogany In bair cloth four sets Painted Cham ber Furuitmr. taf Cash rr approved city acceptance.

Fj itiiiliostnny Furniture. BY MORFHY A NKVI0S, Auctioneers Will be sold at auctioi, on FRIDAY, xd March, at o'clock, at Apolo street, on account of tbe parties declining liouaekeepin A lot of Slabogany Parlor Dining Room Furniture, Bed steads, Bu'eaus, VI ashstaods. Chairs, CarpetsBeddiiig, Rilchen Furniture. Ac, all nearly new. Terms Cash.

Fi Hi lit Boxes Tobucco. BY MORPHY A Nr.VIUS. Auctioneers Will be sold st auction on WEDNESDAY. 7th March, at 10 o'clock, at Messers. Wilts A Rawlins's, agents for Virgi ma Manufactured Tobacco, corner of Gravier and Tcbou pi too i as streets 1C4'.

boxes Virginia Manufactured Tobacco, choice brands, consisting ol pounds, balf pounds, oa, es ard ls. saT Terms Utder rash to four months; over glooi, six months, for approved puper. Yellow itletnl. BTS.B. 8YH.ES, Auctioneer Will beaold at auction on THU8DAY, 1st March, at 4 o'clock, at the Louisiana Dry Dock, Algiers, for account of whom it may concern Boon lbs.

Yellow Metal, more or less. Stripped from ship Elizabeth, undergoing repairs. Usr Terms Cash. Tn Itsi kuwut, Doctor' Phaeton and Ituggy. BY J.

L. CARMAN A CO Auctioneers Will be sold at auction on SATURDAY, March 3d, at 1 o'clock, at No. oo Magazine street, iu front of Banks's Arcade A one hotee Rockaway, or Standing Top Cab Oue Doctor's Pbneton, standing top; One tine Boggy Wagon, without top; All new and tine hnish. asT Terms Cash. FJA Furnitures At.

Succession of Judali Barrett. BT GARDNER SMITH, Aoiaisajj 4Jui.js usw mrrcml Place will be told on THCRbDAY, Marcb 1st. at 11 fh'clork, at No. 3I customhouse street tbe iQve Succession, as per supplementary order of the Hon. J.

I. i.ea. juoge or the second utstric Court fur the parish of Orleans, dated January, lK' 5, and to me dlrected IsT Conditions Cb. FlQ S8 mbl iTlenblf M. Succession de Judab Barrett.

DA It GARDNER SMITH, Encanteur Bureau. Place Commerclale, No. 7 11 sera vendo, JEUD1, Ire Mara A II heuree du matin, dana la rue de la Douane. No. Dl vera articles de Meubles de roaiaon, lea erlets de la dite anccssion.

romme car I'ordre aupplrmeiitaire de 1 honor able J.N la Deuxieme Cour de District de la rsouvelle Orleans, tlate Janvier, looo.eta moi aa or esse. Saw Ternies Argent comptant. rsi xn I George Harvey. Edwin H. bedon.

Aartioa Ilooao lo Ht. L.oul I7Io. TTARVEY A WHEDON, Auctioneers, Na Main A A atreet. We attend personally to tbe sales ol every description of merchandise consigned us to be sold at auction, and from our lone exoeneuce In tbe auction business, and hav ing he advantage of a good market st sll seasons, trust tbat we can render entire satiafactlon to all who may wish to fsvor us with consignments. gatr Returns of sales made and proceeds remitted promptly in all cases.

I 3m tUNDRlES Rio Ctitiee 1600 bags Prime, exibips Hamilton, Tor ry, ana ranamA Crush, d. Powdered and Loaf Sugar COO packages, Lot erir.e's. Raisins icoo boxes, Soo balf da, 500 quarter Bunch and Figs too drums and half drums fresb Smyrna. A I in onds 300 bales Tarragons. Goshen Butter firxins choice Yellow Goshen.

Co.iruhl. bnlf drums, quarter 100 100 lb boxes, 6oo Quarter do. Herrings lfioo boxes Magdaline. Luhec Scaled and Extra ALocXtrel 60 hole. ro loo hail, so quarter, uuu aits.

160 bbla Na 3. joo balf. loo quarter. do. no bbla la ge No.

3, 100 half, 60 kits Family. .100 bills. Shore No. 3, 0 balf do. Tickled Herrings lOu bbls.

Roe, 76 bbla. Dry 81 ted. t'Lerry Biaody 30 balf bbla, very Bl Carb Soda im keas Newcastle. Pickles 10 bbla, 16 half da, 34 kegs, 300 cases gallons, bai da, quarter ca Poucbons Teas 600 half chests. Gulnare brand.

Imperial Teas Chests, half 18 11 A lb. boxes bt pec sages, ludigo 6 cases Manilla Nutmegs wsj pounds No. I. Pimento lo bales Mexican. Cloves 16 bales IW atehea is eaaea.

fain trnu rnanrf aiwwlen hovea Soap looo boxes Winchester and Livermore'a No. 1 and family. Gouley's Bitters 3S rases, SOcaiea New York. English Dairy Cheese 36 boxes, landing. Sperm Candles 100 boxes New Bedford.

Whale Oil 36 bbls. Winter Refined. Hermetically Sealed Articles, vix Lobsters. 1 and lb. cans.

Green corn. Clams. Soup, Bouilie, Ac Landing and for aaie by JOS. H. MARR3 A CO F7 ft 76 and 78 Magazine street Information Wanted OF CATHARINE CHA FT, residing In this city.

It would be highly gratifying to the partiea interested if her address be given to the Picayune office, or a letter addressed to JOHN AA WELL, of htr whereabouts, and dropped In the rost Orbce at this place. Jo 3t Tl MURPHY'S Keflfnurnnt nnd Oyafer Hotel, sa aua iw si. nariee street. Is now cpen for tbe reception of visitors. FISH, GAME, and ail tbe delicacies of the season, served up in tne most approvea style and anortcst no, ice aiaii Deurs.

Just receivedValot of fine OYSTERS, fat and salt Fin 10m IT RICHARD MURPHY, CHICKEU1NG and NUNNS A CLARK produce decidedly the beat PIANOS made in this country, and eaual to any from abroad. At tbia time foraale. all tbe varieties from tbrse two justly celebrated establishments. Fs3 ot HENRY PARSONS, 13 Camp atreet lmuortant. XTOTICE issiven to Dr.

J. OTTO C0RBETT. that bv 1 calling oa STEPHEN 8. HEBDRICKSON, on board of tne steamboat norma, fnooiie. Aiaoama.

ne will re ceive a letter of great importance. riorida papers please copy. ri1 3tw Klrtr Dollara Keward. CTOLF.N. from the office of the subscriber, a MAH0G ANY CASE, contalnlnx a Gun.

havinx two sets of douoie Dai re is, viz: one set oi smootn Dorrs, is gauge, aod one set of rifle barrels, Na 30; together with cleaning rod, powder flass, shot pouch, nipple screws, and ail other implements usual in completely lurmsoea una cases, lbe maker name. Dooley. Liverpool." is ens raved on the gun, and also pasted in tbe inside of the lid of tbe case. Tbe above reward will be paid to any person returning tne aame to tne owner, or to tne omce of tne picayune. GEORGE ARNOLD HOLT, Fi" Mt 3t Carondelet street.

FH. P. WERLEIN. Noa 6 aod vsaiCanip street, ia constantly receivlujCne lAHUa, from notion ana nrw xorx makers which for Qdalitv of tone and a oeri or worxmansnip. aa wcu aa out.

ward finish, cannot be excelled. Bayer! are respectfully invited to examine these instru ments. Everything In tb musical Hoe can be found here. Pianosand other instruments tuned snd repaired. Homeopathic Books and Medicioes tor sale here.

F7 Jd PH. P. WERLEIN. tJodflrth (JosUlah. LANDfJTG ex snips Zephyr, Linda, Amazon, and Northern Chief 160 drams, halves and quarters, large and medium; 100 boxes, loo pounds each, to boxes, 60 pounds each, J000 quarter boxes For sale by J.

H. CARTER A Fi3 T5 and 16 Common street. Cauarv Mima far raJe. On Pcrdido street, one door from St. Cbarlea street.

Just fmoorted from Eurooe. a choice collection nt CANARY BIRDS, wbicb will be sold at mod; we prices Pt ANTHRAC1TE COAL uoo tooaoa board ship Hartley, Irons PsUladalplua, for sals by I. MX. loBosuraa ss If tf rnrmn IS aa ig. is BY BEARD MAY.

Hnceeaalaa of Dr. Janeo H. Coestraae. J. A.

BEARD A MAY J. A. Beard. Auctioneer Will be sold on THURSDAY, March 11 o'clock, at the office, 110 SL Cbarlea near Lafayette Square, by and In pursuance of an order of tbe Hon. J.

N. Lea, Judge of the Second District Court of tbe city of New Orleans, dated February 17, I8M, tbe following personal property, belonging to the estate of the lata Dr. James zt. Cochrane, deceased, to wit A Horse sod Buggy, Medical and Mixes llanaous Libra ry. Instruments, Book Case, Ac SaT Terms Cash fjg Bale or Louisiana rslaveo.

From Sugar Plantations on tbe Coast, by Consent of Parties BEARD A MAY J. A. Beard, Auctioneer be old at auction, on TUESDAY, 6th March, at 1 clock, at Banks's Arcade, on Magazine street, with out reserve 1. William, aged i years, a No. 1 Held band and axeman; 8.

Bush, aged 81 years, an extra No. i bouse servant and dining room man 17. Na 1 Held hand and axeman i 4. Violet, seed S7, Na 1 Held band 6. aod Child, I year.

One family. Jack, aged I. No. I field band and axeman T. Betsy, aged 1, No.

1 field hand 8. and Child, 1 year. One family. 9. Dolly, aged 31, No.

1 field haudi la and Child, i years. One family. 11. Maria, aged 21, No. 1 beld band; 12.

and 13, and two Children. One family. 14. Louisa, aged SO, No. 1 field band 15.

and Child, 1 year. One Family. It. Ellen, aged 33, sister to Maris, No. 1 field hand i 17.

and Child. One family. IS. Martha, aged go, No. 1 field band i l'j; and SO, and two Children.

One family, at. Margaret, aged 34, No. 1 field band; A and S3, and two Children. One family. 24.

Rosetta, aged 38, an excellent cook, tc s. Lewis, aged 30, No. 1 field hand Abraham, aged .14. Na I field band 37. Margaret, aged 2H, cook, washer and lroner, very likely, and two children 28.

Bam, aged 19, No. 1 field band so Jack, aged 2H, fine carriage driver and ostler; 30. London, 43. field band xi. Jobn Burnea, aged 30, No.

1 field band; 32. Jim, aged 37, field band and rough blacksmith 33. Walter, aged 30, field hand 34. Mineera, aged lt, field baud 36. Matilda, aged field hand and child jn.

Isabel, aged 18, field band; 37. Suian, aged 3ri, field baud, good cook, wazbsr and ironer; 8. Racbel, aged field band, good cook, washer and ironer SS. Betsy, aged 30. good house servant.

39 Old Tom, aged 4A, bouse man. The above 8lave are fully guaranteed against the Tlces and maladies prescribed by law. Terms of Sale. One year's credit for city paper, either endorsed or accepted, to be approved by vendors, tbe said notes to bear interest of 6 per cent.1, per annum from date; to maturity, and If not then paid 8 per cent, until final payment. Acts of sale before T.

O. Stark and Wm. Shannon, Notaries at the expense of purchasers. No Slaves to be delivered until the terms of sale are complied witb. Pxa Valuable Warehouse and on Tcboupi'oolas Street, by Consent of Parties and With out Reserve.

BY J. A BEARD A MAY. J. A. Beard, Auctioneer Will be soli at auction, on SATURDAY, 3d March, at 11 o'clock, 'at Banks's Arcade, on Magazine street A certain valuable Warehouse and Smokehouse on Tcboupitoulas street, between Julia and St Joseph streets.

The lot measurea about 63 feet front on Tcboupitoulas, by about 146 feet, between parallel lines. The Buildings were erected inloM.snd built in tbe mast substantial manner, and of tbe best materials, and comprise a two story brick Warehouse, and a two atory Smokehouse, and before it was built, at to P. Cooke A Co. Terms One third cash, balance at 1 and 3 years credit, for notes bearing morigage on tbe property, witb interest of 6 per cent per annum, from date to maturity, and if uot then pail 8 per cent, per annum until paid. Acts of sale before T.

O. Stark. N. at the expense of toe pure oasees. Tbe Iniprovemen'seo be Insured, and the Policy trans ferred to tbe holders of the cotes F23 1 ND1A BAGGING Extra heavy fsr sale by BlUTll A COOPER.

3t Iom Trboupirouiae street. UNNY BAGS 1x6 bales heavy torsaie by nail rrt tuui'CK, 3t im Tchou litoulas st'eet. FC6 I bales American Navy and extra brands fur sale by SMITH A COOPER, loy Tcboupitoulas street. WHlTE I.EaD 63 tons Union manufacture lu sorted packages, from 36 to 6 vTb, for sale by SMITH A COOPER. FJS 3t 1" Tcboupitoulas street.

MA. NILLA AND TARRED CORDAGE A g.od as sortment, landing and for sale by oji 1 1 ri a. Luortu, K'j Tcboupitoulas street. INSEED OIL Englub Boiled and Raw. for aaie hy lj Bxiin tuursn, FiS 3t iw Tcboupitoulas street.

ORAZ1ERS' COPPER i 'IB assorted 10, il and 131b, 11 for sale by rll ll A luurt.K, PsA 3t lie Tcuoupitoulas street r1 1 IN PLATE boxes Charcoal brands, for sale by SMITH A COOPER, Fid 3t Tcboupitoulas street I R. GIltsN. autuorof "Gunn'a Domestic Medi cine." OrHce Na 108 Common street, opposite the ladies1 entrance of tbe St. Charles Hotel. i i J.

8. Ktiapp, D. D. 19., DENTIST, 'Bio. loBaronne streeet.n ear Canal street, Jal4 adpdAWtf TO RENT Store No.

Canal street Fixtures for sale suitable for immediate occupation as a dry goods store. Apply to oi. Zfc. saudlsii sr. Fifi tf 1T 108 Csnal street.

Keinhnri Brothern, New York and New Orleans, 7 Coi.ti street, JAVE just received, by the ship Dtlpliof, sud offer for pounds prime Swiss Cheese luial pounds prime Illinois Cheese; i kegs Dutch Herrings; '30 bbls. German Sauerkraut and Pickles. And they expect, by steamer Cr scent City 13 bbla best DusseMorf Mustard; bbls. best Creole Mustard 80 kegs Swedish Anchovies, a ox fines berbes. Notice.

ONE of tbe heirs of EL.IZA PROCTOR will give a suitable reward for information of tbe person who alvrrtised for said belrs some seven years since, in tbis city, by spplication at 37 Front street. New Orleans. Fin at b'l RM1SHED Al'ARTMEN TS To rent, a suite of Rooms, in Canal street, rousistitig of Parlor, Dining Ro.ime, two Bed Rooma and three Gallery Rooms, one of wbicb has been fitted up hy the present occupant aa a kitchen. The altuation, and everything else of these rooms, is meat desirable, anil an opportunity of obtaining a residence iu a central locatiou, sucb as seldom occurs, is cow offered. Possession can be given at a few days no 'A'idress Box 7'i, Post Office.

'7 St Carriage larriau f. 7. The subscribers bave on hand an extensive Phaefona and Bossies, of the latest stvle. Also, all kinds of Harness, wbicb will be dupuscd of low, for cash, city acceptance, or approved paper. J.

A. LDM ft F37 6m 113 Gravier and 13 Onion streets. Boots, Shoes and Drogtana. We bave now landing from ships Lorenzo and m. Marv Ward, a orime and aeneral assortment of seasonable 'goods In the above line, suitable for tbe city and county trade.

They are fur sale on acsonimodating terms at the lowest market price by FELT A REED. F36 eit evs Gravier street, opposite Bank Place. Ileal lilMtate on ttampart street. MOne two story brick Dwelling House, and two story back buildings, now in complete order, at an expense of ai.too. ierms $7000.

half cash, balance at one year, with 7 percent. Also Tbe brick one story Dwelling House.meaturing, Frenefa, 04 feet, running to the next street. For sale by GEO. W. PBiTCHARD, General Broker, M2 Camp street.

Also a onaee of Qrnnnd in Greenville, directly opposite the topping place, and near tbe beautiful residence of Q. Ho teiios, sq. ror terms appiy to F3 6t GEO. W. PRITCHARD OFFICE OF STATE TAX COLLECTOR, Parish of Jefieraon.

La. VHiTICE la hereby given, tbst the State taxea for the it year 184, on property located within tbia parish, are now due and payable at this office, at the town of Carroll. ton. opposite the Court House, from 10 o'clock A. M.

to r. st. jurtn u., state xax tjotiector, F17 aot 1 Palish of Jetferson. To Nervous Sotferers.

YR. E. WILLIAMS, a retired physician, possesses a pre script ion that has proved eflectoal in rettoridg to health in a few days, after yean of sufteiinc from ceneral nervous debility. Numerous persons are anxious to make known the meana ol cure, and win aena free, anywnere, pn receiving a letter post paid. Beware of spurious imi tations.

Direct to Dr. EDWARD WILLIAMS. F34 IRt 19 Fulton street, Brooklyn, New York. ACR.EREL Landing fiom ship North America, brig i ix. Florentine, aao in store 100 bbia Na Large.

160 bbla Na 3 Medium. 200 bbis. Na 3 Small. 100 bbla Na Medium. 60 bbla Na 1 Large.

160 balf bbls. Noa 1, 3 snd 1 100 quarter bbla Noa. 1 and A 400 kits Noa 1 and 3. so kits a 1 Mess. For tale by J.

H. CARTER ft E34nt 13 and 15 Common st. No Cash Payment. Valnabl Pronertv at a low nrice. entirelv on eredlL THE subscribers can sell, on liberal credit, two valuable LOTS OF GROUND, on tbe corner of Tcboupi toulas and Richard street, upon which (being out of the fire limits) three cceap frame tenements can be erected.

Beine verr near tbe river, and both streets beine paved. Laose wbo are prepared to improve tbia property at a moderate outlay, need not be told tbat they have a tare chance lor advantageous iriTeetmen WrlAfUEzl Ac HUHAE, Brokers, to lot 6 Bsnk Place. ORaZlERa' COPPER S3 cases assorted, ilo, il and i for aaie oy bojui wuuraa, JaSH st iim rcnospiuraws iuvck I)AIS1N8 1.6C0 boxes halves and quartera. A 1 layer, lor sale oy iiiu Fi0 at I3V. 141, 143 anu in magazine arreet Notice.

rpAX PAYERS of the city of Jefferson (foimerly known I as Booliaovl will find It very much to their advan tage to call on ins undersigned before pay ine their taxes now due juu. zs. Ja3u tf 7 Commercial Place. Kailroad Iron. T7OR sale krw, 46 bars IRON, aooot 11 feet lonaaoa A in Cuatsaa Bouse stores.

For terms, apply to JS34 J. P. WHITNEY A CO. si lamp atreet. xrra xseio.

vv. osuiszi. arrjxtixai, AS returned to the city and will attend to tbe duties avr 3 I of nis profession as usual, limes and residence, cor SJaroaaeiev ana nevia screera iiesu ON Monday Blgbt. at ee near the Orleans Theatre, lam sixad OPERA LASS. In a black case.

Ten dollars reward iriU be paii for it, oa delivery at the City Hotel. sis tXZ ZA. fiaXCS aa tbe Bank of Kentucky and Branches, log sale at UVVifsiLn as X.U. sUVsA SS. aV a fW 101 MARINE NEWS.

PICA OH at OFFICII, February ts, CLEARED YESTERDAY. Ship Bnmner. Golding, Antwerp. Whitney fteo Ship A Farwell; Crocker. Liverpool, Creevy A Farwell hip earsanre, Perkins, Liverpool, Asbbridge Aco Ship Baits, Healey, Havre; Baxter Ship Agamemnon.

Goodwin, Havre, Meeker Aco Ship Denmark, Lut he J. Boston, Creevy A Farwell oara ralniooaut, nantx. Creevy ft Farwell Brig Zeno. Gflcbrirt, ew Fork, Master Brig Elizabeth Boardman, Alexandla, Vs. R.

Rarriann Aco Schr Gov Anderson. Wilson, Key West, Bsrelli Aco Scbr Star, Burns. Pensacola. Hurley Aco Schr Josephine, Valverde, Mobile, Newton A Family ABJBJVED. Steamship Crescent City, MrGowsn, frn New York, 17th inst, via navana rcoinst, to Jennings, Laugbland A co id district.

8teamsbip Mexico, Lawless, fm InvdUnola via Galveston tn inst, to name at morgan jar. district. Ship Rockaway, Goodwyn, fm Livfuvpool loth Jan, to mrrm aco ia( umrirk Bark Baxter, 66 days im Rio de Janeiro, to master 1st district. Bark Isanella. Tufts, Ym Rio de Janeiro Sd Feb, to master 1st district.

Brig Col Coggins, (new) Coggins, fm Blue Bill, Me, ta Green. Hardin Aco 1st Schr A Pbaro, Falkenburg. days fm Gslveston, in bal last, to uaeier ist uisiricr. Br Scbr Mary, Stevens, fm Belize, Honduras. 7th inst, via Ruatan island to Avet 3d district.

Schr Brazos, Judge, fm the Coast, to master 3d district. LAXX SCHOONKBS KBTVT BAJIIf. Liberty, Melon, fm Bonfeuca. Jamea A Eliza, 8teel, fm Biioxi. Jed Davia, fm Biioxi.

Arsane. Cooper, fm Madiaonville. STXAJIKBS. Capitol, TJre, fm Bayon Sara Empire, Meekin, fm Louisville. Empire State, Stein, fm Cincinnati.

JnoS Pringle, Stoops fm 8t Louis. Planter. Phelrs, fm Yazoo City. Powell, Martin, fm Alexandria. Downa, Fort Adams.

Florida. Grant.Tm Mobile. Towboat Conqueror, Browo. fm tbe Passes towed down aud ro sea un inst. ships Anna and St John bro't nn ahm Kockawav and irh.

A Towboat Yankee. Flinton. from tbe Passes towed down An sua 7.4 matt sti'iln A. as so Clark and schr Mary Caroline brougnt up harks and Isabella, brig Col Coggens snd scbr Mary. Below Comlnar On.

Shin Richmond, fm Boston, to Hynson Aco, Br Ship Liverpool. EXPORTS. ANTWERP Ship Sumner 38S0 bales cotton. Krt hhds tobacco, 13 bases beinp, 4.0 staves, ft pkgs nirUe. ia fccruuxe ouip A ra iven 3447 bales cotton.

40W) stavea LI ERPOOL snip Kearaarge 3116 bales cotton. HAVRE Ship Baden 37'. bales cotton, too tcs 83ft bbls 99 kgs lard, 1163 bbls molasses, 60 do pork, 59 eki bones, 33 po snouiaer, ss oioea HAVRE Ship Aramemnon 34S9 bales cotton. BOSTON SUip Denmark IKOd bales cottou. PAIMBQIUF Bark Laurens 1421 bales cotton, 1320 SUvea NEW YORK Brig Zeno 1018 bbls molasses.

ALEXANDRIA Brig Elizabeth 2M hhds sugar, 300 bbls molasses. KEY WEST Schr Goa Anderson 317 bbls and 38 hf bbls flour, 20 do bread. 36 do 8 bf do Beef, ifi bbls whiskey, ft do lard. oil, IrO aks corn, 1 bbl 9 tcs bams.lftOO bbls cement 8 bxs candles. 10 bbds susar, 3 bbla molasses.

3 bbls nork. and sundries. PENSACOijA Scbr Star 300 sxs com. 10 bgs coBee, 10 cks hacorC 30 bbls Sour, 30 do lime. MOBILE Scbr Josephine 100 bbls whiskey, do hams 76 bbla molasses, 30 cks bacon, 460 aks.corn.

314 tks oats, 40 kgs lard. IMPORTS. NEW YORK Steamship Crescent City Assorted mdse Bl.CC HILL Brig Col Ceggius nttsyards granite blocks and lot of spars to Green. Harding ftca LIVERPOOL Ship Arab e86 sks salt, order, BORDEAUX Brig Amerika eXi cases mdse Bailey Bianchard Aco 3ft bbia do Mayer Bros 6 bhds wine Lacroix 34 do Gratiaa.Comraagere Aco 10 do 00 bf do Lambert 31 do 40 bbds do Pinet Aco 30 do 683 cases ilo it) qr pipes brandy Talamon 40 hhds 140 cases wine Lanata, Gondolfo Aco 100 do 40 hhds do Lanata 2y do 3 balea corks PerilMat Aco 48 hhds 300 car es wine Decbamr a 833 do Vredenburgb Aco 3 2 do Steven son A Couzat 13 do Rorhereau Aco 100 do Lacoste 14 cks mdse A 6 iraud 9 pkrs do Gauche 1 do do Kinehaut 164 cases wine Preau Aco robbdsd9A Carriere 40 do de Fuentes Aco 350 cases do Tbomas 3300 do 330 bbds and vt bf do wine 10 qr pipes brandy 336 fusts mdse Cavaioc Aeo 64 cases do Duotze A Iken 107 do 19 pkgs do Roumler 360 cases wine A Maignan 184 do. order.

LIVERPOOL Ship Rockaway 13 case mdse Burn' side Aco do Heaton 36 crates eware Eaton A Hen dersoe lfido.J cks do McDowell, Mills Aco 13 bbds 373 crates do HeHderson A Gaines 13 do Massey. Paultdey St Collins 3 pkgs hware Matiregor Aco 3'6roo slates Lyall, Davidson Aco 37 cases steel A Rood Aro 1 do guns AT6 bxs tin plate Slard, Day A Stauffer 13 bdls steel 4 cases mdse Cramer Aco 84. tons coal Druhan 3 cks plums Brrlwiter 36 tcs soda ash Maxwell Aco 10 pkgs mdse Graham 3887 sks salt 10,000 tire brick 36 ck aud f0 tea porter crates and II cks swarr, order. INDIANOLA AND GALVESTON Steamship Mexico 6 bales cotton McLemore, Currin Aco 3 Hart Aco 3 Hall, Rodd A Putnam ft Yeatman Aco 3 aters. Csmden Aco 6 A Grieff Aco 4 Eubsnks Jr Aco 73 hgs pecans A Beer Aeo 31 do Hart Aco sundries to TL White Bornio Robeson.

Dennett Aco Hall, Kemp Aro Glvena Connoly Aco Hart Aco McDowell. Mills Aco A Beer Aco Carey, Reese Aco Union Bank and order. RIO DE JANEIRO Bark 891 bgs coBee Scnroed er Aco MQ3 io Meyer, Mummy ftca RIO DE JANEIRO Bark Isabella 6000 bgs cofiee Dixon Aco. PH.l'.KMn anin'Eeie BOO nlmnnf aalt 1O0 baas wal nuts 100 do filberts eo baa almonds 14O0 do lemona U6U0 Ao oranges 100 00 eartnenware a ss nan. LIVERPOOL Shio Hercyno b373 sks salt, order.

iiiiiuN izrx stiirsisii 11 loss blOonnT 1 hale sarsapaiilla groo iu specie aud lot of fruit A vet jas in specie 1 naie nops 10 logs mahogany stco 4600 specie tl Boyle sco do de zgana. RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. BAYOU 8ARA Steamer Capitol 3i bales cotton to Bncbannon, Carroll Aco 9 Byrne. Vance Aco 3 do RL Walker Dunbar Aco 13 hhds sugar 13 bbls molasses Curry A Person fto do do 30 bbds sugar Bogart, Foley ft Avery 40 do monigomery jo no nreay. Gorman Aro 1 Laure A McCall 10 Woodruff Aco 13 do Gordon jr Ml do de Eiraaa 13 do Augustln AtTbibaut 18 do 100 bbla molasses Nicholson Aco sunuriee.

order Total 63 bales cotton 335 bbds sugar lbs bbls molas see. FORT ADAMS Steamer Downs 7 bales cotton Wright, Davenport Aco 37 Henderson A Peale 4d do Harris 33 Payne A Harrison so Byrne, Vance Aco 3ft Nugent Aco 85 Oakey A Hawkins 8 Jno Lee 6 do Mandeville A Linton 6 do Carroll, Pritcbard Aco 3 do Andrew A Sieran AO bbds sugar DeSilva 3 do do ft I rquhart 10 do Gerard Aco 30 bbls molasses Byrne, Vance Aco Total 339 bales cotton 63 hhds sugar 3o bbls molasses. YAZOO CITY Steamer Planter 131 bales cotton to Milea A Adams 1 S3 Rooeon A Allen 98 Hardie Aco 103 McLemore. Currin Aco 85 Watt. Srkea A Noble 88 Hemingway A Fried lander 64 right, Davenport Aco 63 Ward A Jonas Oakey A Hawkins 14 Adama Vl McDowell, Mills Aco 84 Anderson A Mett a If 63 do McHae, Aidridge at (jonman 11 nraaiey, vt llson Aco I Buckner, Stanton A newinan 14 a XMeison Aco II do Byrne.

Vance Aco 9 Buchannon, Carroll Aco 34 A Broadwell Aco 7 Estlin Aco 3 Hewitt. Norton Aco ithams. Batburst Aco rierson. Conwav fteo 4 Ridgill. Roberts A Terrell H9 Brady Gorman Aco Total 120 bales cotton.

ALEXANDRIA Steamer Powell 139 hla cotton Pomrov Aco 122 Rnxelev. Blair Aco 18 do De Mruy Aco el Toledano A Taylor 39 Estlin Aco 33 Carter Aro 18 Kelson Aco 14 Roubieu 16 Payne A Harrison 12 Ward A Jouaa 11 A Cbategnier 1 1 Cooper Aco Powell A Hopkins 7 Carter Aco ti Campbell A Strong ft Wright, Davenport Aro 6 Brander. McKenna A Hubbard 1 Harrison Aco Total 6V bales cotton. CINCINNATI steamer Empire Slate 200 bxi candles 100 do starch i bf bbls batter I Adams Aco SS boxes tongues 30 tcs hams Brady, Gorman Aco 144 bbls 33 bf bbis wnuxey 13 00 plugs eo do Dates 31 bbds bacon 17 bxa tongues Connoly Aco ft do type 1 dkg Clark A Mos by iftotkgs 18 bbls abd 2 bf do pigsfeet 20 bbls vinegar do eggs Dater as bdls hoops 2 bxs Flotte 11 do 66 bdls hoops Folger Aro 4 boxes tools Geddes to hf bbls butter L.Dolsen A Son 160 kgs do 36 boxes candles A Gried Aco 1 ttuuk Harris A Morgan ft hf bbls 83 kegs butter Keep, Bard Aro IH6 bxs soap 100 bbls lsrd oil 300 bt)ls 40 hf bbls whiskey Lsndls Aco 4 bxs tools A La nsuze S0 bbls liquor Newton A Farrelly 1 do tish Rogeis MrGuire Aco 105 do pork 100 bbls whiskey 18 bales bsir McGregor Aco 31 bbla eggs 6 do sausages 7 do baraes do sbouldera 7 do dry applea 8 do beans 30 bf do butter 14 kgs lard Schneider c4 ploughs Slazk, Day A Staufler 100 bbls whiskey Tweed t.i cks bacon SUultz, HadSfn A Lottips 10 bdls 1 rods Sixer 1 bx books Shropshire A Son 18 ploughs Gerard Aco vW tea hams )h8 bbls lard oil (POO bxs candles ftOQ uo March 117 kegs butter Wrigb Aco 100 bils whiskey SOJdo lard oR 10 do dry apples 36 bf do 130 kca butter 200 bxs cheese Voorhies. Aco 16 bhds bacon so bf bbls butter and aundrir order.

LOUiSVlLLE Steamer Empire 400 t'o'igtjork 150 tcs lard 73 do hams martin, Owen A 117 bbla 6 cks pork 13 tcs 32 bbls lard 22 hbrfa tobacco Hewitt, Norton Aco 36 bbls pork 61 do lard 8 do sreae O. Zrro oata 25 bbls flour 1 tci lard Hurley Aco 6 bbls eggs 6 bf cocneeac 1', ics lara Kg ne tleton MI kgspissfect Dolsen A Son hi kegs 4hfbblaiardR sucnanan 4 do is lara oil mceken 6 do wbiske Whitehead ft Chambers 106 cia rone Nille. Snnuarn i ro 1 tcs 114 bbls 'ard Fellowrs Aco 8 bbls whiskey 2 do aiiiiji i pae.iuuec rBTirr, jnrr aco a OOXCB mustard Beebe co 37 tcs 4 kgs lard Parmele A Bro 3 bhds baron bas tobacco Hedden 12 bbla lard 10 bhds tobacco Levy A Summers 12 do Snort Aco 4 do kiddall. Green Aco 60 tcs lard Robertson ft McDongall 1 bbl 14 xgs do rveuy s. rrai'er 04 nests kgs ti.

vent sun dries, order Total 64 hbdstobacea. 8T LOUIS Steamer Jno Pringle 93 es lard Castillo A Hansp; 158 sacks corn A Tnompson 100 do HorrelL liayle Aro 430 8 Micbell Aco UOT bbls Hour Sr do 1 tr lard Hewitt, Norton Aco 300 tcs 186 bbla lard Jno 0 vvoodrurrsreo COAST Schr Brazos 18 hhds sugar lol bbls molasses, zuiaaue. Flatboats Second District. A RATARIA Per Hodge's boat 60 hhds anger to. newta.

Per Pontchartrain Railroad. MOBILE Steamer Florida S4480 sold coin Tarleton Whiting A Tullls 3 pkgs mdse Woodruff Aco 1 do Connoly Aco 11 do tobacco 13 kga butter 1 bbl beans Geddta sundries Bell, Bucbanon fteo IS bead cattle naraie stca Receipts at the New Basin. BONFOTJCA Scbr Liberty 30.000 bricks, order. BILOXI Schr Jeff Dsvis ft lumber, order. BILOXI Schr James ft Eliza 36.000 ft lumber, order.

MADISON VUULE Schr Araane to cords wood, to master. Per N. O. And Jackson RailrnafI OSYSA 14 balea cotton to Anderson A Matcalr da Payne A Harrison Carroll. Pritcbard Aco 16 oxen 30 yearlinn 3 calves Johnson 1 bbl eggs Coos 1 do 1 bag pwiawe.

uii cooper lot sunanes ssrs xveartoo 12 rabbits 1 bx rune Clark A Bra 1 opossum 3 turkeys Aci if qui eggs a iscTezc xr uo xinvai xosat'Xb Per N. Opelonsaa and Great Western Railroad. 21 hhds aus ar Cammack. Sauirea A West a do A A Dennistoua Aco 60 do Bogart, Foley A Avery 30 do 16 ooia oioiaasee xrosciair a riavdei 3A.1 OD1 1 at 3o do Buchannon, Carroll Aco St) do Levench fteo 7 ao iruunet son 4 bales mors Trnner 5 do rr xioaa Aousi uu nnas sugar 178 obi molaaieA CONSIGNEES. Fer steamabin Crescent Cirv.

fm New York a at tx Block Buchannon, Carroll fteo Bnrbridcs fteo i u. dul. ur.iii. DUITN lUlie TT inlaws. DHDDin area Al' belt Connelly Carroll.

Pritcbard Aco A Barriere ft Bro Carry ft Person Cleveland. Bros ftca Jennings, Lsosblsnd Aco Cuddv. Crate rr Irfk Hnn a Allen Campbell ft Strong Perkins, Campbell Aco A Beir A co Estha Aco Freiisen, Sterenseo ftca Mrs Bar ker Henderson ft Peale McRae, A id rid aa ft Co I man McDowell, Mills Aco McLemore, Corrin ftce Bad deckeAco McGregor, AUowsy Acs Payne ft Harrison Oakey ft Hawkins Powell A Hopkins ard ft Jonas Rawlins, Duncan fteo 1 arleton, Whiring A Tullls Bear Wart. Sykes ft Noble Wrisht, Davenport ftca Henderson. Terry Aco A Bronsetca Aco Bacbeiier Brawer Aco Richards, Elocomb Aco Chesley Cartel Cooiier Cbasaanial Crane fteo Cohen Cohen Cliner verse Aco Cestla Aco Clcstermann Acs Deraes jr Aco Donaelly, Bes xini fteo D'Arcy fteo egeu Duccurnau fteo Dnhamel Durel ftca xtobyng ft Harrinrtoa Fabre C0 DuAbarS Paiey fXwKI ftca Frigerio Felt ft Stetson I Frederlch 9 Folger Aao Favelle Gaane Glvena A Griefl Ace Geddes Dodchaux freros Garthwaite.

GiSen Aeo 8 A Gilbert eiquel ft Jamison Bsermfer Goldsmith. Haber fteo Grant. LewU fteo Holmes ft ClaruaB Horreli Gsyie fteo Harris ft Morgan Howes Aro Wade ft HuntioHton A Hebrsrd Hard away A hite Jama A Wodman Hetss fiart Aco Hewitt Jennings A Johnston Sand ford A Jacquev Kennett Aco Jacobs Bennett Acs A at Raiser Kennedy Aco Kansler Lyons Aco Lavida Laugblin Long Maclona StfleboBr Leeds Aco Leicbtnn A Barbot A Lnm Aco IjClland at Marshall Aco Lacey Aco Mlny McC'omb Moon, Titus Aco McDonsId Aco Moina Mr MrEnlry fteo Mead Aco 8 Moody Micbon Micboa ft Sarrat Morgan Matrbews Aeo Mare Miller Murray Aco Montrose A Stilweil Maupay Magee tc Kneasy Marks Aco A Monroe Aco orris A Way Norman North, Smedes Aco Oliver Penpard Aco Feet. Bimros fteo Fayan fteo A Peck Parsons Pope, Ellison Aco Pierson, Harrison Aco US Ormaster Robs Aro Robert sob ft McDugall A ReiilyF Rinebart Reynolds ft Wood rod Rlmsilha ftco Rsndsll ftco Rswden, Wright fteo A Robb Aro ft Rosenthal Smedes Aco Stringer Aco Simpson A aoubie Smith A Fimister Rapp Stevens Aco Scaolln Aco Smttb A Cooper Sickles Aco Syme Aco 8mitb ft Bro Stanton Aco Soery Aco Sandford A Bro Stanton Aco Seaman. Peak Aco Steel A Tulley fteo A Turnell Col Tompkins A Thompson Aco Tillorsop Aro Traeey Townaeod, Tompkins Aco Turner Aco Trolur Aco Taylor, Ha.t len Aco Vinten Vincent Aco Viven Woolsey Woodrofl Aco Web A Raw lings Watt Aco White Warring fteo Williamson Aro Webb Aco A Whiting Weisa ft tfinkarp Yale Jr ftca Zellner, King Aco and order Havana Bornlojr A Bro and order.

MEMORANDA. gTThe ship Hays. Capt Day, hence via KeyWest. for Liverpool, cotton loaded, put into Norfolk on the 18th inst, in a is tress. Capt Day reported that sbe had beest leaking for several days, and with both pumps going, ha could not keep her free.

gr The ship Rockaway, fm Liverpool, on tbe 7th Inst. in 1st 39, long 63, signalized ship Driden hence. taFThe steamer Powell left Alexandria on tha 2Mb inst. Her office re report tbe steamers St Cbarlea and Runaway in tbat port. Tbe latter bad arrived from.

Sbrearport and reported the river still 'ailing above, with ft 4, feet on Shaggy Point. Tbe steamer Lula gunk at tbe Rigolrta. Domestic Porta. BOSTON, Feb 19 Cld bark Morcla. Arr barks Rodman, Hill, and Nevada, Polleva.

NOrlx NEW YORK, reb 19 Cld sblp Nathaniel Thompson. McCallougb, Oris, Below ship Mary, fm NOrls. PHILADELPHIA, Feb 19 Arr brig Msy Queen, Jackson. NOrla Cld bsrk Aura, Crosby, NOrla. CHARLESTON Feb 32 Cld brig Tellulab, Ameabojyi, PASSENGERS ARRIVED.

BAYOU 8ARA. 7.. Per steamer Capitol A Bird, lad and daughter, Misa Hihbard. Pipes and family, dr Pritcbard and family, A Pritcbard and lady, Wool folk and lady. Miss Wnliola, Misv Barbel, Chanio and lady, Mrs Dup'esnis, Mrs Roberts, Lsuve, Major Pugb, Picon, Lacoste.

Kallog. barrier, Mirhael, Esclasson, A Le Blanc, Fulton. Dupuey, Cotton, Comstock, Porcber, Cam bri.G Roberts, Kretz, Jones, capt Papinean, Edwards, Lehlanc, Jarrean, Mandeville, Linton and servant, Traeey. ST. LOUIS.

steamer Jno. S. Prlgle Devemao, Henderson, Smitb, Davis, Allen, Brown. Bailey, JewelL LOUISVILLE Per steamer Empire Harria, Sever, Nevin, Anderson, Tyler, Rowden, Fisher, 8 Armor, Inmat Lartlng. FORT ADAMS Per steamer Downs 8sy, Orso, Miss Hamlet, A Stmpscn, Gomes, Pettis, A Wsfen, Growes, Levi, Vsugbn, North, Home, Vandergen.

ALEXANDRIA. stesmer Powell Petrovic and lady. Harper and lady, Coleman, Hall, Tilman, ETilmau, WRHall, Moore, Wood, Tomlinson. Henderson, Hall, Hotchkiss, Allen, Hedge, Towns end. Hawley, Duncan Kenner, Gray, Biersoo and lady.

Rantliogs, Hiesson, McCullocb. A Rowe, Gorml Koir crolt, Wooldri Ige, Forlinson, 8 Forwood, Gooilow, Tour. Hogo, Mocely, Enocbs, Cooper, Marks, Ecasson. Per ship Rockaway, fm Liverpool 40 steers ie. WILSON, Si, Wholesale Agency Virginia.

TobAe No. 86 Gravier street. Tbe subscribers have now in store, and will continue to receive through tbe season, FRESH supplies of MAM CFACTDRED TOBACCO, of all sizes and qualities and every variety and at? le, dtrect'from the most eel ebrated manufacturers in Virginia, consisting, in part, of tbe following brands, which we oiler to the trad en liberal term it DR. JAMES SAUNDERS'S Harry of tbe West, lbs. I Paul Janes, lbs.

Same Old Coon, lbs. Harry Davy Crockett, lbs W. Lowndes, lbs. LEFTWICH'S Gold Lesf, lbs John Logan, lbs. I Four AceaY Cass, lbs.

LANG HORN ft SON'S Native American Oro M. L. ft 8. Oronoea, noco, Iba. Native American Gold Leaf, lbs BaJlie Carey lngborn'sNatural.

Lba. Catawba. ia lbs. Norton, it Ida WM. A.

READ'S I Gold Bars, lbs. I Gold Diggers' Solaca, Placer. Iba. lba. MILLER ft CRENSHAW'S Premium, lba Natural Bridge, Iba.

c. FORD'S Ella Boon, lba Extra Gold Leaf, tbsj. D. WITHERS'S Celebrated Young Amer I Crometella Twist. lea, lbs.

I Hendrlck Pancake. Yellow Jacket, lbs. I Caroneola, las, Johnson Pancake. 1 DKXTER, 0TET ft BRO. a.

Saglle Ward. .1 Flllbuitero, It IbsJ Fiiibustero, lbs. Julia Dean TwtsU TALIAFERRO ft BRODNAX'Si Gold Leaf, fancy W. Scott, lbs. I J.

D. Smith, lbs. Sold Peach, lbs. 1 Lizzy Wilson, lba. J.

xUacA, lba, Some Pumpkins, lba, cosbt a wmruF.c Pomegranate I Pride of TlrginlsV Palmetto Twist. T. H. B. DICKINSON'S Cuba Rolls.

I Witches' Eya J. BAILEY ft W. L. Ogden, lba. L.

D. Pride, lba. Various other brands, too numerous to mention, Df rba balf Twist, Rolls, 6s, as, ios, las and 16s, FINK COT and SMOKING TOBACCO, of all descriptions and pat up In every style. WILSON, LIPSCOMB ft CO Jsl7 3m3dp ee stroec. Sowlns HUka, descriptton CRAPE SHAWLS, PONGEE ft.

For ale at.the very lowest prices, by i. JSS BIRCH ft Mannractnrersandlmportera, Jail lm Ferl New rorH. NEW TOBACCO Noa 67 and 09 Magazine street. V. Sc O.

B. Tate, AgWDta forth? DiintrlDBtl muinfisrtnMM atr.B.iB vr tacky nnd Mi mo art, offer for sale, on the nonK(mno aatitic rei atvla and nnmH wouio particularly can tne attention or retailers to the followine choice brands, sot in C. 8. Fermson ft Co. Thoa.

ft F. L. W. Graves Virgiaia Twist. James Tbomas, Jr.

Kon 1 Noor, Nature's Ultimatum. Perfection FJsmeralrla Maid of Pancake. Yellow Peach, Arcade, Creole, Croesman, Star of tbe West. Star of the South. Jamei M.

Boyd F.xtva Gold Leaf, BoASt Of Vlrrinl. Ragsdale, Terry ft Blair star 01 tne ast, Julia Dean Twlaf. Henderson A Holcombo uom zeai A. Baanoei Strawberry. Extra Fine Twist I Goodwin's Yellow Bank a.

8. H. HOLLAND'S PANCAKE. They will receive fresb supplies of tha above and vaef us other brands, throughout the season. C.

A G. B. TATE. 67 and AO M.n.l dl4 3dp3m eornerof Natch' ihl street. Uenct Black.

THE New OrlranaHone Black Cop iPSDT stlnr DOW is of Louisiana, tbat they are pt a sunerior coarse arouid pared to fornlsu them sritta a well knownfaJtti Itb lern FSFPV' uutiuii ana boiiv makes, but there being no trade of this kind in Orleans, we obtain all that tbe city affords, and cau thus manufacture an article that cannot be excelled. Our retcrts are of tbe celebrated Adams's Patent, and are capable of burning 13,000 pounds daily. Contracts for limited Quantity, for immeulate or next fall delivery, will be made by D. C. LOW BER, Agent, F2 Bt av Poyeras street.

Attention Plauitera. PITKIN'S OSAGE ORANGE SEED AND PLANTS. 1 SThat old fence will be gone soon, and now Is tha time to begin to surround year plantations with a beautiful Use fence, tbat wilt enduie for generation a It will be cbeaper than any other good fence, and can Be made Impenetrable to everything tbat walks The great superiority of tbe Osage Orange for hedge. In tbis country, is becoming universally acknowledged. It grows finely on dry upiundx, endures drought, or Hooding, will not spread from tbe root, and the firm, compact base of the hedge affords no shelter for vet min, like the ChSro fcee Rose.

Many nercooa bave become discouraged In their attempta to grow tbe pianta. from tne fact that so much of tbe seed ottered in market is worthless, being vitally injured in tbe process of extraction from the orange. To avoid tbis, aod to give to purchasers a reliable article, the exclusive attention of the undersigned is gives to the gathering of seed and raising of plants, and be baa Just arrived In tbe city with a fresh lot of both. Price for No. I Plants, all ready fox.sctting ia hedge, 1 10 per 1000.

A descriptive pamphlet, containing full directions for I chasers? "d' tMic' and rearing badge, given to par Address H. W. si Heajd. Maaate ft Co. 'a.

43 Ca rondelet street. New Orleans. Seed and Plants are also kept for sals at tha Agvicaltss. ral Warehouse and Seed 8' ore of Fl4 lm BYRAM PITKIN ft CO Leulsville, Ey. fDrinSI Sinst Haniaua Ula.

The LATEST PARIS PRODUCiiONs.lmported direct, and personally aelected from tbe first sources, led Canal atreet. C2; The friends and customers of Mrs. BRYAN. 140 Canal street, sad likewise the poblic at large, ara respectfully informed tbat sue bas Just received aa unusually large and splendid stock of entirelv NEW yftCNcH MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, the most distinguished novelties in Hair and Straw Bonnets. Flowcis, Ribbons, Veils, Ac 1 als a full assortment Emoioideries.of tbe most fashions ale and recherche description, all of which she is now prepared to exhibit for sale at prices extremely moderate, her maxim being small profits and quick ro DRE88MARINO done as heretofore In the latest style, and perfect fit guaranteed.

Country orders promptly and sattsfactori'y alfed Fsfe tf jb rvvz.iti.i z'ivzv DOLLARS RtWARD Ran 7 away in tbe month of January last, tbe dsrfc mu tf latto BEN NASH, well known on the Levee as a' we, or to incnea la betsbt. aaick spoken, the first loint of hi. ore nuger oft, and a small scar on oue of his temples. oteamooaimcn win noucf not to employ salu slave, is is believed Hen wntrs bis own parses. F.6 tf HATCHER, 1 Gravier street.

Git pipes superior Bcbeidam Imperial, direct fronx Holland, now iaadins eavahin BL GrinnaL and foe by e. M. BAYLY ft 4 st covampn and S3 Canal streets. T. S.

Wilson. Amos Seajbolt. Tn I.Ju. SEABOLT ft WbarY Boat StTLnis, tv Forwardine and Commission M.reh..M anA n. road Agents, CAIRO, ILLINOIS.

vssu aovanccs on conngs sneots. Bar Re fer to T. C. a v.i1o au Converse ft G. W.

Givens. New Orleaos. FtdSsa ANTHRAClTai COAJ Brokea and screened Red Bad White AaUi also. Lamp Coal, for foundrT nasi far sale by bosjhcad or ton. by dsxa.

stivsv, ius tyraYWT itreev 4 i.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.