This Day, June 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)


1155:In Rome, the coronation of Frederick Barbarossa makes him the Holy RomanEmperor. Compared to other medieval monarchs, Frederick’s treatment of hisJewish subjects was comparatively benign. Frederick viewed the Jews as “his subjects”which meant he offered them special protection but at that same time they werea financial resource for his imperial use.The former did not sit well with Catholic leaders and the latter did notsit well with some nobles who wanted to tax the Jews for their ownbenefit. As can be seen by edict heissued concerning the Jews of Ratushon Frederick was willing to provideprotection for his Jews as long as they filled his treasury.

1291:King Alfonso III of Aragon passed away.Alfonso was supposed to marry Princess Eleanor of England, but he diedbefore the marriage could take place. Eleanor was the daughter of Edward I, theKing of England who had expelled the Jews from his realm. One can only wonder if the marriage had beenconsummated, would the son-in-law have followed the example of thefather-in-law and expelled the Jews from his domain which would have meant Jewswould have been expelled two centuries earlier than it actually happened.

132121 Sivan): In response to threats of expulsion from Rome instigated by Sangisaa sister of Pope John XXII, the Jews instituted a day of fasting a prayer. At amore practical level the Jews of Rome sent a messenger to Avignon to the papalcourt of King Robert of Naples, “the patron of the Jews” who interceded ontheir behalf. The twenty thousand ducatsgiven to the King may have helped to sway his sympathy as well.

1389:Based on the “privilege” issued today by the Grand Duke Vitold of Lithuania atLutsk, the Jews” Grodno occupied at that time a considerable area in the cityof Grodno, that they owned land and houses and had a synagogue and a cemetery.

1492:A Sicilian version the Edict of Expulsion issued by the Spanish monarchs waspublished today in Palermo.

1541(13thof Sivan, 5301): Jacob Pollak, the Rabbi who popularized the use of “pilpul” inPolish Talmudic academies passed away today in Lublin. Pollak had begun his career in Prague but wasforced to leave there over a dispute about the laws of marriage. After a thirty-year career in Cracow, hemoved to Palestine where he lived for ten years before returning to Poland.

1584:“Orientalist and astronomy student” Jakob Christrman, a German Jew whoconverted to Christianity was named Professor of Hebrew at HeidelbergUniversity today.

1639:For second day, Diogo de Lima denounced Duarte Esteves de Pina, a PortugueseJew living in Hamburg, to the Portuguese Inquisition.

1643(1stof Tammuz, 5403?): Aaron Abba ben Johanan ha-Levi, the “president of therabbinical college in Lemberg” who was a contemporary of Abraham Rapoport, Joel Särkes, and MeirLublin passed away today.

1750:Birthdate of Johann Jahn a German orientalist who was interested in Biblicalarcheology and who got into trouble with the Catholic Church “by asserting Joband Jonah” were really “didactic poems.”

1757:During the Seven Years’ War, the Austrians defeated the Prussians at Kolin, theBohemian town where Abraham Samuel Bacharach the husband of Eva, thegranddaughter of Judah Loew, had served as Rabbi in the 17thcentury.

1768:The Haidamak Massacres (Ukraine) reached Uman. The peasant serfs and Cossacksrioted much in the same vein as Chemielnicki one hundred and twenty yearsearlier. At Uman the Poles and Jews defended the city together under the Polishcommander Ivan Gonta. The next day, convinced by Zheleznyak the Polishrevolutionary, that only the Jews would be attacked, Gonta allowed thefortified city to be entered without a fight. (This would not be the last timethat the Poles sold out the Jews in an attempt to save their own skins. And itwas not the last time that those who murdered the Jews would in turn slaughterthem.) Approximately 8000 Jews were killed, many of them trying to defendthemselves near the synagogue. As soon as the Jews were all massacred the Haidamaks(the paramilitary bands) began to kill the Poles. Although the Haidamaks beganin the 1730's the main rioting was during the years 1734, 1750 and 1768. It isestimated that during these years 20,000 Jews were killed. The Haidamaks becamepart of the Ukrainian national movement and are celebrated in folklore andliterature.

1771:In Philadelphia, Miriam Simon and Michael Gratz, gave birth to Frances (Fanny)Gratz, the wife of Reuben Etting whom she marred in 1794 and with whom she hadnine children

1772:During the conflict between various Moslem leaders over who would rulePalestine, one of whom was advised by Haim Farhi whose father as a Jewishbanker in Damascus, the Russian fleet began and ended a one day bombardment ofBeirut.

1775:Birthdate of Esther Hendricks who passed away in New York at the age of 72.

1778:In Havana, Haim Levy and his wife gave birth to Judah Mears Levy

1778:During the American Revolutionary War, today’s departure of British troops fromPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania must have been met with mixed emotions by the Jewishcommunity. A minority, as represented byDavid Franks and his daughter Rebecca were Tories would miss their Britishpatrons. The majority of the city’s Jews, including Colonel David SalisburyFranks, the nephew of David Franks, supported the Revolutionary cause and tookheart at the departure of their British occupiers.

1798:As of today, both Jacob Lyon and Mordecai Marks had arrived in the UnitedStates from Pozen.

1790:In London, Daniel Cohen D'Azevedo, the son of of Haham Moses Cohen d'Azevedoand Sara de Haham Moses Cohen D'Azevedo and his wife Ester Rodriques CohenD'Azevedo gave birth to Abraham Daniel Cohen De Azevedo.

1800:In Pennsylvania, Richea Gratz and Samuel Hays gave birth to Ellen Hays, thewife of Samuel Ettin whom she married in 1828 and with whom she had had twochildren, Josephine and Solomon who died in infancy.

1800:In Berlin, Amalie Beer and Jacob Herz Beer gave birth to Michael Beer.

1800:Isaac Moses married Esther Isaacks, the Wilton, Ct. born daughter of Mr. andMrs. Moses Isaacks.

1805:Today, Hyman Hurwitz and Hesther Levy buried their child today.

1807(12thof Sivan, 5567): Forty-six-year-old Sarah Isaacs, the East Hampton, LI borndaughter of Aaron Issacs who was the wife of William Payne, the mother ofWilliam Howard Payne “who wrote Home Sweet Home” who was reportedly baptizedsome time during her short life.

1808:Abraham Quixano Henriques and Leah Rachel De Leon gave birth to RebeccaHenriques who did not live to celebrate her second birthday.

1809:John Salmon and Catherine Polack were married today at the Western Synagogue inthe United Kingdom.

1812:In Dusseldorf, textile merchant Samson Heine and Peira “Betty” nee van Geldern,the daughter of a physician gave birth to Gustav Heine von Geldern, the brotherof Heinrich Heine and the father of “Maximillian Heine author of the librettoto the operetta ‘Mirolan.’”

1812:The War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain formally begantoday when President James Madison signed the Declaration of War passed byCongress into law today. This conflict is referred the Second War For AmericanIndependence, since the victory in the War of 1812 meant that the United Stateswould survive. If England had prevailed, the country that has provided so muchopportunity for its Jewish population would have ceased to exist. Despite their small number, Jews were activeparticipants in the defense of the young Republic. The most colorful was a privateer named JohnOrdronaux. The French born Ordronauxcaptured several British prize ships during the war. His most famous action came when his ship,the Prince de Neufchatel captured the British frigate Endymion. In a scene that would do credit to a RussellCrowe naval epic, Ordronaux ordered his men to board the British fightingship. When his men appeared to be losingheart and prepared to retreat, Ordronaux grab a lighted match and threatened toblow up the magazine if his men did not return to the fight. They took him at his word and turned the tideagainst the better armed and trained British seaman. Uriah P. Levy, who as Commodore Levy wouldend the use of the lash for punishing sailors and would save Monticello forposterity, saw his first fighting as a member of the U.S. Navy during thiswar. Last, but not least, Judah Turofought in the Battle of New Orleans where he was wounded. Turo would live for the next forty years withRezon Davis Shephered. He was the onewho took the wounded Turo from the battlefield and saw to it that his woundswere treated. Turo became a successfulbusinessman whose philanthropy included everything from the Bunker HillMonument to several New Orleans Jewish organizations and institutions.

1813:In Frankfurt am Main Malchen Schloos and David Philip (Feist) Schloss gavebirth to Sigismund Schloss

1814:In Aarhus, Thamar (Terese) Ree and Hartvig Philip Ree gave birth to FrederikkeLevinsen.

1815:Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. According to one account,fifty-two French Jews lost their lives in the battle. “The duke of Wellingtonis reported to have said, in 1833, that not less than fifteen Jewish officershad served under him at Waterloo. Among these was Cornet Albert Goldsmid(1794-1861), who afterward rose to the rank of major-general in the Britishservice.” This defeat marked a return of the reactionaries to power in Europe.The laws of emancipation that had benefited the Jews of Europe were rolledback. It would take many decades for the Jews of Europe to win them back. Onthe other hand, Nathan Rothschild, head of the London branch if the famousfamily bank was, like all Englishman, pleased with the victory of his country. According to some sources, he had actuallyprovided the funds for the army of the Iron Duke. There is an anti-Semitic legend that Nathanmanipulated the Stock Exchange and by deception, made a fortune as a result ofthe victory. Atthe Vienna Congress which was the peace conference intended to create a neworder in Europe in the wake of two decades of almost non-stop war, the Jewssent a Christian attorney, Carl Buchortz, to act on their behalf. An agreementwas reached whereby "Jews were given rights in proportion to accepting theduties of citizenship." This was the first time that Jewish rights becamea European political issue.

1815: Among those serving with the Prussian troops who played acritical role in the Battle of Waterloo was George Hartog Gerson who was theAssistant Surgeon for the 5th Line Battalion of the King’s German Legion and“Lehmann Cohn, a sergeant of the Second Cuirassiers, who had earned the IronCross at Leipsic.”

1823: In Berolzheim, Germany, gave Malka and Lob Moses Gutmanngave birth to Sussman Low Gutmann

1828: In Westphalia, German, Vogel and Bendix Rosenwald gave birthto Samuel Rosenwald, the owner of Hammerslough Brothers, the largest clothingstore in Springfield, IL, the “husband of Augusta Rosenwald and father ofHenrietta Rosenwald; Bernard Rosenwald; Julius Rosenwald; Morris or Maurice S.Rosenwald; Samuel Rosenwald; Selma Eisendrath; Sophie Adler and Louis Rosenwald.”

1828: Israel Russell and Elizabeth Alexander were married today atthe Western Synagogue in the United Kingdom.

1831: Birthdate of Geheimer Baurat Edwin Oppler the Germanarchitect who designed the synagogues in Hannover and Mamel and whose legacywould be carried on by great-grandson Arnold Oppler, AIA.

1833: In Antwerp, s Jonathan-Raphaël Bischoffsheim and HenrietteGoldschmidt a sister of Solomon H. Goldschmidt, gave birth to ClaraBischoffscheim the wife Maurice Baron De Hirsch.

1833: In Eppelsheim, Germany, Miriam and Jacob Greenbaum gavebirth to banker Henry Greenbaum who 1848 came to Chicago where he gained greatbusiness success before becoming involved in a major bank and financialcatastrophe.

1834:In Darmstadt, thirty-three year old Lob Oppenheimer Bina Kahn who became BinaOppenheimer.

1836:Birthdate of Bavarian born French jurist and author Frederick Reitlinger, whostudied Talmud with Abraham Geiger and was named an Officer of the Legion ofHonor.

1840:At Argenau, near Bromberg, Germany, Rabbi Joseph Messing (author of a number ofHebrew books) and his wife gave birth to Aaron J. Messing the holder of the University of Rostock who in 1885 began serving as the rabbi at CongregationB’nai Sholom in Chicago.

1840:New York natives Rachel Seixas Nathan and Montague M. Hendricks who weremarried in 1836 gave birth to Sarah Hendricks, the wife Florian Hart Florancewhom she married in 1860 and with whom she had four children – Edwin, Daisy,Sylvia and James.

1843:With Isaac Lesser serving as the Rabbi, Congregation Mikveh Israel inPhiladelphia accepts the weekly sermon in English as part of its practices.

1852(1stof Tammuz, 5612): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1853:After divorcing her first husband because “he deserted her and went to Mexico,”Henrietta L. Cohen Long, the Maryland born daughter of Sarah Jannette Picken Cohen and RabbiAbraham Hyam Cohen married William Long in Marshall County, MS.

1854:In Pittsburgh, PA, Louis and Henrietta Jaruslawski Berkowitz gave birth toAlbert Berkowitz, the husband of Clara Landman Berkowitz and the father ofHarvey, Henrietta, Louis, Henry, David and Albert Berkowitz.

1854:Henry Meyers and Julia Davis were married today at the Great Synagogue in theUnited Kingdom.

1854:In New York, Isaac Meyer and Mathilda Langenbach gave birth to ColumbiaUniversity graduate Alfred Meyer, an “attending physician at Mt. SinaiHospital, a “consulting physician at the Bedford Sanitarium for Consumptives ofthe Montefiore Home and a director of the United Hebrew Charities who was thehusband of Annie Florence Nathan.

1860: Thanks to the efforts of thepro-Secessionist forces, the Democratic Convention which Henry Myer Phillipsattended as a delegate, reconvened in Baltimore today.

1863(1stof Tammuz, 5623): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1863:During the American Civil War, ten companies of the 11th regiment ofthe New York State Militia under the command of Colonel Joachim Maidhof leftthe state and began marching to Harrisburg, PA which was a possible target forthe invading Rebel Army.

1864:Isaac Goodman, an enlisted man who had been serving with Company of the 91stRegiment since 1861 was wounded while fighting the Rebels at Petersburg, VA.

1866:Lina and Louis Levinsohn gave birth to Gertrude Levinsohn who married MaxBerliner and became Gertrude Berliner the name under which she was murdered asa 76 year old in Treblinka.

1868:Morris Davidson and Sarah Russell were married today in the United Kingdom.

1873:Illinois native Simon Cook who was appointed to the Naval Academy from Missouribegan serving as a Midshipman.

1875:In Allegheny, PA, Rabbi Lippman Mayer and Elise Hecht gave birth to Dr. EdwardEverett Mayer, an “Associate Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at hisalma mater Western University of Pennsylvania who was affiliated with theNational Jewish Hospital for Consumptives in Denver and was the husband of RoseMae Lamm.

1875:Following the death of Michael Henry, Dr. A. Benish, the author of Travelsof Rabbi Petachia of Ratison, resumed serving as editor The JewishChronicle and Hebrew Observer.

1876:In New York City, Jacob and Frances (Stich) Solomon gave birth William J.Solomon the husband of Hermine Lederer and the editor and publisher of theweekly Hebrew Standard, a job he took on after the death of his father.

1876:Birthdate of Syracuse native and graduate of Columbia Medical School MauricePackard, the author of Shylock Not A Jew.

1877:In Jerusalem, Benjamin Yehuda and Rebecca Yehuda, gave birth to orientalist andlinguist Abraham Shalom Ezekiel Yahuda, a student of his brother Isaac EzekialYahuda who went from being a delegate to the First Zionist Congress to writingthe anti-Zionist Dr. Weismann’s Errors on Trial.

1877:The friends of Joseph Seligman held an informal meeting to discuss recentevents at Saratoga Springs, NY. The meeting was chaired by Edward Lauterbach,Mr. Seligman’s lawyer. Lauterbach provided a summary of the episode in whichMr. Seligman was informed that the Grand Union Hotel would no longer rent roomsto Jewish guest. The decision had beenmade by the hotel owner, Judge Henry Hilton.Lauterbach then read a letter that Seligman had written, but not sent,to Judge Hilton. In the letter, Seligmandescribed the insult that had been done to the Jewish people and wondered ifHilton would be sending a circular to Jews telling them not to shop at hisBroadway stores. Those in attendance applauded when Lauterbach finished readingthe letter. Lauterbach said that theJews of New York and the United States “could not afford to let the matterrest.” At a time when laws prohibitingJewish involvement in society were being removed in many other countries itwould be wrong to let this happen here.While there had been some anti-Jewish feeling expressed in the UnitedStates, it had been limited “to ignorant people –to the small vipers…but nowthe big snakes have attacked and it is time that” Jews “awaken and defend”themselves. The attendees debated on howbest to respond. It was agreed that theletter should be released to the newspapers, if Seligman agreed. It was also agreed that a “mass meeting ofthe Jewish citizens” of New York should be held to protest Hilton’s ban. Furthermore, “leading citizens and clergymanshould be invited to attend and express their support for the Jewishpopulation.

1877:Judge Henry Hilton offered a reporter a series of seemingly contradictoryexplanations for the refusal of the management of the Grand Union to rent roomsto Joseph Seligman. At various points inthe interview Judge Hilton said that Seligman was using the episode because heand other Jews were upset with the widow of the late Alexander Stewart becauseshe had failed to make contributions to Jewish charities. At another point, he said that Seligman wasnot a Hebrew because he had joined the Reform Movement and was instead aJew. Therefore Seligman had no right tocomplain about discrimination based on religion. Judge Hilton also said that it was staying atthe Grand Union was very expensive and that only a limited number of peoplecould afford to do so. Therefore, he hadto cater to their desires and it was these wealthy patrons who had complainedabout Jews staying at the hotel. Hiltonpredicted that other fancy hotels would follow his lead in banning Jews; a banwhich he earlier denied existed.

1880:In Essen, Germany, Henriette and Isaac Hirschland gave birth to Franz HerbertHirschland, the graduate of the Institute of Technology in Hanover and theInstitute of Technology in Berlin who in 1906 came to the United States wherehe was a trustee of Montefiore Hospital and husband of Gula Andrson Hirschlandwith whom he had two children, Herbert and Richard S. Hirschland, the presidentof the George V. Clark Company.

1881:It was reported today that 60,000 Jews are expected to immigrate to Spainfollowing a decision by the Madrid government to allow entrance by Jewsexpelled from Russia.

1881:It was reported that in light of decision by authorities to take a census ofthe Jews of Kiev, a large number of them have left the area.

1881:In Leadville, Colorado, Eva Schloss “recited at the closing exercise at theSpruce Street Schoolhouse.”

1881(21stof Sivan, 5641): “Bohemian Talmudist, Samuel Ben Issachar Bar Freund, the chiefdayan of Prague passed away today.

1882(1stof Tammuz, 5642): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1882:In Tisza- Eszlar, Hungary, during a “blood-libel” frenzy, a gamekeeper recoversthe body of a girl from the Nyiregyhaza River.Although the body was probably not the body of the girl for whom theauthorities were looking, they would decide that this corpse was really part ofa Jewish conspiracy and would use it as an excuse to arrest three more Jewsfrom whom confessions would be obtained by force.

1883:In Germany, Ludwig Louis Hochschild and Jeanette Hirsch who died while givingbirth to Chilean businessman and metallurgist Sali Hochschild, the husband of Ana Kaufmannwith whom he had four children --Walter Ludwig Hochschild Kaufmann; DorothyHöchschild Kaufmann; Laura Höchschild Kaufmann and Gabriela Höchschild Kaufmann--- and the brother of mining businessman Morti Hochshild who was the ”founderof Compania Minera y Comercial Sali Hochschild S.A.”

1886:The Times of London reported todaythat Flinders Petrie, the noted English Egyptologist, has discovered theancient ruins the Biblical “Tahpanhes” described in Chapter 43 in the Book ofJeremiah as the site where Jews fleeing the Babylonians found refuge in 586BCE. The Pharaoh welcomed them anddistributed tracts of land for them to settle and develop. [This is anotherexample of archeology supporting the stories in the Bible. The Pharaoh’s generosity stands in sharpcontrast to the Egyptians to fight with the Judeans against the Babylonians asthey had promised.]

1887:“The Hornthal Prize Contests” published today described the elocutioncompetition funded by L.M. Hornthal.Miss Una Westing won the girl’s prize for a recitation entitled “How theStation Clock Saw and Heard It. She is a student at Grammar School No. 77 whereJulia Richman, who is a leading secular and Jewish educator, serves asprincipal.

1888(9thof Tammuz, 5648): Minsk born “Russia author, belletrist and publicist” LevLavanda whose “sketches were often published under the pen name Ladnev” passedaway today in St. Petersburg, Russia.

1888:Birthdate of Chicago native and University of Chicagograduate Phillip Lewin, the Rush Medical College trained orthopedic surgeon whowas a veteran of both world wars and the winner in 1938 of the Gold Medal fromthe American Congress of Physical Therapy.

1889(19thof Sivan, 5649): Seventy-two year old Charles University alum Abraham Hochmuth,the Hungarian rabbi who “was a prominent member of the Hungarian JewishCongress” passed away today at Veszprim.

1889:A list of the trustees of the Talmud Torah Benevolent Association of New Yorkpublished today included Chaim, Herschdorfer, Moses Moses, Jacob Saltpeler, BernardWienberger, Joseph Siegel, Leib Rubenstein and Chaim Fertig.

1890:In Sudylkiv,Ukraine, which then was part the Russian Empire, Rose Bernholtz and gain dealerIsaac Schwartz gave birth to Avram Moishe Schwartz AKA Maurice Shwartz, the “Americanstage and film actor and founder of the Yiddish Art Theatre who married AnnaBordofsky after divorcing contralto Eva Rafalo whose finest moment may have comeaway from the theatre when in 1947 Isaac and Anna adopted two Polish Jewish warorphans, Moses and Fannie Englander, aged 9- and 8-years old, respectively whohad lost their parents Abraham Joseph and Chana Englander in 1942,

1891(12thof Sivan, 5651): Seventy-four-year-old Calmann Levy (Kalmus Calmann Levy) “the founder of Calman-Levy, one of the oldestFrench Publishing Houses” and the husband of Pauline Levy passed away today inParis

1891:The Hebrew Technical Institute held its seventh annual commencement exercisesthis afternoon at Arlington Hall in St. Mark’s Place. The 18 boys in thegraduating class presented the director Dr. Henry M. Leipziger with a framedportrait created by one of their classmate Rudolph Shack.

1891:Martin Engel, the Tammany leader in the Eighth Assembly District had his nosebroken today when an assailant hit him with a beer keg. (Engel would laterrefuse to pay the surgeon who worked on his nose because “he was no longerrecognized as a Jew” forcing the surgeon to sue to collect for servicesrendered.)

1891:On “New York’s Lower East Side, David and Sarah Rubin Jacobson, Jewishimmigrants from Lithuania gave birth to Edward “Eddie” Jacobson, Americanbusinessman and friend of Harry Truman who interceded with him to help gain hissupport for the creation of the modern state of Israel.

1891:On “New York’s Lower East Side, Polish immigrants Malya Molly Goldfarb andNesanel Dovid Bryer, a cantor and small merchant” gave birth to “Samuel E.Goldberg, ‘the father of Jewish music in America.’”

1892:In Sambor, Austria-Hungary two “non-practicing Jews who emigrated to the UnitedStates in 1938 “to escape the anti-Semitic policies of Nazi Germany’ gave birthto pianist and composer Eduard Steuerman who was famed for his Beethovenrecitals of the 1950s and was a distinguished teacher at the Juilliard Schoolfrom 1952 to 1964” an who was the brother of “footballer and Holocaust victim ZygmuntSteuermann,” the bother of “actress and screenwriter Slka Viertel and the uncleof “conductor Michael Gielen.

1893:In Chicago, Dorothy Shaffer and Harry I. Levinthal gave birth to ChicagoCollege of Medicine and Loyal University Medical School trained orthopedicsurgeon Daniel Harold Levinthal, the husband of Getrude M. Coski and during WWI, an orthopedic surgeon serving withthe A.E.F after which he served several Chicago medical facilities including CookCounty Hospital, Mt. Sinai Hospital and Michael Reese Hospital.

1893(4thof Tammuz, 5653): After being treated by Dr. M.S. Kakeles this evening for theeffects of nervous prostration, Samuel Adler, the proprietor of the NineteenthMarble and Granite Works slipped away from the watchful eye of his son and tookhis own life this evening.

1893:As competition heats up between different unions representing Jewish printers,today the Hebrew Typographical Union No.317 joined the Central Labor Union andthe Hebrew-American Typographical Union joined the Central Labor Federation

1893:“Passover Ceremonies” published today described the home observance of Pesachincluding the use of the Hagadah, “of which the first edition printed in Londonis dated 1709; the first edition with an English translation” is dated 1770.

1894: Three days after she had passed away, 64 year oldMiddlesex native Sarah Bauman, the wife of David Bauman with she had had tenchildren, was buried today the “Balls Pond Road Jewish Cemetery.”

1894: Twenty-four-year-old Boston attorney and future member ofthe Boston University Law School faculty married Sadie Rosnosky after which heserved as a Special Justice of the Municipal Court of Roxbury and Chairman ofthe Executive Committee of the Federated Jewish Charities of Boston while araising a daughter Selma who married Max E. Bernkopf.

1894: Birthdate of Pittsburgh, PA native Hattie Weiler Lazarus,the wife of Robert Lazarus and the mother of Charlotte, Babette, Jean, Robertand Nancy Lazarus.

1895: In Portland, Oregon, found of Congregation Talmud Torahwhich holds services every Friday evening at seven and every Saturday at 9;provides Religious School sessions three times a week and used Mount ZionCemetery which is “four miles from the city.

1895: In Las Cruces, NM, Amalia Lewy Freudenthal and PhoebusFruedenthal, who had left German in 1869 at the age to work for an uncle in LasCruces, gave birth to Cornell University graduate Louis Edwin Freudenthal, thehusband of Carmen Khan and father of Elsa and Max Freudenthal.

1896: Philadelphia, Fannie Silver and David L. Goldstein gavebirth to University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University Israel Goldsteinthe JTS ordained rabbi, the spiritual leader of Congregation B’nai Jeshurunstarting in 1918 and one of the founders of Brandies University who was theBertha Markowitz.

1896: The Hebrew Technical Institute is scheduled to hold itscommencement exercises at Cooper Union beginning at 8 pm.

1896: French newspapers announced the Marquise de Mores, aprominent anti-Semite, “had been murdered by some tribesman on the Tripolitanfrontier” – a claim that would later be disputed by his widow.

1896(7th of Tammuz, 5656): Twenty-five-year-old Simon Mischel anunmarried Jew living on Delancey Street was strangled at Clyde, near Buffalo,by “road agents” who threw his body into the river after robbing him of “alarge amount of money.”

1896: Rabbi Kaufmann Kohler delivered the opening prayer at thetenth annual commencement exercise of the Hebrew Technical Institute which tookplace this evening at Cooper Institute.

1897: In New York City, “Victor and Etta (Kleinert) Guinzburg”gave birth to sculptor Frederick Victor Guinzburg, the husband of Ruth Levy anda member of both Temple Emanu-El and the Federation of Jewish PhilanthropicSocieties.

1897: Birthdate of German WW I Army veteran Martin S. Friedmanwho in 1923 came to the United States where he was ordained at Hebrew UnionCollege and served as the rabbi at Temple Beth-El in Pensacola FL, where he wasknown as “a philosopher and leader endowed with a brilliant mind” who in thewords of the Pastor of the First Presbyterian church did “more to bring membersof other denominations into closer fellowship and understanding than any otherleader who had come to Pensacola.”

1898:It was reported today the nine people have been killed in Austrian Galiciaduring an outbreak of anti-Semitic violence which has required the dispatch oftroops to the area to quell the peasant mobs.

1898:In Cincinnati, Ohio, actors Joseph and Bessie Jacobson gave birth to IrvingJacobson star of Yiddish and American theatre who played Sancho Panza in theoriginal Broadway run of “Man of La Mancha.”

1899:“Firecrackers, eggs, watermelon rinds and stones were thrown” at Wilson W.Dunlap and his aids when “they attempted to hold services” on the lower eastside designed to convert Jews to Christianity.

1899:“Recent German Events” published today described the speeches given by CountWalter Puckler “a prominent Jew baiter” in a Silesian village “in which heincited his audience to violence against the Jews.” Following attacks on the Jews, Puckler wasprosecuted “for stirring up ‘hatred between the classes.’” The local tribunaldismissed the charges but the Public Prosecutor appealed the case to theSupreme Court which has yet to rule.

1899:It was reported today that fines have been levied on two Berlin anti-Semiticpapers, the Stasstsburger Zeitung andthe Deutsche General-Anzeiger forpublishing the speeches of Count Puckler.

1899:In Saint-Petersburg, “Jewish-Russian lawyer, national politician and Jewishcommunity leader Maxim Vinaver, who emigrated to France in 1919, and his wifebirth to Eugène Vinaver “a literary scholar who is best known today for hisedition of the works of Sir Thomas Malory” and who as a deputy in the pre-warDuma sought to gain full rights for Jews in Russia.

1899:During a six-day meeting inParis. Herzl, Max Nordau and Alexander Marmorek meet Narcisse Leven who assuresthem that the Jewish Colonization Association will cooperate when it comes topractical colonization.

1899:In Baltimore, MD, Dr. Richard Gottheil chaired the opening session of thesecond annual conference of the Federation of American Zionists.

1899:A summary of the United Hebrew Charities report for May described the 2,021applications for assistance that covered the needs of 6,737 individuals. Themonthly cash receipts of $10, 816.08 went to cover the expenses that totaled$10,808.21. These included everythingfrom $2,514.12 for local relief to $282.00 to cover the burials for theindigent

1900:It was reported to that farewell services have been held at the Allen StreetPresbyterian Church which has sold its property on Forsyth Street “to a JewishCongregation.”

1900:For the first time this season, “The Educational Alliance opened the doors ofits roof garden at the corner of East Broadway and Jefferson Street” tonight.

1901(1stof Tammuz, 5661): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1901:Birthdate of Major Wellesley Aron the English Jew who founded Habonim andrisked his military career during WW II by rescuing Jews in Italy.

1901,Gertrude Weil became the first North Carolina resident to graduate from SmithCollege.

1902:It was reported today that Street Cleaning Commissioner Woodbury told a meetingof the Janitors’ Association led by Jacob Babein that “You may be surprisedwhen I tell you that during the Jewish holidays in April, we carted not lessthan 11,000 cubic yards of garbage from the district down here” which “is anawful lot.

1902:Deutsche Bioscope GmbH, Berlin, which was founded by Berlin born JulesGreenbaum, the husband of Emma Karstein and the father of award-winning cinematographerMutz Greenbaum was incorporated today with a capital of 20,000 marks[5] Themain offices were at 131d Friedrichstraße, where the firm supplied equipment(including the American Biograph camera), and an 8-hour guaranteed film copyingservice

1902:It was reported today that Nathan Straus’s trotting geld Cobwebs defeated thetrotter Jolly Bachelor which up until had pretty much been having things “hisown way.”

1903:It was announced today that, “in view of the strain of the approachingcoronation, King Edward” whose numerous Jewish friends included the Sassoongamily and Sir Ernest Cassel, had been advised by his physicians to “forgo allpublic engagements for the next few days. (For more see Edward VII and hisJewish Court

1903:Twenty-six-year-old NYU trained attorney married “May (Adelson) Feiner” todayin Manhattan.

1904: Birthdate of French composerManuel Rosenthal

1905: Graduation exercises are scheduled to be held today at theJewish Theological Seminary.

1906: “Foreign Secretary Grey was asked by Keir Hardie, in theHouse of Commons , if he had seen the telegram signed by members of the RussianParliament alleging that the massacre of Jews at Bialystok was officiallycountenanced and if this was not sufficient to justify action on the part ofthe Foreign Office with the view of "influencing the Russian Government tostop these outrages on civilization.”

1906: Birthdate of New York City native and attorney Henry EdwardSchultz, the husband of Rose Jane Schultz with whom he had three children,Jane, Michael and Roger and a director of the Anti-Defamation League during theJoe McCarthy era when they took real courage.

1907: It was reported today that Jacob H. Schiff has said that theOrthodox congregations have “not give the proper support for the JewishTheological Seminary on Morningside Heights” which was left with a deficit thisyear.

1907: Birthdate of Austria-Hungary native Walter Taub the actorand director known for his role at Rabbi Singer in the 1979 film David that “tellsthe story of a rabbi's son in Germany during the Holocaust, who tries to raisemoney to escape to Mandate Palestine.”

1908: It was reported today that a conference called by theleaders of the United Hebrews Charities had “had passed a resolution declaringthat the distress among the poor of that section was more widespread and moreacute than ever before in the history of New York City.

1909(29th of Sivan, 5669): Sixty-eight-year-old Deborah Cohn, thedaughter of Dr. Marcus Mosse and Ulrike Mosse and the wife of Emil Cohn withwhom she had five children passed away today.

1910(11th of Sivan, 5670): Parahshat Beha’alotcha

1910: Washington resident Simon Wolf, “a member of the Board ofDelegates of Civil Rights of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations” has acopy of the official State Department report on conditions in Kiev written bythe Charge d’Affairs of the American Embassy at St. Petersburg.

1911: John Isaacs, the son of Rosetta and Isaac Isaacs and brotherof Michael, Simon, Barnett, Henry, Kate and Maria Isaacs who would die ofinfluenza while serving with the British Army married Elizabeth Davis today atthe East London Synagogue.

1911: Sarah Berhnhardt finished a thirty-five-weektheatrical tour of the U.S. and Canada.

1912:At five o’clock this afternoon, at Temple Beth Israel, Dr. Aaron Eisemann, the NewYork born son of Bernhard Eiseman and Rebecca Rosenblat and JTS ordained rabbi officiatedat t wedding of Janette Sobel and Abraham Kaplan.

1912:In Chicago, “Lillian Marks, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon L. Marks”married “Herbert M. Berg, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Berg.”

1913:In Philadelphia, S. L. Nusbaum, a bookbinder, and his wife Jenny (née Singer)gave birth to Nathan Richard Nusbaum better known as writer and dramatist N.Richard Nash whose most successful work was “The Rainmaker” which went frombeing a television production, to a full-length motion picture to a musicalknown as “110 in the Shade.

1913:In New York, a day school for adult Oriental Jews opened on the East Side.

1913:In Cincinnati, Ohio, the Federation of American Zionist adopted resolutionsendorsing “the work of the Ahuzot, establishing “a Nahum Sokolow fund to beused for building a workingmen’s settlement in Palestine,” recommending to theZionist Congress the creation of a Jewish National University in Palestine” andreaffirming “the political character of the Zionist organization.”

1913:Birthdate of Samuel Cohen, who gainedfame as Sammy Cahn the violin and piano player best known a musical composerwho provided the tunes for Broadway and Hollywood.

1913:Birthdate of New York City native Rabbi Marcus M. Cogan, the husband of SelmaKaizen Cogan whom he married in 1938, and who was the principal and rebbe ofYehisva Torah V’Daath in Baltimore and a chaplain in the U.S. Army during WWII.

1914:In New York City, “Morton Edgar and Hazel Augusta (Kronthal) Lauterbach” gavebirth to Dartmouth graduate and former Time Magazine Moscow Bureau ChiefRichard Edward Lauterbach, the “husband of the former “Elizabeth S. Wardell”with whom he had three children – Jennifer, Ann and David”

1914:Day school for adult Oriental Jews opened on the New York’s East Side.

1914(24thof Sivan, 5674): In Chicago, seventy-four-year-old Babbette Mergentheim, the“widow of Bernhard Mergentheim” with whom she had had two sons – Aaron andMoses – and three daughters passed away today.

1915:“It is considered probable that Governor Slaton might reach decision today”regarding the fate of Leo Frank.

1915:“So strong is the feeling” that the governor will commute Frank’s sentence“that offer to wage 3 to1 in favor commutation found few takers thisafternoon.”

1915(6thof Tammuz, 5675): Eighty-one-year-old Bernhard Bettmann passed away today. A native of Bavaria, he came to the UnitedStates in 1850 and settled in Cincinnati.He became a successful businessman, bank president and leading member ofthe local Republican Party as well as a pillar of the Jewish community.

1916:The American Jewish Relief Committee of which Felix M. Warburg is the Treasurerreported today have collect gifts that total more than $4,100,000.

1916:On the day after his 27th birthday, Boston University trainedattorney George E. Gordon, the Russian born son of Rose Feinsilver and JacobGordon and a member of the Walnut Street Synagogue in Chlsea and thebrotherhood of Ohabei Shalom Temple in Boston married Dorothy Wolfson today.

1916:“The newly organized Woodrow Wilson Independent League gave out statements fromeleven prominent men” including Jacob H. Schiff, President of Kuhn, Loeb &Co. and Isidor Jacobs, President of the California Canneries Company and theNapa Canning Company, “setting forth their reasons for supporting the Presidentfor re-election” the most important of which was his success in keeping thecountry out of war.

1916:Paolo Baselli who expressed his support for Zionist aims he met with NahumSokolow began serving a term as Prime Minister of Italy

1916:As the British fought to dislodge the Ottomans from the Sinai, Palestine andpoints beyond “11 aircraft of the 5th Wing under Colonel W. G. H. Salmond”attacked El Arish destroying two Turkish planes on the ground and destroyingten hangars.”

1916:“The cornerstone for a new synagogue to be known as the Mount NebohCongregation of Washington Heights was laid” this afternoon by Abram I. Elkusafter which speeches were delivered by Rabbi A.S. Anspacher, Adolf Lewisohn,Dr. Nathan Stern and David E. Goldfarb.

1916:“Plans for the enlargement of the Beth David Hospital at Lexington Avenue and113th Street were formulated” today “at the opening of the eighthannual convention of the Federation of Russian-Polish Jews of American”following which several members immediately responded by giving checks totoward the $50,000 President Jacob Garlinger said was need for the buildingfund.

1916:The Central Committee for the Relief of Jews Suffering Through the War of whichHarry Fischel is Treasurer reported today the receipt of an additional$8,440.61 in contributions.

1916:The Turkish military governor, Djemal Pasha, banned Jews from praying at theKotel. (In 1917, he reportedly offeredto rescind the ban if he was paid 100,000 Francs)

1917:Following the February Revolution Julius Martov, a leader of the Mensheviksattended a conference where “he failed to gain the support of the delegates fora policy of immediate peace negotiations with the Central Powers.”

1917:Annie Carp was buried today in London at the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery.”

1917:During World War I, reports from London state that Zionist activity in Turkeyhas been prohibited by the government.

1917:Five days after he was killed in a German air raid on London, 15 year oldNathan Cohen the son of Joseph and Sarah Cohen was buried in London at “PlashetJewish Cemetery” today.

1917:According to Captain Isaac Frank of the Brownsville Police Station 1,500tickets have been sold for tonight’s benefit performance at the Liberty Theatrewhich is a fundraiser of the Junior Police which is “composed almostexclusively of Jewish boys.”

1917:Starting today, there will be no collections by Jewish groups for war reliefbecause today marks the start of the week when the Red Cross is scheduled tobegin it fundraising week.

1918:In New York, Sadie Helen (Kun) and Louis Karfunkle gave birth to JeromeKarfunkle who gained fame as Jerome Karle the co-winner of the 1985 Nobel Prizefor Chemistry and husband of chemistIsabella Karle with whom he had three “scientist daughters” – Louise, Jean andMadeleine Karle.

1918:Birthdate of Jerome Karle, the Brooklyn native who shared the 1985 Nobel Prizein Chemistry (As reported by Kenneth Chang)

1918:The Ziegfeld Follies of 1918 featuring songs by Eddie Cantor opened today.

1918:Birthdate Franco Modigliani, Italianborn American winner of the Nobel Prize for economics in 1985 and husband ofSerena Calabi with whom he had two children – Andre and Sergio Modigliani.

1919:The publication of Haaretz, a Hebrewdaily newspaper, begins in Jerusalem. It will move to Tel Aviv in 1923. It isindependent and liberal in orientation. Its literary supplement features thebest Hebrew writers and scholars both from Palestine and the Diaspora.

1920(2ndof Tammuz, 5680): Fifty-one-year-old Mayer M. Swaab, the Philadelphia born sonof Mark M. Swaab and Vice President of the chewing gum manufactures Frank H.Fleer who was a member of Mike Israel and the father of Frank Swaab and “Lt.Jacques M. Swaab, the third American of World War I who shot down thirteenenemy planes.

1920:Birthdate of Joseph Bau, the native of Krakow who survived the Shoah thanks to“Schindler’s List.”

1920:It was reported today that “Dr. David F. Markus, the Chief Rabbi of theAshkenazic Jewish Community of Constantinople and the President of the JointDistribution Committee for Turkey and Mr. Henry G. Reisner, President of theJewish Immigration Aid Society of Constantinople and President of the AshkenaziCommunity of Constantinople” have come to the United States “to confer with theexecutive heads of the Joint Distribution Committee” and to emphasize the needfor more funds to be provided due to the overwhelming suffering of the Jews inTurkey.

1921:Winston Churchill “informed his officials at the Colonial Office that hebelieved it was impossible for Britain to grant any form of representation tothe Arabs that would give them the power to halt Jewish immigration.”

1922: “The National Association of JewishCommunity Center Secretaries opened its fourth annual conference at Providence,RI today.

1923: In Baltimore, a report read at tonight'ssession of the Zionist convention by Emanuel Newmann, General Secretary of thePalestine Foundation states that six million dollars has been raised In thepast two years by Jewish organizations in the United States devoted to therebuilding of Palestine, and of this sum $4,250,000, amounting to 70 per cent,of the total, has been raised by the Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren Hayesod).

1923: The Independent order of Brith Sholomwhich had been founded in 1905 and has 35,802 members continued its 18th annual convention for a second day inAtlantic City, NJ

1923:Checker Cab puts its first taxi on the streets.Originally a Checker Cab was a taxicab built by the Checker CabCompany. The Checker Cab Company hadbeen formed by Morris Markin a Russian Jewish immigrant. Markin was so poor when he arrived in theUnited States that he had to borrow the $25 for the bond necessary for thoseentering the country from a porter working at Ellis Island. Beginning as a tailor, Markin amassed enoughof a fortune to own his own garment business and to bring the rest of hisfamily from Russia to Chicago. Afterstarting the Checker Cab Company, he bought the Yellow Cab Company. He passed away in 1970.

1923:In Newark, NJ, Meyer Ellenstein, the dentist who became that city’s Mayor, andhis wife gave birth to “character actor” Robert “Bob” Ellenstein.

1924:“Criticism of the Immigration Law enacted by Congress was voiced today inAtlantic City at the convention of the National of Jewish Community CenterSecretaries in a speech by HermanPassamaneck of Kansas City, MO, the organizations President.

1925:In Camden, NJ, the “Camden Talmud Torah, Inc. purchase land at 621 KaighnAvenue from David Jentis & Co., Inc. for $10,000,

1926:Joseph Leblang, the Chairman of the Amusem*nt Division of the United Jewishcampaign announced today “that E.F.Albee, President of the Keith-Albeevaudeville circuit would supply a score of well-known variety entertainers atthe Theatrical and Sports Field Day” to be held next week at the Polo Grounds.

1927(18thof Sivan, 5687): Parashat Sh’lach

1927:It was reported today that “a new land purchased in the Valley Jezreel was madeby the Jewish National Fund” which “will be used to a establish a settlementfor Orthodox workmen.”

1928:It was reported today that Dr. Jacob Katz, the Rabbi of the MontefioreCongregation denounced the planners of real estate booms who hit upon a veryunworthy idea in attempting to hitch realty to the reality of religion” whichlimits the opportunity for Orthodox Jews to live in the general community.

1929:Jacob Goldman a former student at New York University living in Tel Aviv writesa letter on this date “telling of demonstrations by young Aras and thecirculation of songs calling Moslems to ‘take up the sword’ against the foreignruler and the Jews.’”

1929:In Paszto, a Hungarian shtetl with a reported 120 Jewish families, to Ferencand Rosa Rubin gave birth to Tibor "Ted" Rubin “a Holocaust survivorwho immigrated to the United States in 1948 and received the Medal of Honor forhis actions in the Korean War by President George W. Bush in 2005.”

1929:Birthdate of Albert Morris Bendich, the native of New York “who successfullydefended the right to free speech in two landmark midcentury obscenity cases —involving Allen Ginsberg’s poem “Howl” and Lenny Bruce’s nightclub act.” (Asreported by Margalit Fox)

1930:A discharged Arab policeman has been arrested in Jaffa as a suspect in theattempted murder of Police Captain F.M. Scott of Tel Aviv. “It is believed that the former policemanswore vengeance against Scott because he had dismissed him from the force.

1931:“Extreme Nationalists are disappointed over the failure of yesterday’s strikewas called by the Arab executive in order to commemorate the hanging last yearof three Arabs for the murder of Jews in the 1929 riots.”

1932(14thof Sivan, 5692): Parashat Nasso chanted for the last time during the Presidencyof Herbert Hoover.

1933:“Sol M. Stroock, former President of the New York Federation and Judge MitchellMay, President of the Brooklyn Federation are scheduled to be the guestspeakers at the Annual Joint Meeting of the Junior Federaions of the New YorkFederation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Society and the BrooklynFederation of Jewish Charities being held tonight at Temple Emanue-El in NewYork.

1933:Dr. Chaim Arlosoroff, the 34-year-old Zionist leader gunned down by two unknownassassins was buried this afternoon. About 70,000 people marched in the funeralprocession, with delegations attending from all parts of the country. BerylKatzenellenson, editor of Davar, Meir Dizengoff, Mayor of Tel Aviv and MenachemUssishkin, head of the Jewish National Fund all delivered eulogies.

1933: Birthdate of Jerzy Kosiński, Polish-born American author. During the Holocaust, Kosinski was hidden bya Polish family using a false Baptismal certificate. After the war, he was reunited with hisparents. He came to the United States in1957. The Painted Bird and BeingThere are two of his most famous efforts.He passed away in 1991.

1933: “The annual convention of the Council of YoungIsrael Organizations” which will be attended by “delegates from the UnitedStates, Canada, Great Britain, France and Poland” is scheduled to continuetoday at “the Hotel Clarendon-Brunswick” in Asbury, NJ.

1934: A resolution was passed today at today at theconvention of the Independent Order of B’rith Sholom “calling for continuedsupport of the boycott against Nazi manufactured goods as long as Hitlerremains in power.”

1934: In Montreal, “the strike being carried on bythe interns of the Notre Dame and other hospitals here in protest against theappointment of a Jewish physician neared an end today when Dr. Sam Rabinovitch,center of the controversy expressed his intention of resigning” so, as he said,“to save the institution from a serious predicament.” (JTA) (Editor’s note - does this help explain how Canada came totake in such a low number of Jews fleeing from the Nazis/)

1935: “Dr. Henry Sliosberg, the Jewish lawyer livingin Paris and exile from Russia for 15 years who as an excerpt on theauthenticity of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” arrived in New York todayabout the Cunard White Star line Berengaria.

1936: The Palestine Post reported that a commission hadbeen appointed by the government to replace the Haifa's Municipal Council whichsince the beginning of the Arab boycott was no longer able to discharge itsduties. The government began to demolish the condemned buildings in the OldCity of Jaffa. The quarter looked like a nightmare with furniture, bedding andodds and ends being dragged out of condemned houses.

1936: Paul Baerwald, chairman of the Joint Distribution Committeepresided over a meeting today in New York where “the necessity forrehabilitation activities in behalf of Jews in Germany and Eastern Europe” wasdiscussed by “a group of Jewish leaders from various parts of the UnitedStates” including Joseph C. Hyman, Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, Felix M. Warburg andCarl J. Austrian.

1936: In New York City Sidney and Frances Wimmer gave birth to RichardSamuel Wimmer who would finally achieve his goal of being a published authorwith the appearance of Irish Wine in 1989. (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)

1936 (28th of Sivan, 5696): “Two more Jews died today as a resultof Arab terrorism…Abraham Benyehuda died from wounds received in a recentambush of a bus belonging to the Jewish colony of Ataroth, north ofJerusalem…Joseph Shefter, proprietor of the Leviathan tannery located on theoutskirts of Tel Aviv, died as a result of an attack this afternoon on a buswhich he and nine of his employees were returning to Tel Aviv.

1936: “A symposium on ‘Proposed Roads for American Jewry’ wasconducted at the afternoon session of the third annual conference of theInstitute on Contemporary Jewish Affairs held” today “under the auspices of theNational Council of Jewish Women” during which more than 150 delegations “heardthree speakers” – Marvin Lowenthal, Dr. Erick Gutkind and Dr. Morris R. Cohen –“express widely divergent views on the survival of the Jewish people.

1937: David Sarnoff is scheduled to be the guest of honor attoday’s luncheon sponsored by the Circus Saints and Sinners.

1937: P.L. Goodman is scheduled to deliver a lecture on “Jews andArabs in Palestine” at the Bronx House in New York.

1937(9th of Tammuz, 5697): Forty-four-year-old AlBoasberg, who helped to create the comedic persona of Jack Benny, George Burnsand Gracie Allen, among others passed away today.

1937: Seventy-eight-year-old financer and Columbia graduateJefferson Seligman, the New York born son of James and Rosie Content Seligmanwho abandoned his medical studies for what became a senior partnership “in thefirm of J&W Seligman and Company” passed away today, fifteen years afterthe death of his wife Julia Wormers Seligman

1938: Winston Churchill wrote to Sir Alexander Maxwell, thePermanent Under-Secretary of State at the Home Office asking him for assistancein making Vic Oliver’s wish to become a naturalized British subject areality. Vic Oliver was an Austrian bornJewish actor, radio comedian and pianist who had married Churchill’s daughterSarah. Churchill had opposed themarriage at first because Oliver was sixteen years old than his daughter andtwice-divorced. Later, he came to “likeand esteem him greatly.”

1939(1st of Tamuz, 5699): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1939: Seven hundred delegates attending “annual convention of theIndependent Order of B’rith Abraham” at Saratoga Springs, NY, heard RabbiStephen S. Wise make “a plea for a united Jewry to solve the refugee andPalestine problems.”

1940:Members of the Etzel command who were imprisoned inthe summer 1of 939 are released.

1940(12th of Sivan, 5700): Sixty-eight Russian-born American actorMaurice Moscovitch whose last appearance was “Mr. Jaecekl” the Jewish neighborin Charlie Chaplin’s satire of Hitler, “The Great Dictator.”

1940: Charles De Gaulle issued L'Appeldu 18 Juin (the Appeal of 18 June) over the BBC radio service in which hecalled upon the French to resist the Vichy regime and to fight on against theNazis despite the signing of the armistice.This is considered to the start of the French Resistance. While many Frenchmen heeded his call, a largenumber actually supported Vichy and collaborated with the Nazis. The Myth of the Resistance grew in proportionto Allied successes following Normandy.

1941: “Members of the Jewish Writers Union picketed the offices ofthe New York and national Guilds during the lunch hour” today “with placardsdenouncing the New York Newspaper Guild’s strike against The Jewish Day as anexample of ‘dual unionism’ and ‘union wrecking.’”

1941: On his 28th birthday, Norwegian merchant HerzeCaplan was arrested today in what would be his first step towards the finaldestination of Aushwitz.

1942: Today is the deadline given by the German government to theCzechs for the surrender of those who killed Reinhard Heydrich or sufferfurther reprisals.

1943: At their meeting today in Manhattan, the exeutive committeeof the Christian Council on Palestine adopted several resolutions concerningthe treatment of the Jews including a call for “Christian churches all overAmerica protest ceaselessly against the brutality practiced upon the Jews bythe Nazis.”

1944: Rabbi Philip Lipis, who was serving as a Chaplain in theUnited States Navy, spoke at the installation service at Congregation Beth Elin Camden, NJ where Morris LIebman began his fourth term as President of theCongregation and Mrs. Max PIncus became Sisterhood President. Lipis had taken leave from his position asthe congregation’s rabbi to serve during World War II.

1945: U.S. premiere of “G.I. Joe” a gritty film about the infantryin WW II with a score by Louis Applebaum and Ann Ronnell.

1946: “The Austrian Government made a major concession to VienneseJews today when it was ordered that all persons occupying dwellings seized fromJews now back in the city should be evicted.”

1947: Ben-Gurion published a long memorandum addressed to theHaganah command. He outlined athree-fold structure for the organization: an excellent attack force forspecial purposes; a driving force in the form of a regular army; and aterritorial defense force. The mosturgent goal: training commanders up through the battalion level; establishing ahigh school for commanders to prepare battalion commanders and staff officers. This was necessary because up until thistime, the Haganah’s platoon commander’s course was the highest level oftraining.

1947: John Henry Patterson, who attained the rank of LieutenantColonel in the Essex Yeomanry before retiring passed away today. Many know Patterson as the British officerportrayed by Val Kilmer in “The Ghost and the Darkness,” a film based onPatterson’s building of a bridge in Kenya before WW I. Jews remember him as the commander of theZion Mule Corps and the 38th Battalion of the Royal Fusiliers whichwas popularly known as the Jewish Legion of the British Army. Patterson sacrificed his own career to fightthe anti-Semitism that was so rife among many British officers of thattime. He wrote two books about hisexperiences – With the Zionists at Gallipoli and With the Judeans inPalestine. Patterson’s close relationship with Zionist leaders can be seenin the fact that he was the Godfather of Benzion Netanyahu’s oldest son,Yonatan “Yoni” Netanyahu, the hero of Entebbe and the brother of the currentPrime Minister of Israel.

1947: Ben-Gurion appointedYaakov Dori as the chief of staff and Yisrael Galili as the new nationalcommand head as part of his plan to revamp the Yishuv’s military forces.

1948: A truce which was to be overseen by the United Nations TruceSupervision Organization was supposed to go into effect in the Middle Easttoday.

1948: In a move that the Soviets would use as one of their excusesfor blockading Berlin, he United States, Britain and France announced that on21 June the Deutsche Mark would be introduced. (These entries about the BerlinBlockade are intended to show that the Israel’s fight for independence was partof the mosaic that came to be known as the Cold War)

1949(21st of Sivan, 5709): Parashat Beha’alotcha

1949: “The American people should be "mature" enough toshun a "witch hunt mentality" whenever the question of Russia israised, Rabbi David J. Seligson, assistant rabbi at Central Synagogue,Lexington Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street, said today in his sermon”

1950:Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett asked Israelinewspaper editors today to go slow in attacking Eastern bloc Governments andparticularly their representatives. His plea followed protests by diplomaticrepresentatives to the Government against press attacks.

1950(3rd of Tammuz, 5710): Sixty-eight-year-oldSt. Louis born attorney Charles Marcus Rice passed away today in Clayton, MO.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Negev rejoicedwhen water spurted several meters high in the yellow wilderness when AvrahamHartzfeld, the gray-haired patron of the settlers, turned the tap of the newpipeline and pumping station.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel's firststeel-pipe factory was opened south of Acre by the Middle East Tube Co. Ltd.

1951: The Jerusalem Post reported that the new freighterEilat called at Haifa with a cargo of 9,000 tons of wheat and 2,000 tons ofmachinery.

1952(25th of Sivan, 5712): Sixty-five-year-old Latvianborn composer Solomon Golub whose “collection ofhis Yiddish songs was published by Metro Music in 1936” passed away today inthe Bronx.

1952: In Cleveland, Ohio, “jazz singer, teacher, dancer, andpianist” Joy Kane and architect Michael Kane gave birth to actress CarolynLaurie “Carol” Kane best known for her Emmy Award winning SimkaDahblitz-Gravas, wife of Latka Gravas on the sitcom “Taxi.”

1952: Eight days after the Israeli government imposed a forcedloan of 10 percent on currency holdings and bank accounts, the deflationaryeffect has been so sharp “that Government officials are uncertain whether to bejubilant or worried. Newspapers have experiencedan unexpected decline in revenue due to a loss of circulation at time when theyhad just negotiated a new labor contract increasing wages of workers. A round-trip ticket from Tel Aviv to Parishas jumped in the past year from 175 Israeli pounds to 500 Israeli pounds.Shops of all kind are doing less business and nightclubs report that theirearnings on Saturday night (their busiest time) are less now than they were foran average week night a year ago.

1953: In Washington, D.C.,“The Israeli Embassy struck back today against charges by Jordan that Israelhad aggressive designs on neighboring Jordan and had deliberately incitedborder violence with that country.”

1954: “The Big Chase” featuring Phillip Aronoff “Phil” Arnold as “Bunkie”was released today in the United States.

1954:Pierre Mendes-France became Premier of France. Born in 1907 in Paris,Mendes-France’s came from a family of Sephardic Jews. He was trained as alawyer and fought with the Free French during World War II. After the war,Mendes-France served in numerous governments in the revolving door of theFourth Republic. Mendes-France was an anti-colonialist. He served as Premierafter the fall of Dien Bien Phu and negotiated the end to the French Indo-ChinaWar. Several Catholic political leaders attacked him for this and the attackquickly became anti-Semitic. Mendes-France also began the negotiations thatwould lead to independence for the French colonies in North Africa.Mendes-France political signature was a glass of milk. After the war, someFrench leaders were concerned that French people were drinking too much wineand starting to drink at too early an age. When Mendes-France would appear inpublic, there invariably was a glass of milk on the lectern, which he made apoint of sipping some time during the presentation. Mendes-France passed awayin 1982.

1956:Golda Meir replaced Moshe Sharett as Foreign Minister. Sharett had held the position since thecreation of the state, even when he was serving as Prime Minister. Meir’s colorful career had already includedclandestine negotiations with the King of Jordan and a stint as the firstAmbassador to the Soviet Union.Eventually she would rise to the position of Prime Minister.

1957(19thof Sivan, 5717): Fifty-four-year-old David “Dave” Berman the Russian born WW IIveteran and crime boss whose territory included Iowa and Minnesota and laterLas Vegas suffered a fatal heart attack in the midst of a glandular operationat a Las Vegas hospital.

1959:A federal court overturned Arkansas state laws that allowed schools faced withintegration to be closed. HarryEhrenberg, Sr., of blessed memory, was one of those unsung heroes who literallyrisked his as he carried a petition seeking support to keep the Little Rockschools open despite the race baiting efforts of Governor Faubus to defy schoolintegration.

1959:“The Five Pennies” a biopic directed by Melville Shavelson, starring Danny Kayeand including an Oscar nominated song by Sylvia Fine was released in the UnitedStates today.

1961Today: Washington, DC native and Smith College graduate Elisabeth Posner Cohen,the future President of the Posner-Wallace Foundation married Robert StuartCohen with whom she had two children before divorcing in 1986.

1961:In East Brunswick, NJ, Diane H.Lipman, “a programmer analyst” and Burton E.Lipman, “an author of business books and CEO of a cardiac pacemaker componentmanufacturing company” gave birth to Yale graduate and journalist JoanneLipman, author of That's What She Said: What Men Need to Know (and WomenNeed to Tell Them) About Working Together

1961:ABC broadcast the last episode of “The Rebel” an off-beat western televisionseries “developed and created by” Irvin Kershner which featured appearances byNed Glass and Soupy Sales.

1964:Rabbi Barnett Robert Brickner “was arrested at the Monson Motor Lodge in St.Augustine, Florida today as part of the largest mass arrest of rabbis inAmerican history, having gone there at the urging of Martin Luther King Jr.”

1964:In the UK, Clive Pears, the son of Bernard Pears “an Austrian-born Britishbusinessman, and the founder of the William Pears Group, one of Britain'slargest property companies” and Clarice Talisman Castles the Glasgow born daughterof Hannah Castle and Abraham Castle, a dealer in electrical and wirelessappliances, gave birth to Sir Trevor Steven Pears, the brother and business partnerof Mark and David Pears and wife of Daniela Peers and trust of the JewishCharity Mitzvah Day which is in keeping with his service as ‘Chair o heAntisemitism Policy Trust.”

1966(30thof Sivan, 5726): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1967(10thof Siva, 5727): Sixty-two-year-old Sao Paulo, Brazil native and University ofZurich and Cambridge educated professor of chemistry at Columbia, Dr. Jack HenrySchulman who helped to develop special weapons for the British War Office in WWII and “former director of the Ernest Oppenheimer Laboratory in the Departmentof Colloid Science at Cambridge” “drowned today while swimming at San Felic deCirceo.”

1968:“The Jewish Defense League's firstmeeting was held at the West Side Jewish Center” today.

1969:U.S. premiere of “The Wild Bunch” for which Jerry Fielding provided the musicwhich was so good that it “was nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Score.

1970:Greville Ewan Janner began serving as a Member of Parliament from LeicesterNorth West.

1973(18thof Sivan, 5733): Seventy-one-year-old Vienneseborn composer Fritz Mahler whose father was a cousin of Gustav Mahlerand whose wife was dance Pauline Konerpassed away today in Winston-Salem, NC

1974:In the Soviet Union, the Goldstein brothers began a hunger strike to protestthe government’s crackdown prior to the upcoming visiting of President RichardNixon.

1974(28thof Sivan, 5734): Seventy-one-year-old London native Victor J. Cohen, who in1907 came to the United States where he founded “two well-known real estateconcerns” – Williams and Company, Inc. and Williams Real Estate --, married the“former Rae Oelbaum” with whom he had a son named Jerome and became “a ScienceFellow of the Belfer Graduate School of Yeshiva University” passed away today.

1975(9thof Tammuz, 5735): Ninety-one-year-old award winning philosopher Samuel HugoBermann, the native of Prague who made Aliyah in 1920 where he founded the BritShalom movement with Martin Buber passed away today.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that the Treasury and theHistadrut had jointly decided that Value Added Tax would be levied at 8percent, as of July 1.

1976: The Jerusalem Post reported that two Israeli missileboats sailed for the US to take part in the July 4 Bicentennial salute on theHudson River.

1979(23rd of Sivan, 5739): Fifty-five-year-oldbusinessman Stanley Jerome, the Austin, TX born of Agnes and Rabbi NathanEmanuel Barasch and husband of Reita Jean Barasch passed away today inBirmingham, AL.

1984(18thof Sivan, 5744): Denver-based radio talk show host Alan Berg was gunned down byChristian White Supremacists whose Christianity did not include the teachingsof Jesus.

1988(3rdof Tammuz, 5748): Parashat Korach

1988(3rdof Tammuz, 5748): Eighty-five-year-old Tulane alum and retail grocer LewisKenneth Cahn, the Pensacola, FL born sonof Solomon and Nettie Kahn, the husband of Eulalie Turer and the father of LeahKahn passed away today.

1989:“Legal Eagles” a comedy directed, co-produced and co-written by Ivan Reitman,with music by Elmer Bernstein and co-starring Debra Winger and Steven Hill wasreleased today in the United States.

1987:Daniel Barenboim began 9 days of conducting the IPO in a series of partiallystaged operas - ''Don Giovanni,'' ''The Marriage of Figaro'' and ''Cosi FanTutte'' – that included performers from the Paris Opera.

1990(25thof Sivan, 5750): Ninety-year-old Boston born Harvard graduate “Walter H.Bieringer, who as president of the United Service for New Americans in the1950's helped resettle European Jews in the United States” and who raised adaughter Doris Hiatt with his wife, the former Annabelle Kaplan, passed awaytoday.

1992(17thof Sivan, 5752): Famed Israeli painter, Mordecai Ardon, passed away His worksincluded an effort from 1944 entitled “Ein Karem.” In English Ein Karem means “Spring of theVineyard.” It is located on thesouthwest edge of Jerusalem.

1993:In Colorado, the District Court awarded title to Leadville’s Hebrew Cemetery toThe Temple Israel Foundation.

1993:It was reported today that “Leonard Lehrman is to conduct the MetropolitanPhilharmonic Chorus on June 19 in a revised version of his work "We AreInnocent: A Rosenberg Cantata," in commemoration of Julius and EthelRosenberg on the 40th anniversary of their execution.”

1996(1stof Tammuz, 5756): Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

1996(1stof Tammuz, 5756): Kesari Yisrael passed away.Born in Yemen in 1933, he came to Palestine at the age of two. After studying at Hebrew University and TelAviv University he became a leader of Histadrut before being elected to theKnesset and serving as a cabinet minister.

1996:Limor Livnat succeeds Shulamit Aloni as Minister of Communications

1996:Benny Begin begins serving as The Science and Technology Minister of Israel

1996:Eli Suissa succeeds Haim Ramon as Internal Affairs Minister

1996:Israel Kessar completes his term as Minister of Transport, NationalInfrastructure and Road Safety.

1996:David Levy succeeds Ehud Barak as foreign minister.

1996:Binyamin Ben-Eliezer completes his term as Minister of Housing and Construction

1996:Binyamin Netanyahu succeeds Shimon Sheetrit as Minister of Religious Services

1996:Gonen Segev completed his service as Minister of Energy and Water Resources.

1996:Avigdor Kahalani replaced Moshe Shahal as Minister of Public Security

1996:Ehud Barak competed his service as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

1997:In “Nazis and Their Allies in Art Theft” published today Richard Bernsteinprovided a detailed review of The Lost Museum: The Nazi Conspiracy to Stealthe World’s Greatest Works of Art by Hector Feliciano.

1997(13thof Sivan, 5757): Lev Kopelev the Russianborn idealist and a committed Bolshevik who over time would become a dissidentand ended up having to live out his days in Cologne, Germany passed away today.

1997(13thof Sivan, 5757): Ninety-five-year Benjamin Zemach, who with his brother Nathan,was a “dance pioneer” passed away today. (As reported by Anna Kisselgoff)

1999:The Times of London reviewed “Israel and the Bomb” by Avner Cohen.

2000:“Spellbound” published today provides a review of Myla Goldberg’s Bee Season.

2000: TheNew York Times featured reviews ofbooks by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Groucho: TheLife and Times of Julius Henry Marx by Stefan Kanfer, Monkey Business: The Livesand Legends of the Marx Brothers: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zeppo With Added Gummo by Simon Louvish, The Essential Groucho: Writingsby, for, and About Groucho Marx Edited by Stefan Kanfer, How to Read and Why by Harold Bloom, KingDavid: A Biography bySteven L. McKenzie and The Jewish State: The Struggle for Israel's Soulby Yoram Hazony

2001(27th of Sivan, 5761): Palestinianterrorists murdered 35 year old Dan Yehuda in “a drive-by shooting.”

2001: Fatah gunman shot 38 year old DoronZisserman.

2002: BBC One broadcast the last episode of “AHistory of Britain,” “a documentary series written and presented by” Jewishhistorian and author Simon Schama.

2002: In “Edelman Savors Nearly 50 Years ofIndependence,” published today Jim Kirk provides a snapshot of the career ofDaniel Edelman the PR man who came to Chicago from New York and founded theagency that bears his name.

2002(8thof Tammuz, 5762): Nineteen people, including two children, were killed and 74were injured – six seriously – in a suicide bombing at the Patt junction inEgged bus #32A traveling from Gilo to the center of Jerusalem. The bus, whichwas completely destroyed, was carrying a number of students on their way toschool. The victims: Boaz Aluf, 54, of Jerusalem; Shani Avi-Zedek, 15, ofJerusalem; Leah Baruch, 59, of Jerusalem; Mendel Bereson, 72, of Jerusalem;Rafael Berger, 28, of Jerusalem; Michal Biazi, 24, of Jerusalem; TatianaBraslavsky, 41, of Jerusalem; Galila Bugala, 11, of Jerusalem; Raisa Dikstein,67, of Jerusalem; Dr. Moshe Gottlieb, 70, of Jerusalem; Baruch Gruani, 60, ofJerusalem; Orit Hayla, 21, of Jerusalem; Helena Ivan, 63, of Jerusalem; ImanKabha, 26, of Barta; Shiri Negari, 21, of Jerusalem; Gila Nakav, 55, ofJerusalem; Yelena Plagov, 42, of Jerusalem; Liat Yagen, 24 of Jerusalem;Rahamim Zidkiyahu, 51, of Jerusalem. Hamas claimed responsibility for theattack.

2003(18thof Sivan, 5763): A Palestinian terrorist killed 19 passengers when hedetonated a bomb on a bus in Jerusalem.

2004:U.S. premiere of The Terminal directed and produced by Steven Spielberg whichprovides a comedic twist to issues of immigration and survival in an airport.

2004:Bernard J. Wohl, Executive Director of the Goddard Riverside Community Centeraddresses the 20th annual conference of the “International Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers” inToronto.

2005: Rabbi P. Irving Bloom officiated at thewedding of NYU graduate Mindy Alyse Friedman, who “manages theinvestment-banking analyst program at Lehman Brothers in Manhattan” and Universityof Florida graduate Jeffrey I. Friedman, the Fordham Law School graduate and “directorof football administration for the NFL Philadelphia Eagles.

2005(11th of Sivan, 5765): Sixty-six-year-oldGerald Davis a prominent artist and leader of the Irish Jewish community passedaway.

2006:The New York Times featured reviews of books by Jewish authorsand/or of special interest to Jewish readers including Betraying Spinozaby Rebecca Goldstein and recently released paperback editions of 109 EastPalace: Robert Oppenheimer and the Secret City of Los Alamos by JennetCoant, American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimerby Kai Bird and Martin Sherman and The Boy Who Loved Anne Frank by EllenFeldman

2006:Student groups at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee rallied today callingfor the prosecution of a local man who claims to be a former Waffen-SS officerand announced last week that he planned to set up a public shrine in hisbackyard to commemorate the life of Adolf Hitler.

2006: Ronald S. Lauder purchased the painting Portraitof Adele Bloch-Bauer I by Gustav Klimt for $135 million from Maria Altman


2006(22ndof Sivan, 5766): Ninety-nine-year-old director Vincent Sherman, the small townGeorgia boy who grew into a Hollywood giant who created classics like The YoungPhiladelphians and Mr. Skeffington.

2007:Efraim Sneh left the office of Deputy Defense Minister and wasreplaced by MatanVilnai.

2007:Funeral services were held at Am Shalom, in Glencoe,Illinois for Shirlee Mages, of blessed memory.

2007: Ehud Barak began serving as Minister of Defense.

2007:Newsweek magazine features an article by Robert W. Morgenthau and FrankTuerkheimer entitled “From Midway to the Mideast: How a victory in the Pacific65 years ago helped defeat Hitler and found Israel.” The article includes theinformation that “just after the fall of Tobruk, an SS killing squad…wascreated to operate behind Rommel’s front line…for the express purpose ofkilling Jews in occupied territory.” HadRommel been successful that occupied territory would have included Palestineand the Jews of the Yishuv.

2007:In the “Verbatim” section Time magazinefeatured the following quote by Rutka Laskier, “'If only I could say, It'sover, you only die once ... but I can't, because despite all these atrocities,I want to live, and wait for the following day.'” Rutka Laskier has beendescribed as the Polish Anne Frank. Like Frank, she wrote a Holocaust-eradiary, at the age of 14. Like Frank, Laskier perished during the Holocaust.Apparently, the Nazis killed her at Auschwitz.

2007:Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz squares off in a friendly dispute with Michael Steinhardtat the annual dinner of the Aleph Society in New York City.

2007:On the secular calendar, the fifteenth anniversary of the death of MordecaiArdon. It happens to fall on the 2ndof Tammuz which is appropriate since one of his works was called “Tammuz.”

2008:As the waters recede from the 500 Year Flood of 2008, The Cedar Rapids Gazette reported that Smulekoff's, one of theoldest businesses in downtown Cedar Rapids, said it will be opening intemporary quarters and plans to rebuild its landmark store at 97 Third Ave. SE.

2008:UNICEF met with officials of Adalah, a coalition of pro-Palestinian groups toinform them that the agency would no longer have any relationship with LevLeviev, an Orthodox Jewish diamond mogul who has financed construction projectsin the West Bank.

2008:The Jewish Film Festival of Croatia host a first time one day event inBelgrade.

2009:In Deal New Jersey, Avi Hoffman opens a three-night run of "TooJewish?", "Too Jewish, Too" and “Still Jewish After All TheseYears: A Life in the Theater” at the Axelrod Performing Arts Center.

2009:David Adjmi makes his professional New York theater debut when his play“Stunning” opens at the Duke on 42nd Street today.

2009: Espousing a dream of harmony that may stretch credibilityamong even the most fervent believers in dialogue among the great religions,clerics in Jerusalem launched a project today aimed at finding a way to sharethe city's holiest, and most fought over, site.

2010: Simon Wolfson was created Baron Wolfson of AspleyGuise, of Aspley Guise in the County of Bedfordshire,

2010: The Elvis and 50's Rock'n'Roll Concert is scheduledto take place at midrechov Ben Yehuda in Jerusalem.

2010: Abbie Silber thelovely and multi-talented daughter of Dr. Bob and Laurie Silber provided aspecial musical interlude for Shabbat Services at Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids,IA

2010(5th ofTammuz, 5770): Eighty-one-year-old Holocaust survivor George Brown passed awaytoday. (As reported by Keith Thursby)

2011: NaamaShafir, an Israeli point guard and a player on the University of Toledo'swomen's basketball team who normally wears a T-shirt under her jersey formodesty reasons, will not be playing in a European basketball tournamentscheduled to start today because FIBA Europe-- the Munich-based organizationthat governs basketball in Europe -- decided to stick with its usual policy:All players must wear the same uniform.


2011: ErikaBrooks Adickman is scheduled to host “Troop Beverly Hills: The Experience” atthe Historic Sixth & I Synagogue in Washington, DC.

2011: A wildfire raging inthe Golan today was under control by late afternoon.

2011(16th of Sivan, 5771): MorrisPollard, the 95 year old father of Jonathan Pollard, passed away today. Pollardwas an internationally recognized prostate cancer researcher who was professoremeritus of biological sciences at Notre Dame University

2011(16th ofSivan, 5771): Eighty-eight-year-old Elena Boner, the Soviet dissident and human-rightscampaigner who endured banishment and exile along with her husband, thedissident nuclear physicist Andrei D. Sakharov, passed away today. Her fatherwas an Armenian. Her mother, Ruth Bonnerwas a Jewess born in Siberia who disappeared into the Gulag in 1938.(Asreported by Alessandra Stanley and Michael Schwirtz)

2012:The Partnership for Jewish Life and Learning is scheduled to have its annualmeeting at Ohr Kodesh in Chevy Chase, MD.

2012: Israeli cellist Yoed Nir is scheduled toappear with Judy Collins at the Metropolitan Museum of Art-PBS Show.

2012: On the Civil Calendar, 20thanniversary of the death of Michael Ardon.

2012:An Israeli citizen and two terrorists were killed this morning during clashesbetween Israel Defense Forces soldiers and gunmen who infiltrated the southernborder with Egypt.

2012:“A group of 20 veterans, mostly-high ranking Jordanian and Israeli retiredofficers, met in Jerusalem today, and toured the sites of battles that pittedthem against each other nearly half a century ago. (As reported by ElhananMiller)

2012:In a letter published today by “Nobel Peace Prizelaureate Elie Wiesel renounced aHungarian state award he received in 2004 in protest against what he said was a"whitewashing" of the role of former Hungarian governments in thedeportation of Jews during World War Two.

2012:“Friday Night Lights” published today provides a snapshot of “Jewish boys inthe NFL.”

2012:An Israeli citizen and two terrorists were killed this morning during clashesbetween Israel Defense Forces soldiers and gunmen who infiltrated the southernborder with Egypt

2012(28thof Sivan, 5772): Ninety-year old “Judith S. Wallerstein, a psychologist whotouched off a national debate about the consequences of divorce by reportingthat it hurt children more than previously thought, with the pain continuingwell into adulthood” passed away today. (As reported by Denise Grady)

2013:Barbra Streisand is scheduled to perform in Israel today at the openingceremony of Shimon Peres’s annual Presidential Conference, which will alsohonor his 90th birthday. (As reported by Gabe Fisher)

2013:Russ & Daughter’s is scheduled to host its Herring Celebration where “thewonders of herring” will be explored. (An event to make a true Litvak drool)

2013:The 92nd Street Y is scheduled to host “a conversation with creatorsPeter Gethers and Dan Okrent and cast members from off-Broadway’s “Old JewsTelling Jokes” in which they will explore the hit revue that pays tribute toclassic jokes of the past and present

2013:Today, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu condemned last night's "pricetag" attack in Abu Ghosh, saying that it is contradictory to the valuesand people of Israel and Judaism.

2013:Hungarian prosecutors today charged Laszlo Csatary, 98, with war crimescommitted during World War Two, saying he helped deport Jews to Auschwitz."He is charged with the unlawful execution and torturing of people thuscommitting war crimes partly as a culprit, partly as an accomplice,"Bettina Bagoly, a spokeswoman for the Budapest Chief Prosecutor's Office said.She said Csatary's case would go to trial within three months. (As reported byReuters)

2013:After having been arrested yesterday on charges of fraud, conspiracy, breach oftrust and corruption, Michael Applebaum resigned as Mayor of Montreal whilemaintaining that he was innocent of all charges.

2014:International Consortium for Research on Antisemitism and Racism, hosted by theJewish Studies Program at Central European University is scheduled to come toan end in Budapest.

2014: The Center for Jewish History isscheduled to host a panel discussion on “Ancestors from AllOver the World.”

2014: “A Place in Heaven” is scheduled to beshown at the JCC in Manhattan as part of the Israel Film Center Festival.

2014: “The parents of the three teens kidnappedlast week “got their first listen to a tape of one of the students reportingthe abduction in an emotional meeting with defense officials today.” (Asreported by Yifa Yaakov)

2014: In response to rocket attacks from Gaza,the IAF launched several attacks on Hamas installations in Gaza.

2014: In Philadelphia, 89-year-old retiredtoolmaker Johann “Hans” Beyer was ordered held without bail today “on a Germanarrest warrant charging him with aiding and abetting the killing of 216,000Jewish men, women and children while he was a guard at the Auschwitz deathcamp.”

2014: In London, The Weiner Library for theStudy of the Holocaust and Genocide is scheduled to host a special filmfestival and reception marking Refugee Week

2015: ISRAMERICA is scheduled to host the firstnight of “I Heart Music Festival.”

2015: Agudas Achim, in Coralville, Iowa isscheduled to hold its annual meeting where it will learn to cope with thereality that after over four decades, the congregation will have to moveforward without the leadership of Rabbi Jeff Portman.

2015: “Bonjour Monsieur Chagall” “a colorfulmusical performance based on poetic works and painting by Marc Chagall” isscheduled to be performed at Kulturfest in NYC,

2015: The Center forJewish History, YIVO Institute and Center for Traditional Music and Dance arescheduled to present “Night Songs from a Neighboring Village: Ballads of theUkrainian & Yiddish Heartland” during which “musicians MichaelAlpert and Julian Kytasty draw on Ukrainian folk and liturgical music, klezmer,Yiddish folk song, and Hasidic music to create a performance that illustratesthe centuries-long mutual influence Ukrainian and East European Jewish musicaltraditions have had on one another.”

2015(1st of Tammuz, 5775): RoshChodesh Tammuz

2015(1st of Tammuz, 5775):Centenarian producer and talent agent Jack Rollins passed away today.

2015(1st of Tammuz, 5775): Seventy-seven-year-oldhistorian Allen Weinstein passed away today.

2015(1st of Tammuz, 5775:Ninety-nine year old Frances Kroll Ring, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s last personalassistant who played a key role in the posthumous publishing of his last novelThe Last Tycoon and whose personal experiences were captured in theautobiography Against the Current: As I Remember F. Scott Fitzgerald whichbecame the move “Last Call” passed away today.

2016: Violinist Vera Vaidman and pianistEmanuel Krasovsky are scheduled to perform in the Best of Chamber Music concertat the Eden-Tamir Music Center.

2016: Gon Halevi, “a singer, pianist, actor andcomposer and who has recently debuted "The Great Israeli AmericanSongbook," is scheduled to perform at Joe’s Pub in New York City.

2016: “A Tale of Love and Darkness” based onthe novel by Amos Oz and directed by Natalie Portman is scheduled to be shownat the Portland Oregon Jewish Film Festival.

2016: As part of its Father’s Day Weekendobservance the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center is scheduled tolet all Dads in for free.

2016((12th of Sivan, 5776): Shabbat Naso

2017: TheNew York Times features book reviews by Jewish authors and/or of specialinterest to Jewish readers including the recently published paperback editionof Here I Am by Jonathan Safran Foer as well as the essay “How to Live WithCritics (Whether You’re an Artist or the President)” by Adam Kirsch.

2017: “Operation Finale: The Capture &Trial of Adolf Eichmann” is scheduled to come to an end at the IllinoisHolocaust Museum and Education Center.

2017: Professor Peter Hayes, author of Why? –Explaining the Holocaust is scheduled to discuss such questions as “Why theJews? Why murder? Why didn’t more Jews fight back more often” during hispresentation at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center.

2017: “Dough,” a film about a Jewish baker anda young assistant who also sells dope is scheduled to open at Reel Borehamwoodin London.

2018: The Jerusalem Municipality sportsdepartment is scheduled to host a Zumba class at the First Station Compound.

2018(4th of Tammuz, 5778): AllenWeinstein, the son of New York Jewish delicatessen owners Samuel Weinstein andSarah Popkov who became a leading academic, author and archivists passed awaytoday.

2018: It was announced today that effective inOctober, Warner Music group would be relaunching the Elektra Music Group whichhad been started as Elektra Records in 1950 by Jac Holzman.

2018: In Atlanta, GA, the Bremen Museum isscheduled to host “MVP Monday.”

2018: In London, JW3 is scheduled to host ascreening of “Studio 54,” which tells the story of the” NY Watering-hole” founded by Ian Schrader and Steve Rubell, twoJews from Brooklyn.

2018: Following yesterday’s attempt byterrorists to burn homes in Beit HaGadi Moshav and the “suburbs surroundingSderot,” Israel braces for another of round of incendiary balloons launchedfrom Gaza today.

2019: The American Sephardi Federation isscheduled to present a performance David Sereo’s adaptation of Shakespeare’s“Romeo and Juliet” in which it becomes “the story of two Jewish lovers, onefrom a Sephardi family and one from an Ashkenazi family.”

2019: In New York, at Guastavino’s the AlephSociety is scheduled to host its 25th annual dinner with a “programfeaturing New York Times columnistBret Stephens in conversation with author Abigail Pogrebin.

2019: As part of his series on “The Ten LostTribes” Rabbi Dr. Raphael Zarum, theDean of the London School of Jewish Studies is scheduled to lecture on the“Invasion of Sargon II and Sennacherib.”

2019: In Edmonton, Canada, the JNF is scheduledto host its “annual fundraiser.”

2019: The Streicker Center is scheduled to hostThe Knights as part of the Naumburg Orchestral Concerts.

2019: After serious questions have been raisedabout the accuracy of Naomi Wolf’s research, her latest book Outrages willnot go on sale today in the United States as originally planned.

2020: The Streicker Center is scheduled to hosta “conversation with Tony Kushner.

2020: Jewish Museum of Maryland is scheduled topresent “Backstage: The Making of Exhibits,” a live stream event in whichattendees “discover what is involved in the development of an exhibit, fromdeciding on a concept to selecting objects, design and opening.”

2020: The JWA is scheduled to present ProfessorKarla Goldman as she lectures on “Jewish Women and the Suffrage Movement.”

2020: “Theater Dybbuk is scheduled to present areading of a play about a decaying vaudeville troupe performing a subversiveversion of the anti-Semitic “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

2020: Congregation Or Atid is scheduled topresent “Young Families Bedtime Stories With Rabbi Polisson”

2020: United With Israel is scheduled to host awebinar on “2 Jews, 3 Opinions: The Jewish Perspective on Disagreements, Fightsand Rebellion!”

2021: Kerem Shalom of Concord’s Rabbi DarbyLeigh and family engagement specialist Nancy Kaplan are scheduled to presentonline on the eve of Juneteeth a commemoration of the emancipation of the lastremaining enslaved African Americans in the U.S.

2021: Jewish Federations of North America, URJthe National Museum of American Jewish History and six other large Jewishorganizations are scheduled to present a program honoring the African Americanholiday that marks the freeing of slaves in a virtual Juneteenth KabbalatShabbat.

2021: As a sign of that the Pandemic is slowlycoming under control and as a sign of the vitality of the Jewish community thathas dealt with both the Pandemic and the Derecho, Temple Judah is scheduled tohost erev Shabbat services in person and via Zoom.

2021: The Israel Festival and the FelicjaBlumental Music Center are scheduled to present the Peom Balev special seriesof Israeli chamber music, featuring original works by Israeli composers andmusicians.

2022: The Boston Workers Circle is scheduled topresent “Singing for Peace and Freedom,” a live Yiddish Concert.

2022: In San Francisco, PJ Library, Jewish BabyNetwork and Congregation Sha’ar Zahav is scheduled to present a Pride-themedShabbat event with stories, puppets, music, snacks and crafts. Bring a blanket.Registration required.

2022: Based on reports from “Senior Israeliofficials” Israelis in Turkey should take extreme security precautions up toand including locking themselves in their rooms due to the real possibility ofattacks by Iranians on Israelis in Turkey.

2022(19thof Sivan, 5782)

Parashat Beha’alotcha (“When you light” or“When you kindle”)

2023:The Museum at Eldridge Street is scheduledto host its 22nd annual Egg Rolls, Egg Creams and Empanadas Festivalon Eldridge Street between Division and Canal Streets.

2023: In Cedar Rapids, IA, third generationjeweler Steve Ginsberg, a pillar of the Jewish community is scheduled to throwout the first pitch as the Kernels host “Jewish Heritage Day at the ballpark.

2023: Dudu Fisher, the child of Holocaustsurvivor “widely know for his portrayal of Jen Valjean in Les Misérables onBroadway is scheduled to “perform Israeli songs, Yiddish songs and musicalnumbers at the Museum of Jewish Heritage” this afternoon.

2023: The National Library of Israel isscheduled to host a lecture by Dr. Emmy Leah Zitter , the English DepartmentHead and Senior Lecturer in Literature at Michlalah-Jerusalem College andSenior Lecturer at Shaanan College on “Unlocking Shylock: Responding toAnti-Semitism in Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'”.

2023 A production by actress Maureen Lipmanthat “portrays an 80-year old Holocaust survivor whose two and a half hourmonologue charts history in the 20th century” of which JewishChronicle critic Jonathan Sacerdoti writes that it is surprising to see Lipman“supporting a play that invests so much dramatic capital in the outdated notionthat Jews kill children” and that the play “relies on an unforgivablecomparison between the IDF and the Nazis” is scheduled to have its finalperformance at Ambassadors Theatre.

2023: The Agnon House is scheduled to host “Bluma'sRoom: Reading a Simple Story” an online

lecture with Dr. Dina Berdichevsky.

2023: The Illinois Holocaust Memorial Museumand the JCC Chicago Jewish Film Festival are schedule to host an on-sitescreening of “You Not Play Wagner.”

2023: ‘An American Tail,’ the classic animatedfilm about Russian-Jewish mice who immigrate to America, which is now a musicalthat premiered at the Children’s Theatre in Minneapolis on April 25 is scheduled to have its final performancetoday.

2024: In New Orleans, the Jewish Federation isscheduled to host “a Juneteenth Seder.”

2024: Agnon House is scheduled to host a Fireand Trees: On Sacrifices and Sacrifices in Literature a “new on-line lecture series with Moti Fogel,author of Not a Memoir

2024: The Center for Jewish History &American Jewish Historical Society are scheduled to host “Dr. Miriam Eve Morafor a discussion of her book Carrying a Big Schtick: Jewish Acculturationand Masculinity in the Twentieth Century during which she will be joined inconversation by Dr. Ronnie Grinberg (University of Oklahoma), author of WriteLike a Man: Jewish Masculinity and the New York Intellectuals

2024: jHUB is scheduled to host a free event for parentsand children at 10 a.m. First and Main at 43 Village Way in Hudson, OH.

2024: In Cedar Rapids, graveside services arescheduled to be held this morning for long-time Temple Judah member SharonSchneider, “devoted life partner of Jeff Schneider.”

2024: The Streicker Center is scheduled tooffer the first classes of “Beginners’ Hebrew” and “Intermediate Hebrew.”

2024: Lockdown University is scheduled to hosta lecture by Trudy Gold on “Why the Balfour Declaration?”

2024: As June 18th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave ofanti-Semitism that has included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengerson a New York subway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and theHamas held hostages begin day 256 in captivity.(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so weare just providing a snapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time.)

This Day, June 18, In Jewish History by Mitchell A and Deb Levin Z"L – All #ourCOG News (2024)
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