The Lemoore Advance from Lemoore, California (2024)

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The Lemoore Advancei

Lemoore, California

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Prfge 14 Thun Aug 2 1979 Thu Lemoore Advance Taking Care Of Yourself Your Responsibility MW Law Order FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE Please give generously 0 American Heart Association I' TOWING A STORAGE 084A4IB You the patient are the mod important part of your health care team There are many things that doctors and hospitals can do to treat you for illnesses that have developed but only you can preserve your own good health and prevent ill health Excuses that ignore the issues and considerations that dodge the rules do just that AH of the following health habits should be built into your daily pattern of living De nut smoke Cigarette smoking contributes to lung cancer and emphysema and is damaging to the heart It is estimated that a person who smokes two packs of cigarettes a day for 30 years has decreased his or her life expectancy by five years Eat sessibiy This means following a well-balanced diet so that you receive the necessary nutrition Watch your weight-the overweight person increases the risk of developing high blood pressure heart problems and other health problems Be moderate hi yew ese ef alcehal The general opinion among doctors is that if you regularly take more than two drinks daily you may be headed for a drinking problem There are mote than nine million alcoholics in this country most of them were sure they could handle alcohol In addition to the social occupational and psychological problems alcoholics are coping with they are inviting health problems such as liver disease ulcers and malnutrition Exercise regalarfy While it is true that many more people are running jogging and taking part in other regular exercise now than some years ago many others still sit at a desk aH day and let their structure deteriorate Exercise improves your muscle tone strengthens your heart muscle maintains better circulation and helps control your weight If you're a newcomer to exercise launch your program In easy stages AvaUdsageran drags Most people know that the use of drugs can lead to addiction and all too often to fatal overdoses What is not so commonly known is that indiscriminate or prolonged use of drugs that have been prescribed by your doctor can also be dangerous If you are taking several medications check with your doctor to make sure they can be safely mixed Do not use anyone else's medication Do not use alcohol if you are on medicatkm unless you have your doctor's approval If you have children in your home keep all medicines including aspirin out of their reach Obssrvs safety easurss Most good health habits are aimed at preventing illness but accidents also account for many hours and dollars of medical care and often result in permanent disability or death Be prudent and cautious For example since highways are the site of many serious accidents drive cafefully Always wear your seat belt and never drive while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs This it a simple package of rules Yet if we all followed these rules we could almost wipe out lung cancer and emphysema decrease other cancers heart disease hardening of the arteries and high blood pressure reduce the occurrence of cirrhosis of the liver and a number of disabling gastrointestinal problems and upgrade the level of mental health It's a goal worth pursuing 600 ISVk AVK Hi WAY 41 LKMOORK CA III4I 4 NR MVICI service Air the the 410-C was a of Air as in -law en a in in (HanFORO menui 584-7423 Hanford r-Z TUESDAY MIGHT IS FAMILY MIGHT ALL SEATS 1175 1 reportedly failed to fill orders as promised He was placed on three years' informal probation was sentenced to 360 days in jail although the sentence was suspended provided he makes $5680 restitution within 60 davs and was ordered not to conduct any type of mail order business Blakeley reportedly operating under thr name of "Bette" had been the focus of 272 complaints a district attorney's office investigation indicated tt Jerry Melvin Fox 19 of 882 Cinnamon Dr Lemoore was jailed and a 17-year old youth was booked at the juvenile center on suspicion of attempted robbery The suspects wearing purple masks are alleged to have tried to gain entry at the Circle Market 1665 Han-ford-Aripona Road at approximately 3:50 am Sunday Police reported they fled after finding the door at the store locked Lemoore officers having a description of the suspects and their car later stopped the vehicle According to investigation clothing which matched that of the suspects in the Circle incident were discovered in the trunk of the car Among the items were purple dothes one of which was tied with a knot Frank Joe Estrada 21 of 13184 Front St Armona was booked recently on a charge of assualt with a deadly weapon The victin Robert Spindier 30 of 20930 Bliss St Laton reportedly got into an argument with two men one of whom allegedly pulled off his glass- es and kicked him Spindier grabbed his attacker and Estrada is alleged to have then hit the victim with a pool cue Marvin Terry Woodard 24 of 932 Whitney Ave Avenal was jailed on charges of assaulting a peace officer and resisting arrest An officer went to the Woodard residence on a report of a family disturbance and when hi ived Woodard drove otf with children in the car Woodard when stopped by an officer allegedly pushed the officer violently fought him and refused to respond to Now Playing I ROGER JAMES BOND OOr Where all the other i Bonds end this one begins! Women In Business Workshop in Business" win be the subject of a special An apparent burglary occurred at Buy and Split Market 12305 19V Ave Lemoore when unknown suspects removed meat binoculars and money from the premises The toss was 5595 Unknown suspects entered through a front window at the Della Irene Smith residence at 13614 Poplar Lemoore Taken were a television set and a bos of eight-track tapes the toss was set at S452 The following individuals were sentenced in the Lemoore Justice Court for drunken driving -Lesley Wells McCasland 52 of 12197 13V Avenue was placed on one year informal probation fined 5290 and ordered to attend drunken driver's school and to serve 16 hours in volunteer community service -Alfonso Castro 26 no address given was sentenced to 20 days in jail and to be released to immigration authorities -Riley Wayne Mannhal-ter 32 of 964 19V Ave No 1 Lemoore was placed on one year informal probation fined 5290 and ordered to attend drunken drivers' school and to serve 16 hours in volunteer community service David Lynn Merrill 25 of 1763 Woodland Drive was sentenced to 60 days in jail -Wilfred James Bean 37 of Bachelor Officers' Quarters Naval Air Station Lemoore was placed on one year informal probation fined 5290 and ordered to attend drunken school and serve 16 hours in volunteer community service -Jay White 49 of 211 Porter Street was placed on one year informal probation and fined S415 -Arlie Wayne Suits 26 of 913 Got eta Way was placed on one year informal probation fined $415 and ordered to serve eight hours of ji i I result of a defense motion mi iff "Km! rfcB the case waa returned to the lower court in order for a complete informing of his rights and Hughes was permitted to enter a plea there to a lesser offense The court record indicated that Hughes refused treatment under a civil commitment -Bobby Joe Musgrave 19 of 6577 Mt Whitney Riverdale was placed on two formal probation $320 and was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 150 days suspended for assault of a Naval Air Station Lemoore sentry on March 19 Lance Corporal Steven Arthur Robinson 21 was the victim of the assault The case had been reduced from a felony to misdemeanor offense A trial la still pending for co-defendant Leon Musgrave Thomas Blakeley 54 of 132 Byron Dr was sentenced for theft involving a mail order business which volunteer community Arthur Kerkes 23 of GEM Naval Station Lemoore was placed on two years' informal probation and fined 5415 In other cases before Lemoore Justice Court following judgements were made: -Margie Aguilar of Brooks DRive Lemoore fined $25 for permitting child to miss school -Danny Holland 24 115 Coral Seas Naval Station Lemoore after pleading guilty to grand theft reduced to a misdemeanor was placed on three year' informal probation and sentenced to 360 days in jail with 250 days suspended and another 110 days given credit for time spent custody The case involved the theft of a handgu belonging to his brother-' Holland had extradited from out-of-p ate after turning himself ir to minister In May he was ruled incompetent to assist his own defense However following re-examination June Holland was found competent -Alan Wayne Denham 23 of 1 185 St Apt Lemoore waa placed on three years' formal probation for striking a one-year old child because the infant cried He was alio ordered to participate in a rehabilitation program and was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 176 days suspended pending successful completion of Law of 20227 Mag-Stratford was sentenced to 365 days in jail for immoral conduct with a juvenile A charge of lewd and lascivious conduct with a child under the age of 14 had been dismissed In June Hughes had been bound over to the Kings County Superior Court and was found to be a mentally disordered sex offender As a VtOtAM fAMCHUTK FfSOM AM AlRrtAMr WAsaeoeaiA sccmpwk pm ON JUNE 21 ISIS FAftAOVTSP Fite 1000 FEET WITH a 11 rnmp Ptwoantf (ilRRENT women 9 womjr FAKACmnma omatew AKMV SCRgEANT CHmew TSMMS 5H6 set A ICffiODRff For 9TVLE Puei ng -me eemnrrnoH in Yugoslavia SEPTEMBER 1976 workshop to be held on Aug 14 The Workshop is offered under the joint sponsorship of the Small Business Administration Fresno County and City Chamber of Commerce and Fresno City College The session will assist the participants to develop an acute awareness of management practices required to start and manage a small business enterprise venture Management discussions and presentations will be centered around such topics as legal considerations MOONRAKER Aulo Fire Ufa voll yai Ireyrenca naad BILL HUFFMAN PH 924-4342 RES 582-3411 730 WEST ST LEMOORE Workday 7:00 A 9:10 Sal A financial planning marketing strategy business loans and the characteristics of the successful entreprenuers and managers All discussions will be led by women who are practicing professionals in their specified topic subject matter This workshop is critical especially to those contemplating new business startup ventures According to Dun A Brad street 93 percent of all business failures are the direct result of managerial incompetence inexperience or imbalance Participation in a workshop of this type is a "first step" in becoming well informed manager The session will be held from 9 am to 4 pm in the Fresno County and City Chamber of Commerce Building at 2331 Fresno Street Fresno Enrollment in the workshop is limited Those desiring to attend the session should plan to register early A fee of S5 will be charged to cover the cost of materials and refreshments Prepaid registration is required For more information or registration call (209) Early American Style Tables At Olde Time Bargain Prices Scotland leads in cancer deaths According to the World Health Statistics Annual the United States is number 22 in cancer deaths for men and 21 in cancer deaths for women based on the highest age-adjusted cancer death rate per 100000 Scotland is the leader for cancer deaths for men and the Netherlands leads the death rate for women 4 I in LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF KINGS Estate of MARY 1 GEORGE LEGAL NOTICE OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF KINGS FOR THE WEEK JULY 24 1979 Bids for Halls Comer and Stratford Fire Stations to he reviewed by Public Works Approved Minutes 7-17-79 Approved filling vacant positions Approved job specifications for Assistant Treasurer Tax Collector and Collection Officer Authorized Health Officer to sign contract for Maternal and Child Health Categorical Allotment Adopted resolution certifying right-of-way for FAS project on 6th Avenue between Redding and Paris Avenues Approved withdrawal of condition placed on sale of surplus County property to Hammond Construction Authorized Joe Cuzzi to graze sheep on land behind County Shop Letter from Chase Bag Company referred to Public Works for review Denied request to fund two radio extenders for Sheriff's Department Approved Negative Declaration for Road Abandonment Case 69 and upheld Planning Commission's recommendation that the ahan- donment be denied Approved educational leave of absence for Welfare employee Appointments made to KCETA Local Planning Council and Economic Development Commission' Adopted resolution increasing mileage reimbursem*nt rate for employees Approved application for dance hall license The Board convened as Board of Equalization to reorganize July 26 1979 JOAN BULLOCK County Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By Rosie Martinez Deputy Pub Aug 2 1979 COUNTY CLERK KINGS COUNTY FILE NO 79-172 FKTmOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business is: Place 321 St Lemoore 1 Piearcy 18266 Grangeville Mailing Address 321 St Lemoore Calif 2 Frank Brown 10515 19V Ave Mailing addreia 321 St Lemoore Calif 3 Melba Piearcy 18266 Grangeville Mailing add 321 St Lemoore Calif 4 Ruby Brown 10515 19V Mailing addreca 321 St i Lemoore Calif This businesi is conducted by Ptearey-Ruby YOUR CHOICE SHELF COMMODE or HEXAGON COMMODE Now bring the warmth of Early American styling into your with these beautiful tablet Choices of Salem Maple or Country Piss finish la mar-resistant maple or pine veneer over wood predacta that protects against stains and spills Each table has more than ample storage space behind the handcrafted look of self Hoeing door boots accented by antique hardware Bay one or an three at these special law prices and grace yoar favorite room NOTICE TO CREDITORS SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF KINGS Estate of JOE CAMARA Deceased No 18737 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the above named decedent that all persons having claims against the said decedent are required to file them with the necessary vouchers in the' office of the cleik of the above- entitled court or to present them with the nec- essaty voychen to the andereigned at the Law Offices of Clarence Wilson Attorney at Law Rooms 32-35 Wealth Center Building Hanford California which is the place of business of the 'undersigned in all matters pertaining to the estate of said decedent within four months after the first publication of this notice Dated July 31 1979 ALICE CAMARA Executrix of the Will of the above named decedent CLARENCE WILSON Attorney at Law Center Building PO Box 132 Hanford California 93232 (209) 584-4616 or 584-4521 Attorney for Executrix First publication: August 2 1979 Pub: Aug 2 916231979 OVAL co*ckTAIL No 10732 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors of the above named decedent that aU persons having claim against the said decedent are required to file them with the necessary vouchers in the office of the detfc of the above entitled court or to present them with the necessary vouchers to the undersigned at the Law Offices of Clarence Wilson Attorney at Law Rooms 32-35 Wealth Center Building Hanford California which is the place of business of the undersigned in all matters pertaining to the estate of aid decedent within four months aftqr the first publication of this notice Dated July 18 1979 VIOLA MIGUEL Executrix of the Will of the above named decedent CLARENCE WILSON Attorney at Law 32-35 Wealth Center Building PO Bin 132 Hanford California 93232 (209) 584-4616 or 584-4521 Attorney for Executrix First publication: July 26 1979 Pub: July 26 Aug 2 9 16 1979 Come In Browse Around Comport Oor low Mens UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS Signed Ruby Brown 'This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Kings County on July 20 1979 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify feat the foregoing is a correct copy of the original on file In my office JOAN BULLOCK County Clerk by TONI RAMOS Deputy Pub: July 26 Aug 2 9 16 1979 WAREHOUSE IF URN IT ORE NEW -USED -ANTIQUE LEMOORE 924-5812 221 WIST.

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The Lemoore Advance from Lemoore, California (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.