Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

TIMES SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1994 3H 2m riMt SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1994 52Wk High Low Slock Vol Wsskly D.v Vld PE 00 a High LowCloea Chg NYSE Stocks of interest TAMPA BAY COMPANIES Wsth computers, jobs may hit the road us Air from 1 STOCK DIGEST Key figures for the week ended Friday, with weekly statistics: TIMES Knlght-Ridder Newspapers 893 73 70 072 517 52 48 049 799 24 24d24 106 7 23 22422 1821 22 22 d22'ft 1531 22 21421 513 23 23 d23 8 4514 18 17417 626997 614. 56'ftdM 1675 23 22 032 495 22 21422 1417 "to to 936 214. 20 21 4 2060 26'v 25 d2t 1320 26' 25 d26 I 381 26 2Sd26 780 2b 25 427 99'70 BAAmpfB 6 00 8 3 624.48 BkAm pKj 3 25 6 6 29 24 BkAm plH 2 25 9 2 2722'ftBAAmpfK 209 91 27 22 BkAmpfL 2 04 9 2 264.21 BkAm ptM I 97 92 27 23 BkAmpIN 2 13 92 2517BknLH 60 3 4 6456' Bank Tr 3 60 6 3 25 22 BnkTpfQ 1 58 7 2 2421BnkTpfF1 45e 20 1 'uBanyMF 27 20Bai8pf 2 00 9 4 2725 Itri prAdd2 78 27 25 BaiBplBcld2 72 30 25 BarB pIC 2 61 10 6 30 25 BarBpfD 2 87 10 3 The 2,380 most active stocks In weokly trading on the New York Stock Exchange: A FRt 24-HOUR INFORMATION SERVtCE AM EX NASDAQ 2.55 IMIMJMMM1 32Wk Mljli Low Slock Vol Wiekly Olv Yld PF. 00. High LowClo.e Cho 4 NYSE Close: 252.30 High: 255.98 Call the phone number below tor your area and then enter a 4-digit category code.

Close: 764.67 High: 771.17 Close: 444.04 High: 449.63 540 40 38 u38'4 40 30 Barclay I 26t 3 3 13 772 1 2 12 1214 1222 24 23 23 rati m- 2 3 12 4192 26 25 26 26 2774 26. 26 28 4 2 816984 417. 38 38 5 10571 10. 10 10'ft 2 9 21 8039 35 33 34 I 64 0'. 48 lit 7 1 er at Tampa International Airport, says it has no plans to file for bankruptcy protection.

And employees defend the company, saying it has unfairly been singled out. "When you put the microscope on United, USAir or Delta, you're going to find glaring problems for each individual airline," said Dave Supplee, a USAir mechanic in Tampa. "Why just look at us? Look at the whole industry. "We do have our financial problems," he said. "But never has safety been sacrificed." Balanced or 'half-baked'? USAir's latest problem is partly a story about the news media and the rapid-fire spread of information.

The Times report was published in dozens of newspapers, including the St. Petersburg Times, that 297.20 BarnNbl 48 37 Barnett 13 8BatlMt 53'30BuschL 284.21 Baxter 2218 BayAptn 30 23 BaySGs 1712'AAAR 4o 38 IP .1 ACE Ud .44 1 9 12 9 ACMIn I 10s 12 2 lOVt t'AACMOp 90a 108 I2V 7ACMSc I 10! 13 5 I0 S'kACMSp 98a 140 15' 9ACMMD 1 46 14 6 12 7ACMMI 1 08a 13 1 9 7'ACMMM 72 8 7 2000 Stock Quote Hotline 2001 AP Business Barometer 2210 Canadian Business 2500 Mortage Rate Update 6' 7i 7' d8' 8i Ml 1 1' 10 7' 8V V' I0 1 09 3 9 1 52 8 3 1 46 6 3 9917 8' 6000 7 3623 10 3081 8V 1220 8V 2455 10' 37017 27 26 26 364 18 18 18 13 390 23 23 d23' 1400 1 7 17 17 6 9277 16 15 19 .817 20 19d20 1010 30 29 29 1511135 48 46 47 90a 89 software engineer earns about $7,000 a year a fraction of what it costs in the United States. That's significant because the international superhighway will enable companies to shift their data processing business anywhere in the world, McFarland said. While much attention has been focused on the loss of blue-collar jobs to low-cost foreign businesses, the information superhighway poses an even greater threat to white-collar jobs, he said. McFarland dismissed the notion that Americans will soon get all of their information from electronic sources.

He noted, for example, that while he is an ardent fan of the Internet, he has no intention of giving up his subscription to the New York Times. Separately, Steve Ballmer, executive vice president of Microsoft was enthusiastic about the Internet's role in the development of an information superhighway, but said the system is deeply flawed. "Anyone who has been on the Internet lately has found two things: One, it's a lot easier to find things on the Internet than it was just three years ago, and two, it's still hard to find things on the Internet." 1917 BeacnPn 1 60 91 2315 BwrSI 60b 39 24. 19 BearS ptZ 2 00 9 8 Low: 251.76 Advances: 1,136 Declines: 1,579 Unchanged: 330 Total Issues: 3,045 Yearly highs: 83 Yearly lows: 595 Total sales: 1,906,150,570 Up vol: 765,292,570 Down vol: 983,682,000 1725448 11' 1 11 AKRON, Ohio The information superhighway, often touted as the key to economic growth in the United States, could cause thousands of white-collar jobs to move overseas, Harvard Business School's associate dean says. Speaking during a video conference sponsored by Society for Information Management and shown to 1,500 people in 13 cities across the country, dean Warren McFarland warned last week that the rapid development of computer technology will lead to a "massive social disruption" as businesses travel the information highway in search of the most cost-effective technical support.

McFarland argued that Vice President Al Gore's vision of a national information superhighway is "deeply optimistic and flawed" because it ignores what is happening outside the United States. The fastest growing software industry in the world is in India, where many of the software developers "are just as good as the people are here," McFarland said. But in New Delhi, he said, a qualified I 3 U1688I 34' 34 34 Vol Frl Walk OO'l Clot Chg 660 17ift vk 16 2 unch 3111 v. 405 Vim 'lb 762 54M 4 205 I 16787 3 1738 unch 9425 2" 4 i. 566 12V.

'ft 4404 26V. 1 5148 29' 4 68 5' V. 936 6'ft 14k ytjt 10379 11 Vk 2661 12'A 4 14b 696 5V 1260 24. 4 1' 389 1 'It 17805 2T 833 13. 15 295 27 4 617 61 'It 4848 1 alx 11664 29.

759 5' 4117 17'. 1 1737 4 'be 212 20 719 3 unch. 2148 2' I 'A 2476 11 4 634 141 V. 1346 11 129 7' 985 '0 4 1 1821 11 unch 11413 25. 1.

1356 IV 65 1 37 7949 167 I 5141 17 IVk 2039 1 unch. 531 1oi 40 32 23 Bcklns Low: 443.46 Advances: 307 Declines: 478 Unchanged: 177 Total issues: 962 Yearly highs: 30 Yearly lows: 138 Total sales: 121,704,000 Up vol: 50,813,470 Down vol: 59,955,405 MOST ACTIVE Vet Nt Company ABR information Svc (o) Aerosofuc Cof (a) BlmacCofp (a) Biodynamics Int (O) Cata-ina (n) ChAcfc Express (o) Checkers (o) Clmicorp Inc (a) Danka Business Sys (o) Dave! Communications (o) Eckerd Corp (r) Florida Progress (nf Food TuchnoJogy Svc (o) Group Technologies (o) C.H Hetst(a) Home Shopping (n) Intermedia Comm. (o) Jabll Circuit Co (o) Kaydon Corp (n) KimrninB Env (n) Lmcaro Holdings (o) MTL Inc. (O) Medcross (0) Medical Technology (o) National Registry (o) Outback Stkhouae (o) Paoes Inc (o) Pharm Mgt Serv (o) Plasma Therm (o) Poe A Brown (o) Precision Systems (o) Princeton Dental Mgt (o) Quality Products (a) Raymond James (n) ReClaim Inc (o) Reflectone (o) Reptfon Inc (o) Silver King (o) Sports Recreation (n) Stacey's Butfel (o) Superior Surgical (a) TECO Energy (n) Tech Data Corp (o) Tech Research (o) Transcor Waste Svcs (o) 14V. I1' 'ADT 36'24i.

AFLAC 55'28 AGC0 l8'l2HALPhrm 23V17iAMLIn 72.48'AMF1 74 1 6 Low: 763.10 Advances: 1,856 Declines: 2,648 Unchanged: 884 Total Issues: 5,388 Yearly highs: 280 Yearly lows: 481 Total sales: 1,588,078,283 Up vol: 817,052,777 Down vol: 661,159,106 MOST ACTIVE Vet Net Slock 00 Last Chg 20 1 0 15 1572 20. 20 20 .04 .1 8 4014 52 49' 49' 16 I 0 40 949 I8' 17V.U17 I.N t.7 1592 18 dir. 10816437 52 50'. 2 76 5 4 1630876 51 49 50 991 4 5 14 1345 22 21 22 2 76 5 4 1943450 52 51 514 60 I I 19 1159 54 53 53 54 2 3 18x3620 24 23 23 51 40'ABC0Cn 2.50 5 3 17 537 46' 46'. 48 56'38ASALId 2 00 A 3 3369 46'1 46 BEFORE YOU CALL, find out the ticker symbol lor your stock or fund.

Trie ticker does not appear in the Times dally stock pages. CONVERT the ticker symbol to a TimesLine code, using this table: A-21 H-42 0 63 V-83 B-22 I -43 P-71 W-91 2721 Cap 25AWLdl) 40 1 8 10 981 22 21' 22' U2 tram so sra 76 2 3 1844065 33 32 U32' 9 2959 38 36 36- 1 72 MOST ACTIVE ('A 2'At 1 2654 7 6 7 910 13 12' 12' Net Chg Slock 2402 48 2 6 12 7746 16 17 18 I 39 Z39070400 19100 2W0O 86 9 2 43 2648 9 84. d9 40 3 8 48 2234 10 9 104 8125659 45 42u42 1745 56 54u54 21 1115 15 157. 15 35105 18 16 16. Q-7 R-72 S-73 T-81 X-92 Y-93 Z-96 -13 15'AIO'AAMtlig SO 18 1 1 Acpllni 6' 2'4Acplltiwl 13 6'Acne 5Actava 09 1M11V.Acitton 19l5'AdE 1 60e 9 9 l9'l8AFProvn 311.W.AMD 64 46' AMD pi 3 00 5 5 10 2288 15 I3' 13'- 1359 4 2i 21- 1 1375 1 3' 10'.

13' 2' 1168 9' 9V. 9- 27 9182 I7'ft 16 16 583l 17 15'd16' 7036 19' 18udll 838195 25'. 24' 25'. C-23 D-31 E-32 F-33 G-41 51 K-52 L-53 M-61 N-62 subscribe to the New York Times News Service. The Associated Press and Reuters did their own accounts, summarizing the newspaper's most damaging findings.

Many TV stations also carried the story Sunday night. "Shocking discoveries raise questions about safety procedures at USAir," said a news anchor on a 22 1859 48 46 46 3 2 1 44 3.1 2 75 4 4 82 -43fiter (warrant) -14 (preferred) 1 1 1931975 15 144. 15 301 62 61 614 13 462 28 27 27 68 2612 18 15 154. 7' 5 Advest 16 80 29 10 6 18 366 54-1. 53 54 720 5'A 5 'ft 5'.

397 18' 18 18. 'ft 402 II I0u10' 326 63 61 83' 1 Vol 258949 213993 207493 207434 203690 189359 145462 139371 125619 123346 122694 111013 104319 100865 94721 92964 92787 90774 89535 86709 Lax flj (56719 1V Ml 65472 39 I 1 Em 20608 6 19886 34. to 19492 33 18810 10 16369 3'to 'to 16205 11 4 'ft 15753 26 4 9 14968 14142 77 13406 1 0V. 13228 5 12397 8 12093 IB 4 11153 314. i 10976 7 4 10782 41 1 10752 IV I 20 15 Advolnc 10 11 8'AAdvocatn Slock RJR Nab WalMail TelMex MM Chiyslr ATJT Merck Kmart FordM AmExp mp Digital GenEls Moloria IBM Compaq CocaCJ GTE Peps'C Mcunld 24 19'V 63 344 21 44 64 29'to 13V 46to 33 26 33 76'.

60 7i 43 9'ftp 68 17 TalCmA Novell Intel Cisco MCI Sybase Micstt Informix Methanx DellCpli SunMic BayNtw DSCs Chiron ErcTel CmndCr Oracle Synergn Pwrsorl NexlelCm 249468 208153 194110 165882 136731 126608 119124 118939 106248 104689 103680 93611 91013 90567 85829 83666 81891 81285 78999 76734 Viae wi ViacB XCL Ltd Cabeltin RoyalO Elan EchoBay InterDig CheyStt 5 EXXAn FAusPr US Biosci Amdhl Alan Gayttn IvaxCp Olsten Nabors Viacom TownCty 6 22 50 37. 49 52 37 14 27 30 62 35 48 60 737. 394. 52 30 36 29 HE 4 1 17 2" 2 1 64. 'to 'At 3 6 2 64 49 Angon 2 29e 36 12 23 423 7 6 6 40 1 8 20 6196 23 21422 I 40 1 6 2115461 25.

24u24 I I 32 6 9 12 764 19 17. d19 I 467.34 BeclDk 214.16 Beiden 62 49 BellAtl 6350 55 43 BeloAH 25 20 Bern 44 34 BenlCp I VBengB 1913 BergB. ISM BerttHa 12 84.Bed.Rly 10 8 BerryP 45 18'BestBuy 56 50 BestB pi 21'ftl4BeiHldA 24716BethSU 5340 BeirLb 16'11Bevrty 67 53 Bevrty pi 33 26 B4C Cp 36IIBhx11 8 57. Btowht 3221 BirStl 254.17 BlackD 24 174.EVkHICp 10 8 BIH998 10 7Blkl999 94. 7 Blk200l 10 7BlkAdv 15'11BlkCA08 1511 BlkFLOB 9 5BlklT 10 8BlklMT 14 9BlklQM 9 6BlklQT 10' 87.

BlkMTar 15IIBWV08 12 8 BlkNA 10 6BlkSlr 10 8 8kTT 23 1 54. Blanch 464.37 BIckHR 8 6BlueChp Blylhlnn 50 36 Boeing 3019 BoiseC Harnett 5 3 AerolteK 1512 3' 3 I h. from 1H 6M.44 AatnLI 2.76 6 0 62 7 4 5670 8 87. 8 15797 47' 45 45 t'ft 356 16' 15. 15 'ft 1025845 1 7 19l5'A8'RI1n 35b One headache after another FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS 2 Hi 1 27'A22'Ahmnp1C 2 10 52 41 V.

Ahmn pit) 3 00 5 lvlAIn (Class) 1 7 Example: IBM 43 22 61 CALL the TimesUne phone number for your area listed at the bottom of this directory. Once connected. PRESS 2000 and, when prompted, enter your converted ticker symbol followed by the star key () To advance to another stock at any time during a stock quote, enter the next converted ticker symbol. EXIT the Stock Quote Hotline by pressing the star key () 56 7 6 69 9 5 72 13 86a 74 86a 69 75 12 2 89a 7 0 62a 7 0 Vol Frl Weak OO Close Chg 3490 7 7 47. 20978 7 7 7Vl- 1452 7 7 7.

1867 12 11411 1452 12 11 124 12925 6 7. 5 6 4 6662 12 117.412. 4387 6 87. 84 4872 10 9. 10'ft 0.3 850 22 7.1 1464 43 41ftd42'ft- IV.

472 1' 1 1- 2 2 22 7436 46' 45 45 1 5 10 7940 19' 19 19 33 3456 28 25' 26 20 11 417 15 15 15- Seth Schofield: "Safety never has been, nor ever will be, compromised." Detroit TV station. "USAir is under attack for its safety record in a front-page story," said one in Philadelphia. The story seemed solid. It came from one of the nation's most 50384. AirProd 39' 18 AirFrt 17 l44.Airtea0 3019'AIchn I 84 I TOP GAINERS TOP GAINERS Vol In the past year, Florida's biggest banking company has been besieged by a 90 8 6 70 10 0 12146525 28' 27 27- 6 3 398 22 22'i 22'd "(s 31 3282 1 7V.

16 16' 'ft 25'ft22 AlaPadipIl 39e 19'13AlakAil Company Ahmanson (n) AmSouth Bancorp (n) Barnett (n) FF Bancorp Inc (0) First Union (n) NationsBank (n Northern Trust (o) Republic Bank (o) Southtrust (o) Suntrusl (nj At Slock ti V. 2' I'M 3'l IV 25845 5249 16984 536 11249 50646 9545 219 5995 6736 16. 287 38' 12lft 401 45'. 33'A 11. 17 481 86a 6 8 I 05 12 4 62 8.8 35 .20 28 .28 44 30 53e 1 9 25 2322 18 174.

18'A I 1.4 5766 14' I4 14 1.1 16 438 25 24' 25'- 1.2 15 802 24' 23' 23'- 1 5 2019513 30 29' 29- 1 1 2 2464311 25 241 24 3 4 812325 18 15d15 70 8 4 32 1 7 l7V.12'ftAlbemrn 26' 19 Albedo 244.1 74. AlCulA 30' 23 Abedsn 26' 1 94. Alcaii 304.15Alcalel 65'46AlcoStd series of potentially damaging accusations from federal and state authorities as well as customers. Among them: 1 04 TELEPHONE COMPANIES TOP GAINERS Vol Pet Stock OO's Last Chg Techknil 1499 2 472.7 Kiel 439 5 .70 8 Synergn 81285 9'te 4700 AslroSc 3310 2'ft 466.7 Medslat 68990 26'ft .631 SureShwt 3879 2'ft 453 8 ZollMed 11159 154. 453 7 LasVDsc 2301 27.

4500 SallMax 5789 3 .50 0 Adagpwt 603 2'ft 450 0 IntstfToS 2959 4 .50 0 NatGywt 2296 30 .488 PatrNBk 668 5 .48 4 Interiors 5407 4 .45 8 Xechmwl 2218 7 442.9 MagnLun 234 3 442 1 LsrVdun 11 8 .417 PaxsonC 1009 24 441 2 SymbwtB 4528 2 .36 5 Intertc 7225 9to .37.7 36 7560 AlcoSlpl 2 37 60 26 4025 7 8 7 4 7. prt 10598 9 8 49 BS 2117 121112. Sl0 00 LM' 6479 8 8 8 iCFInl 845 4 4320 8430 7 6 7V. 'to Unitlnn 2886 24 428 6 10958 9 8 8. I RMITis 2653 5 4250 1223 19 19 19 Hilton 28321 71 .23 9 2619276 41 394.

41 AcmeE 1375 13 419.3 929 6 6 64.. FdHlyB 136 4 418.5 473 25 24 25 CineOd 11725 2 415 8 1544745 45 43 444. 4 1 RblHItS 10619 26 4154 6747 25 237. 23 1 MuvMlln 3185 10'ft 4151 451 25 23 1 Coreln 2373 10 .14 9 3967 22 21 MulT3 1076 84. .14 8 2588 1 9 18 18 I FrtiEPb 1767 20 .14 3 21 5763 12 11 11 RscMlge 6471 17 .140 1024203 22 19' 19- MFLFd 2235 10 .139 34465 13 13 13 4 CpHYIIn 1510 11 4134 10 3516 24 23 24 4 Digital 111013 35 413.4 10 7260 10 97.

49. MunFL 3035 114. .133 6 60 23 22'ft 22'ft 1 MumFd 10989 9. .130 9 3557 22 214.421 Torex 2154 94. 412 9 2129924 1 6 154.

16 IMCO 1525 1 54. .12.5 19x3867 57' 56V. 56 1 387 66 66 664. 5 1346 27' 26 26 2133 20' 194. 194.

1649 11 II 11 OO's Last Chg 6766 14 491 9 7587 26 463 6 10466 12 464 4 395 3 4 56.8 15753 26 454 7 9975 2'to 4542 5605 3' 447 6 2748 3 441.2 244 3'ft 440 0 417 4 439.1 4550 8 430.2 500 3 4244 3375 74. .24 0 128 2. .233 437 2 421 1 9678 4 .16.4 3512 2 415.2 1173 3 414 8 635 5' 412.8 317 84s 4117 1 79 2819 BoisCpl 30'23'AleBrn 70 2 6 224.14 AleAI 10 5 15 1 1 AIIAmTai 120 10.3 SBM Ind EXXBn HiShrTc LndsPc EXXAn AdvMedT Richton BeiaWeli yjKetiwin FieqEI GnEmp BrockCp MercAir Peters Semtch Roadmst Aicon PWHK 30wl SemPck EqGth2 264.19 BoisCpIG 1 56 74 Dow Jones 31-51-43-21 500 73-71-92- NYSE Index 62-93-21 Nasdaq 23-63-61-71 3-mo. T-bill 81-22-03-61 1-yr. T-blll 81-22-01-93- 30-yr.

T-bond 81-22-03-00 NIKKEI 62-43-52-52-43 48 2 5 79 5409 20 18 19 2110 boilBe. 324.10 Bombys 26 9BoidCh 1911 Borden 34 22 BorgWAu 22 9'ft BorWSc 1 64 9 0 11 5655 20 20' 16 6 22 4636 25 23 24' 2' .44 1.6 1717646 30'ft 27'u28 I )h 631 1057 19 194. 19 24' 1 7 AlgLud 27'194AllgPo 2513' AllenGp 30V.20 Alergn 4 Allenon 20 2717'AlnCap 7'ft 44.AlnEnl OO's Close Chg 189359 52 2'it 24452 40'. 4 1'. 30876 50' V.

43460 511 4 i 90774 30 1 21261 36. 4 1 48904 281 4308B 41' 11 37277 35. 61 near Atlanta agreed in recent years to settle with Justice. Several months ago, Chevy Chase Federal Savings in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., went even further and agreed in a settlement to open new branches in under-served, minority neighborhoods. By settling the disputes, those banks were able to put the Justice investigations behind them.

But the settlements also meant that Justice never had to produce hard evidence of discrimination that would have to stand up in court. A feisty Barnett won't say how far it might go to challenge Justice, but as the feud drags on, the stakes get higher for each side. xpert vs. expert In the war of words with Barnett, Justice officials say they plan to bring formal charges against the Jacksonville-based banking company for its lending practices in 1991-93. Deval L.

Last week, Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth sued Barnett, claiming it illegally required mortgage holders to set aside too much in escrow accounts. Barnett denies wrongdoing. I 64 8 7 1 25 5 6 I 76 80 11 2004 19'4 17 1844- 1175 5 5'ft 5- I 2417'BCells 30 214BoslEd 1711'BoslSc 2919Bowalr 'ft 'ft 2 AlnEwtA 1030 .80 1452 9V. 9 9 10' 9 AIIGIE 19'11AIIWr1d I 66a 14 3 16'. 10'ft AIIWrtd2 I 42a 12 6 NOTE: For securities listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, you must add 15 81 before pressing the Stock informaton is delayed by no more than 15 minutes, fund information is updated at 6 p.m..

Quotes rmcelvmd through TimtsUne are not Intended lor the purposes of buying or selling securities but for Informetion ontyl TOP LOSERS 5059 25 25 25 -1543 24V. 23 23 56 968 14V. 12 12'-B 2053 15 144. 144. -16 1067 154.

15 15 2459 11' 11 114. 13513 11 10'ft 11'ft 'ft 13 3631 38 36u36. Company ATST (n) Ameniech (n) Bell Atlantic (n) Bellsouth (n) GTE (n) NYNEX (n) Pacific Telesis (n) S'western Bell (n) US West (n) RETAILERS Company Dayton Hudson n) Oillard Dept Stores (n) Federated Stores (n) Home Depot (n) K-Mart (n) JC Penney (n) Sears (n) Wal Mart n) NYSE, a AMEX. 38 2 IV. All Teh 2721 BowalptB 1 65 1910BoydGm 1711 Bradlees 60 19V.147.BradREs 1 32 3617Brazi 2713BrazilEF 08e 08e Vol Frl Woek 00 a Close Chg 1710 AlldPd 9 926 14 13' 14 1'ft 67 2.0 1 328187 34 32'd32'.

'ft 30 16 15' 15'ft 16 1 0 3817 35 33 33'-1328 25 24 24 1710726 34 29 30 9 3225 33' 32Und33 3 058 2 1 00 3 0 3'ft 'A 4032' Aldsgnl 2214'. AlmerPis 11' 8AllmrST 10' 30'22AJIslalo 2924 Alltel Til 4Allwaste 84 9.0 Be 5 0 72 3 0 96 3 3 8 9 483 667. 65 485 7 II 1068 127. 11 1 64 06 79' 28 20 46' 141 46' 50 22. In September, the U.S.

Justice Department said that after a long investigation it plans to charge Barnett with mortgage discrimination. Barnett denies the allegations. 21182 23643 47059 81459 139371 41588 49064 213993 NASDAQ 44 14'ftBredTch 4532 BngSIs 907.65 BrfgSt 204" 9BrillChA 3319Bnnker 62 50 BrMySg 7454 BfrtAir 547.39 BntGas 857.567. BrtlPl 277.17 BrtlSlI 35 17'Alumax 90'. 64'.

Alcoa 2523217 224. 21 224 2 92 4 9 1561877 60 58 59 4 2 22e 3 6 13 2027 61 58V. 617.4 2 83e 6 1 27 3581 4B 46 464. 2 218 2 8 22x9641 814. 79 79 1 60 1 9 TOP LOSERS Vol Pet Stock OO's Lssl Chg Kellyflus 407 2 AmRscpl 8 6 Envirolsl 10977 7 38.4 McroHII 663 3 32 4 CaptIGm 35694 4 289 Purus 2093 25, 288 Forstm 4745 5 28 6 SLMs 27B58 2 281 Spemn 3068 4 280 Kurzwlh 1156 4 26 5 ForestO 40220 2 26 5 Metrotrn 1978 6 7.

26 5 SalPgeun 1567 4 25 4 Cialtis 219 3 250 PinclMK 8102 12 24 6 SalPage 17265 47. 244 PiophJI 135 44. 24 0 InSSeVis 401 4 23 8 ClayEng 1322 6 23.5 MKrPck 5543 3 TOP LOSERS Vol Pet Stock 00 Last Chg Atlas 6621 24. -26 7 ShawN wl 353 2 23 1 SgnlApl 150 4. Cobralnd 766 3 20.6 DeSoto 474 3 HmeHdn 7378 4 15.4 PNCpID 5 35 Maxus 23747 34.

-143 TrMMex (Oil -ml CoopCo 3128 2 130 BrwiTch 10728 30 13.0 OwenMs 4473 13 12 8 Wlhtrd 12508 9 12.8 HiShear 143 5 SioneEn 3100 13 SlrlCh 11987 104. 12.2 ParagTr 3439 20 SchU 712 8 12.2 LomasFn 4287 3 -121 NatlStl 2982 144. 929 9 8' 9. 744 9 9' 9 1912592 23', 23' 234. 1916745 29'ft 27 29 I'M 17 5533 6'ft 6' 6 9648 28 26 27 'ft 27387 84 614.

834. 1 24. 4524517 19 17' 194 1'ft 6600 6 6'ft 6- 836 52' 52'ft 52' 8 4323 34 32'-. 33 1 12 1157 21' 19 21. 1 9792 47 45'ft 45'ft 2 668 18' 16 17' 1 Vol Pet OO's Last Chg 136 2'ft 26.0 762 4 341 2.

234 192 2 916 2 878 2 20 8 437 2 208 420 67. -206 656 2 4788 19 16 5 60 224. 16.1 556 7 128 3 1352 2 102 2'ft -14 3 526 3 552 3 138 3 24. 4 19 60 4V. 12.8 Slock Cambvvl AlkjRsh Dycam InFnDY wl Halsey AlodCIn Tn-lite Jaclyn FortPel BaryRG Hasting IntstGC InlThrgh RepG'd EssxFn NAAdv I BSHK pwt US Al pi Mem Pinellas St.PeteClwtr 898-0019 Tarpon Springs 462-0019 Oldsmar 221-0019 Pasco West 862-0019 Holiday, south of Moog Rd Central 221-0019 Hillsborough 221-0019 Hernando 799-0019 Citrus 726-0019 38e Times files USAir lost about $30-million in bookings after Flight 427 crashed near Pittsburgh in September, the fifth crash in as many years.

are focusing on wind shear, but there has been no definitive answer in that accident, either. The FAA says it has heightened its scrutiny of USAir and is now giving the carrier "white-glove inspections," a top-to-bottom review of safety procedures. "It's not an indication that the FAA necessarily thinks USAir is unsafe," said Bob Matthews, the FAA's special assistant for aviation safety. "But any time there is an increase in accidents or sudden financial trouble, you step up surveillance and make sure there's nothing systemically wrong." The FAA said last week that USAir has been "responsive to the FAA's concerns." Repairing the image So what can USAir do to repair its battered image? Steven Fink, whose Los Angeles public relations agency specializes in crisis management, said the airline has drained the "reservoirs of goodwill" it once had. The public often has an attitude of "innocent until proven guilty" with a company.

But USAir's five crashes and the new revelations have put the airline deeper and deeper into a hole. To improve its reputation, Fink says USAir should launch a sweeping internal investigation headed by an independent safety expert. This "commission" could study the airline's safety procedures and make a public report on its findings, he said. "Then they could make a case, 'This is what we found this is what we're going to Fink said. USAir is eager for investigators to determine the causes of the Pittsburgh and Charlotte crashes.

Those revelations could do more for USAir's image than an expensive ad campaign or a glowing report card on safety. In the meantime, the carrier is doing all it can to allay customers' fears. The airline's sales representatives can now show travel agents detailed reports from the company on the Times story. Frequent fliers already have been sent a letter from USAir chairman Seth Schofield, assuring them, "Safety never has been, nor ever will be, compromised at USAir." The company is expected to send another letter in a few weeks. And despite all the negative publicity, USAir employees say they have confidence in the company.

"This airline doesn't scrimp when it comes to maintenance," said USAir pilot Herb LeGrow. "As far as I'm concerned, this is as safe as any airline in the world. I wouldn't hesitate to put my family on board." Times researchers Kitty Bennett and Beverly Bell contributed to this report I 1 74'53'BnlTel 3 108 3125 25'. 24 24'-14 5406 62 60 61 5333 12 117. 12 4 373 3' 3 3' 4 19 413 58 57 57 14 8'.

BdwavSlf Shawmut Bank, for example it had extreme leverage to use in convincing institutions to settle the complaints. The recent national elections also may help Barnett, said Miami-based analyst Kenneth Thomas. Justice's pursuit of Barnett had been backed in Congress by two influential Democrats, Reps. Henry Gonzalez of Texas and Joseph Kennedy of Massachusetts. Now Republicans, who are more sympathetic to business, are in control of the House.

One goal of the Republican-led House will be to scale back the laws governing community reinvestment obligations of the country's banks, Thomas predicted. An image problem' Of course, Justice's pursuit of Barnett isn't the banking company's only worry. The company has been besieged by allegations and charges on a wide range of issues. They range from charges by Florida's attorney general that Barnett illegally required mortgage customers to set aside too much money in escrow accounts, to state regulatory and customer claims that Barnett misled consumers who were sold insurance annuities and mutual funds in the bank's branches. None of these allegations is unique to Barnett.

But they all have landed on Barnett at the same time. For Barnett, the situation must seem ironic. After some lean financial years, the company is on the verge of a major turnaround and in recent quarters has reported the best earnings in its history. But for an institution that calls itself "Florida's Bank," there's more to consider than just the bottom line. Its reputation is also a factor as it hopes to keep its stock price up and fend off possible suitors.

"Barnett has an image problem," said Bove of Raymond James. "It has to take the offensive to correct its perception in the community." 24 5 IV.Bdw.ywt 6IV.43V.BHP 138e 5 1 Brooke 3 486 3V. 2 3 6 0 12 1901 22 217nd22 104. 9 'ft d9" 3 3'ft d3 1.35 3017 Alza 8'ft 6 AmaxG 56V.50 Amap1B 3 75 7 1 45'32 Ambac 54 1.6 46 2.3 52 42AmHes .60 13 25V.15'.Amtcp( 213 11.9 16 9V. AmWestn 7 3V.AWaslwt 10 6'AAd95 .24 2 5 94.

8ftAAdj96 .39 4 7 9 7AAdj97 48 6.2 94. 7AAd98 .51 6.6 9 7'AAAd99 54 7.0 10 8AAnnuity 05e 5 31 20ABarck 10 37V.29 ABrand 2 00 5 8 9'ft 9 95 3.3 14 1193 29 28 2B4 I 60 5 0 1434 32 32 d32 -68 2 4 1628274 29' 27' 28 8- 8lft 4551 817 690 2139 5750 6177 2669 8 4048 1 Sfodi Quote Hotline is Sponsored by. 4. 1 1 In August, a state administrator decided insurance agency James Mitchell hired by Barnett to sell annuities in its branches, used deceptive tactics to sell tax-deferred annuities. Barnett is revising how insurance is sold.

d7 7 d74. 7'ft 07 -9 9'ft 44 2 4 1 5x10055 20 1 7 18 32 2.1 14 585 15 15'. 157. 2 80 8 4 8 701 34 32d33'A respected newspapers. An aviation safety analyst said last week that the story was well-researched and objective.

"I see a pretty balanced story," said Mike Overly, editor of the Aviation Safety Monitor. "They have done a good job with the available data." But USAir contends the story was misleading, that its financial figures were wrong, and that important explanations and counterpoints were published only near the end. Comments from a top Federal Aviation Administration official, saying there was no connection between USAir's financial troubles and its safety record, were in the last section of the story. Much of that last section, which compared safety records of different airlines, was cut from the abbreviated stories used by many newspapers. Many also did not use Times charts that showed how USAir compared with other carriers.

Some of those charts ranked USAir worst, but others showed it in the middle of the pack. Some aviation analysts, meanwhile, said the full Times story was unfair. "It was sloppy, half-baked journalism," said Michael Boyd, president of Aviation Systems Research in Golden, Colo. "If you're going to start putting out scary things, look at all the airlines. To just isolate USAir was blatantly unfair." The mystery in Pittsburgh Airline bookings usually bounce back a few weeks after a crash, but USAir's problems linger.

The Pittsburgh crash was the airline's fifth fatal accident in five years. There's no common thread among the crashes, but many passengers have become skeptical about USAir's safety record. Janet Alexander, an agent with AAA Business Travel in St. Petersburg, said one client last week paid an extra $80 to switch a flight from USAir to Delta. "A lot of people will take another carrier over USAir if they have a choice," she said.

USAir spokesman Richard Weintraub said the airline's leisure travel has increased in the past few weeks, "but business travel has not bounced back as much as we'd like." The fear among passengers is partly caused by the mystery surrounding the Pittsburgh crash. More than two months after that accident, the National Transportation Safety Board is still far from finding a probable cause. Investigators of the Charlotte crash LfLU I 1 2821 BklyUG 3124 BrnFBs 38 32 BrwnGp 32 22 BlwnFr 25164. Brnwk 18114. BrshWI 41 32 Buckeye 497.

287. BAEmb 544.22'Bule1e 28104. BurlCoal 17 9'ftBurllnds 66 47 BurlNth 75 56 BdN plA 49 36 BrIRsc NYSE INDEX 2746125 23 22 22'- I 1111065 34 34' I 17. THE 30 DOW STOCKS The week's close for the 30 stocks in the Dow Jones Industrial Average: 3 9 12 1047 21 20V. 20' 1 1 8.

ABusnPd 46 1 3 12 3332 38. 357. 35 3 09e .2 502 384. 38 36 4. 11 6258 11 10 11V.4 722360 10 94.

10 4 1.20 2.5 1211060 48 47' 46. 1 3 12 5.5 997 57 56 456 74 55 1 5 3113487 39 36 364. 2 ACapSd 154e 9.1 860 1 7' 16' 16' High Low Last Chg 255 98 251 76 252.30 324.21 319.75 320.60 229 36 226 55 226 94 -05 200 34 197 31 197 31 201.09 195 50 195 99 SCOTT BUiCK PINELLAS PARK ST. PITI 546-4671 327-0500 Comp Indus Transp Utility Finance 6 6'ftACapln 65 98 6 6'ft 6. 'ft IOO'42V ACyan I 36 231 1903 100' 1 0011109.

2 40 7 6 1116076 32' 31 31- 32 23 AmExp JOb 121MM8 31 Ml Xk- 2.30 5 2 3225 44' 43 44 30'24'AGenCp 1.16 4 3 1011847 28 264. 26' 25417BuriHsCI I 88c 104 20 1914BumPP I 40 9 6 17 129 18' 17 18 159 15 14d14 416 22 214. 224. 638 23 21 21 'ft I 2 234.157. BushBA DOW JONES -m 06 4 14 33157.

Bush 9'ft 5'AmUVI 77a 13 1 321SJ 6 5' V. II 7 AGIP Low Last Patrick, Justice's assistant attorney general for civil rights, said this month that his department was in "settlement talks" with Barnett. In response, the bank publicly denied that any talks were under way. Bennett, Barnett 's law High Vol Waekly Dlv Vld PE 00 High LowCloae Chg 52W.Hi High Low Stock In June, a Tampa customer sued Barnett, alleging the bank invested his money against his wishes in a mutual fund that lost some of his principal. The dispute is unresolved.

96a 12 8 2305 7'ft 7 7'ft .77 9.2 443 6'ft 7'A 8 2 30 11 6 11 2237 20' 18 194.. .66 37 11 1080 18 17' 18 HOW TO READ THE TABLES The 15 most active stocks in weekly trading are underlined in the NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ listings A bold-face stock abbreviation indicates that the price per share changed by 10 percent or more from the previous week's close. A bold-face stock price indicates that the stock has set a 52-week high or low during this week of trading. FOOTNOTES g-Dlvldend or earnings in Canadian money New issue in past 52 weeks. High-low tange for those stocks begins with tne start of trading s-Split or stock dividend of 25 or more in the past 52 weeks d-52-week low.

u-52-week high Tiading halted on primary market. Footnotes for special or extra dividends or payments: a-Also extra or extras. b-Annual rate plus stock dividend. c-Llquidating dividend. e-Oeclared or paid in preceding 12 months, Temporary exemption from NASDAQ requirements i-Declared or paid after stock dividend or split-up.

I-Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last meeting k-Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividend in arrears. r-Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t-Pald in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution rate x-Ex-dividend or ex-rights y-Ex-dividend and sales in full z-Sales in full. pp-Holder owes installment(s) ol purchase price rt-Rights un-Units wd-When distributed, wi When issued. wt-Warranls ww-With warrants, xw Without warrants, vj-ln bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act.

or securties assumed by such companies. Chg 413.79 3.72 2 4 1 7x12487 22' 207.420- 1 48 3,856 31 3,784 98 3,815 26 1,492 52 1,467 84 1.468 54 17783 17447 17447 1.284 34 1,263 97 1,267 78 30 Indus 20 Transp 1 5 Utils 65 Stocks 2246 18 17 17- 3 00 4.7 1 331130 64 16x10510 57 55 55 1 1208 I 1'ft 14.. 16 9 I 26 2 4 16 1 0 68 51 60 3.2 16 3.4 40 I 2 13 8V.Filtrtk 33'. 15'! Fingertil 401.32' FstAm 37W171 FAFnc 39 28 FIBkSy 37'31 '4 FIBrnd 55'A40'FslChic 1419135 94 92 94. 1'ft .46 5 1 50 8 5 .40 .7 08 .6 3 04 4.6 90a 12 9 10'ft 7'AAGTT 20' 16' AHeritge 654.55AHome 3 1'ftAlndPrp 96814.

AmlntGr 2616 AMedH 2821 ifeAmMdRs 1410'. AMunlnc 114b 9 AmMuTf 11 9AmMuT2 10 8'AmMuT3 INDEX 19 8643 24 234. 24 5 2843 15' I3d14 1 9 1722 18 16 17- 1 8 7306 697. 667. 66 2 3283 7 6 7 2 20 4 7 Oeval L.

Patrick of Justice said settlement talks were under way. Not so, said Barnett. 44 19FtChl97n 1 99 10 7.5 11x12430 26 264. 200 52 349 11'. 10 10'- 1135444 18 15'ftd16'- 1'ft 8 2527 33' 32 32 4 1721 19 18 184 1017146 35 34 34- lift 13 2213 33' 32' 33 722653 49'.

46 47V 471 22' 19d19A-2 6 4829 20 19'ft 19 1 12 379 14'ft 14 14 1421 10 9 104 'ft 2913647 50 48 49 4 9 9526 46 44 44 'It 773 37 35 35 1917 14' 14 14. 2514008 61V. 57V. 59. 4 2 35207.

CBI 21 17CBLAsc 72V. 50 CBS 2713 CCP Ins 19 10 CDI 74 57 CIGNA 97. 6'CIGHi 31 257.CIPSCO 14 7CKERsl 3123 CMAC 31 8 CML Gp 8260 CNA Fn 54 44 CPC 2114 CPI 7'A 44CRILiq Vol Fn Wk 00 1 Close Chg 189359 W'ft 2 28187 32T 27397 123346 30 34 35105 164 1 44745 44 1 42776 555 Vll 46843 42 92787 521ft 2 66063 42 55022 55V '4 58664 48 2ft 65566 60 Vk 104319 484 207434 3714 t1 26005 33t 1 94721 73V4 43990 7VM 86709 29V2 I VI 145462 37 1 34590 524 Vs 41778 58' 28 122684 624 I 1V 46928 64i 49064 50 27645 61 1' 40963 29 V4 7 32951 59 27362 13'A 25560 14 26 812 26 254. 87a 8.2 495 10 10'ftd10 'ft .65 6 8 647 94. 9 9 I 62 6 7 562 9 9 9 57 6.7 392 8 8 8'ft 100a 13 3 3855 7'ft 7 7'A .88 3 7 32 2206 25 23 23'- 1 Stock Corp Allied Signal Inc Aluminum Co America American Express Co Bethlehem Steel Co Boeing Company Caterpillar Inc Chevron Corporation Coca Cola Company Disney Walt Company Du Pont Company Eastman Kodak Co Exxon Corporation General Electric Co General Motors Corp Goodyear Tire Int Bus Machines Int Paper Company McDonalds Corp Merck Company Inc Minnesota Minnina Morgan and Co Philip Morris Co Procter and Gamble Sears, Roebuck Co Texaco Union Carbide Corp United Technologies Westmghouse Woolworth Corp.

1 0 53 7780 8 74. 8 .7 8 1 894 28 27 27 4i High Low Last Chg 558.53 550.35 552.02 41.15 356.93 351 85 352 70 .34 150 55 147 85 147 85 43.01 41 18 41 31 174 00 1 71.06 1 71 22 43598 42902 430 76 4 29 468 51 46025 461 47 II 64.A0IF Indus Transp Ulils Flnancl MklCap too Slocks 500 Stocks 2619 FColony .32 1.6 56 3 9 13'ft 9FCrrwF 1.05 10 4 50 38 FslDala .12 .2 2 00 4 5 3732 FFBpfB 2 15 6.0 17'ltW4 FFinfd 4 41e30 7 62 51 FtFinMg 10 2 8 1116816 II 10 10. 3 8 11 4826 22. 21 22 170 520 65 63 64 4 2.6 24 9609 53 52 52 V. 2 8 28 1542 20'ft 19 20 40 1.6 34 19 APresds 354.23'AmReCp 36 66 Last fall, Barnett agreed to pay $1 6-million to settle a class-action suit that the bank overcharged customers with car loans for collateral protection insurance.

The bank bought the insurance (and charged the borrower) to protect the bank in the event the cars were damaged. 9'ft 7 AREsl 25e 3 3 14 9ASelPort 1.13 10.8 40e 4 650 5 4 5 v. FOREIGN INDEX 11 4352 244. 24- 'ft 15 10OI 284. 27 27 V.

5 531 7 7 7'ft- 1763 10 9d10' 1513197 274. 26u27 528 11 11d114. 2280 11 104. 114 V. 3914 10 10 104.

12 1.1117 652 117. 10'ft 10 274.20 AmSt'SS 48 23J.17FllnRTn 47e 2 5 85 55 Flnlsle 3 00 4 2 137. 8UHSS 9 6CSFBosln 72 105 1157 7 6 64 '94 Low 1.35 II 5 1.35 11.9 '94 High Wk Chg 2.47 9 5 509 8 7 8 10 7'ACSFBosSt .81 10.1 207.11 Fllsrl 54e 4.5 1 76 9265 CSX Frl 2100.23 1 27 1 1 I 164.11AmSIP 16 10AmSIP2 1510'. AmSIP3 3 1AWsle 32V.26 AmWIr 2 6 12x12460 69 66 66 1 1 3 44 409 30 294. 30V.

4 23 1725 14. 1 1 26 21'FIMDpf 1 97 9 2 22V.1t'ftFIMiss .35 1.6 1,09 4 1 12 1233 26 26'. 421 97 2268.65 1960.59 454.1 3484 2 2876.6 2331 33 1824.42 418 20 21053.11 17369 74 56 15 448914 395985 Frankturl London Paris Tokyo Toronto 731 9 9 9. 'ft 33 244 7 6 6 6 'ft 31300 1926.50na 19302 56 4114 53 3416338 31 29 29- 1 1.08 12 0 12 378 9 9 9 72 8.0 13 3956 9 8 9 478 2.5 1715559 19 18' 184 2614046 514. 467.

50 4 15 84. Amlncon I 28 13 3 8 5Aniercrd 30'ft 11 Aniridias yer and the brother of Republican presidential hopeful William Bennett, also has been busy sniping at what he calls the poor caliber of Justice's inquiry- In a recent interview, Bennett criticized the credentials of Bernard Siskin, the expert Justice 76e 3 6 42t 41 .12 4 1 84 4.6 24'16 FlPhll 16'ft10'jFtFlpBc 4627 FslUSA 48 38'FstUC 11 6'FllnFtl Times art 40 5 8 .66 16 4031 FtVaBks 1 32 4 0 31 I9CTS 3725 CUC Intl 11 64.CVREI 114. 7 CWMMI 2517'CablWire 53 33 Cabllrns 29 24Cabols 234.16 CbtOG 21107. Cadence 59 354. Caesar 33 24 Caldor 164.

9CalFedl 23 1510 Calgon 1714 CaliRlyn 20 9202 15'ft 134. 14 7977 3 3 3- 1 92 4 8 1924452 40 39'. 404 1'. 24 1 3 66 3043 IB 17 174 2.20 3 6 1732688 61 60 614 1.68 23 2217787 74 71' 72'-1 30 3417 25 23'ftu24 2 0 14 x956 28 27 274 1.0 1453 174. 16 d16- 1' 3910098 21 20u20t 1426702 45 394.

43 2 Vol Weakly Dlv Yld PE OO's High LowClosa Chg 52WM High Low Stock Vol weekly Dlv Yld PE OO's High LowCloae Chg 52WMk High Low Slock 6 24Amerlqtc 4336'. Amrtchs 164.10Amelek 6450 Amoco 7923' AMP 2512Amptinl 5 3Amre 12'ft 6Amsco 17'11'ftFstFad 35 26' Firstar 19'. 13 FslbkPR 38 27 FishrSci 4129'ftFleelFnc 20'A1tFIIMIg 27V. 18 FleelEn 1 1 2733 30' 291 30' 9740 11 10'ft 10. 323 211 20V 20' 12 25V.21'ftCitcpptG 1 58 7 3 1817 22V.

21'ftd21 24.21Cltcpp!H I 58e 73 1741 22'ft 21.d21 2 1 64 1304 5' 5 u5 3151 9' 84. 9' 4 'ft 1.20 4 5 .08 a I 60 5 2 60 3 5 56 2.8 1 20 5.1 I 749 22' 22 22 Vol Weekly Dlv Yld PE 00'a High LowCloae Chg 1.40 10 9 2818795 13' 12V.412' V. 2711207 40' 38' 38' 4 1 00 2 2 8 5466 45' 43 45 4 'ft 31 1765 12V. 11' 12V. 4 31 16207 24' 22'ft u23 4 .60 3 2 3316937 25' 25' 25 4 16 7821 35' 32.

354 1 1121 13' 13 13 V. 52Wk High Low Stock 1612. CrwnAm 41'33'ft CwnCork 5735' CumEng 13. 7. Cycare 24'11'CypSem 3321 'A Cyprus 4l'l2Cylecn 15V.13 CzechFn 24 V.

22 Citcppll 1.94 .16 13e 2360 19V. 16 19' 4 918731 78 71 72 5 75t26s 25d25' 350 12 12 327 22 21 21'- V. 14 6168 22' 20' 21'ft. 3108 21'ft 20'ft 21V.4 9 1228 II 10'kdlO- 9638 36 33 33 1 811249 42 40 40 1' 19 1417 7 6 6' 4 9 654 35 33 33 2 408 12'ft 1 012'. 8 2965 28 26'd2 1'.

6 438 17 17 17- 13 2685 28 27'ft 27'ft- 1 938030 32V. 30 30' 'ft 15 6512 18 16'ft 17'- 1 1115152 20 19'ft 20. 93425 23 23 23' 4 'ft 442 26 25V. 25' 1 V. 18 1379 39 38 39 13 5146 29 28 29 4 22 1938 18'ft 17 184 1913948 46 43 43' 2 1382 5 5 5.

17 429 44 42 42 1 8 2324 15 14'ft 14'ft- 1262 23 22'ftd22 311 23'. 22 22 442 23V. 22d22'- V. 1047 20' 20 712S6J3 29' 27 27 8264 96'. 90 92 1 4725 24' 23d23 407 15 14' 14' 9 5249 29 26 28 4 V.

3711 32' 28 314 2 4.8 2.1 34 27' AmSoutb 140 4624 AmwyAsn 64 30'ft22' Flemng 19 14AmwyJn 69e 4 2 1 4 30 1424 W4l I0' 11 .8 1702 15 14' 15'ft 4 18 2390 17' 16 16' 4 6.4 12 328 30' 29V. d30' 5 2011056 391 371 37. 2 1 35 649 198 18' 19 -1 0 18 1819 21' 20' 20 44b I 7 3934 164. 16 10 4175 2 2 d2 48 6849 46 434. 434.

1 27 5577 36' 34 35 4 1 .30 1.22 6.3 7320 19' 19 19 20 1.3 12 1031 16 15 16 4 .751 57 18 3067 1 3. 12' 13V. 751 5 7 18 3030 13 12'd13V. .06 .5 14 4191 10' 10 10' .12 1.1 10 2420 11. 11V 114 63 3 2 16 2326 20 191 19.

8 3127 67. 62. 62. 4'ft .20 in 44'32FlghtSI 48 12 33'ft24 FlaProg 1 98 6 8 20'. 16 Flower 8t 4.5 56V.39 Fluor .52 1.2 10W.

4'AFoodmk 21V.14'ClznCp 1912'CiUUIA 12' 7 CltyNC 23' 9'ClairSt 2215'Clarcor 71 145' ClarkE 26. 16 ClaylHs 52 29 ClearC 11' 9ClemQlb 45'ft 32'ftClvCII 5747 Clorox 1.76 8.2 3451 21. 21 21' 4 16466 V- 20'ft 154. CaJEng 41 7.294. CalWtr 4321'CalGolls 25l7'Calmat 2115 Camcon 27 20'CamdnP "to Cmpfl 46 347.

CampSp 1814 CdnPcg 147. 9CapcoAn 85 607. CapCitss 2113'CapGly 1615'CapOnen 25416'CapRe 1.60 3.2 1324200 504. 49 50 4 65 5935 42 39 40 1 24 5992 33'A 32 32- 126 41 10 9437 33 31 31- 2,00 8.6 799 234. 23 23 'ft 3.04 6.5 2238 49'.

47 47 02e 1.24 27 1722549 46 u46i 1314869 17 V. 16 416 1 46 1946 50 48'ft 48. I 10545 15'ft 15' 15 4 i 120 2 8 .24 1.7 2 00 8.6 .32 48 38 FooleC 1711 FthillQ FrdHpl 1.18 I 68 1604 1 1'ft 13 2916 20V. 19. I9' 10 1 880 29 26'ft 28' 64 912 11 10 10V.

515 "he t'ht 1580 51 49. 49' 4V 2Anacmp 58 39 Anadrtt 364.21 Analog 55 47 Anheus 44 20' AnnTayl 34 19 Anthem 354.30 AonCps 2723 AonplA 50V.45'ftAonplP 29 V. 20 Apache 1816'Aptlnvn 104. 7 Apex 7'ft 2ApplMg 2614' ApldPw 28 20 Aptar 13 7AquilaG 144. 6 Araczs 65e 6.8 411 9' 9 9 V.

1 30 3 6 11 1293 37 36' 36' 1 192 34 16 BI42 57V, u56 .44 2.1 33 21'ftEdisBr 1.24 5.4 7'A 2' EDO .28 8 0 24 16 Edwards 56 3.2 23V. 18 1838BdF 172 9.3 8V 6'AEKCO 41'29'EIPasNG 1.21 3.6 2515Elcor 8. 1 ElecAs 3931'A EltAquit 1.20e 35 27'22 ElfOvpfA 2.12 94 191 9 6 9V 5'EIer 28.17.EIsagB 5 i I acini 20i19Elsevrn 28 17'EAndlnn 13e .5 9 7'A EmgGer 12e 1.6 1914 EMInco 1.65a II 7 16V.1I EMInco2 I 38e 12 3 l6'10'EmgMkn 2919'AEMTef 1 46e 7 0 28V.14'EmMex 239e133 15'I2 EmgTgn 65'55 EmrsEI 1 72 2 8 38'ft21V. Emphesn 60 18 22il5EmpDist 1 28 8 1 16 7. EBP 29 22'EEIChiln 28e 10 55'40V.

Endesa 1 32e 2.9 28 1 1 3517727 27 24 244. 2'ft V. DDL Elc 2118 DPL 34'27 DOE 1 1'ft 8 DVIInc 1 DVL 5540DBenz 20113 DalSem 21V.12'DameMr 90 20 11 310 13'ft 13' 13B V. 2216761 84' 82" B4 I 9 1552 14'ft I3'414V. V.

48949 16 IVMN 1803 18 1 7 174. K3086 8 7 8'ft 29e 16 72 8 5 1.0 8 4192 14V. 12' 14'A "Tow if -w, MH in iff 3 flj 20 .9 8 2822 FrdH pfB 2 00 8 8 FrdH ptD 2.02 8 6 25 20 FrdH pfC I 78 8 7 J.M3i 1 164.86 Fordpf 4 20 4 6 2823 Ford pfB 2 06 8 7 1514 FCMkJE 517 22S 22 22 374 21 20d204 14 5740 15113" 15 16 558 14. 14 14 1123005 23 21 d22 19 671 49 48 48'ft. 2343 3'ft 2 d3 5 19 952 24 23 24'.

9 1 7 1 864 28'ft 27 27 7 14 x551 9 7 7 30V.21DanaCps 84 3 8 .12 .24 .05 2520 CapRe pi I 91 9 3 4220 Capsld 3 32 14 6 144.10'ftCapMplB 1 26 11 3 43e 2 7 7 2659 24 21. 22. 4 X1920 11V. 10' I1'4 14 1278 17 15615. 1 233 3325 14.

13' 14 1 5 1321308 28 26. 26. I' 16 1634 17'ft 16. 17'- V. 766 4' 3 d3 1 5 2892787 52 50u52'4 2 3 42 6934 19 18.

18'. .6 3622 32' 30 30. IV. .8 4981 18' 16 16. IV.

81 826 11' 11'd11'- 25 1033 33' 32 32'- 1. 1 8. 11. Coachm 24 19 12CoastSv 33. 25.

Coastal 40 33'146Coastcstn 11. r.l).al.Kl 52 38' CocaCI 78 l9'ft13'CocaCE 05 3821 CCFemsa 15e 23'16'ftCoeur 15e 15 11'ftCohenST 96a 36'25 Colemn 65.49'ft CCgPal I 64 7053 13 12 12 479 9 8 8 52 5760 48'. 2' 1 12 8.6 90 10 7 74 2 2 x432 13'ft 12' 13 4 .383 8 8V. d8 20 5221 35V. 33.

34 12 7'ft ArborPT 110 12.6 2 .3 16'12FtDear 11 8'dFortisSc 45'32'ft FoslWh 46 25FoundH 487.337. CrdnHlts 12 26415Caremk 04 3529' Cartisle 80 242 10.8 10 1342 23 21 22 1938439 20'ft 17. 17' 2' 15 411 33' 32' 32'- .75 I 24 1324483 37 35 36V. 4 48V136 Uanher 14 9' Daniel 12 6DataQn 7'ft IV. Detapt 8' 86'64'DaylHd 10'.

3. DeSoto 33'25 DeanFd 43'31'ftDWOsc 9 7V. DWGI 27 690 4' 4 4- 13 920 15 15 15- 15b 5 1744102 29'. 27u284. 98e 5 1 1328 19 18 19V.

15e 11 1017 14 13 13 12510274 6 6 6'ft V. 1812 FoMHIf 14 9 France 22 16FranFnn 1.80 102 4867 10 9' 462 20. 19142614 1') 1110264 21' 19 21' 4 1'ft 2 6 1718169 62. 60 62' 8 3'CadislP 2519CadtCm 2.00 9.6 2415Carmik 52V.41CamCr .60 14 134. 94CaraFI 1 4 d8 8' 8 1 26 3 1 12 7537 42't 40 41 3235 1 7 I6d17, i 16 1767 20'ft 17't' u20 2'ft 318 BV.

8 8 2621 'AArcsdn 29V.20Arch0n 23'18'ftArgentar 1912ArgenlFd 744 4'ftArmco 5739 ArmWI 4533 ArowE 8 34.Artra 334.23 Aryin 3419 Asarco 314.22'AsCoal 44'31 AshOil .50 1 4 60 8 0 1 26 9 0 2 00 3 0 17 6774 44' 42 43 1 11 1422 10 9 9' 4 'ft 6.7 12 3748 26V. 25'. 25' 'ft 4 2 12 511 571 56'. 56' 34 'ft 18. Emplca 16e 5 77a 9 5 60a 8 7 1765 5757 1013 1521 1589 15'ft13 DeBartn 90'b64'2 Deere 2666 7 6 6'- 6 6' 9 9' 4 5.

5' 8'i d8' 31 'ft 22 'ft CaroPw 66 54' CarTec 1.70 240 60 87 96 104 70 119 65 7 3 56 88 15 3997 21 20 20 33 393 241 22. 22' 614 3' 3 3'ft 7 4390 18 1 7'ft 327 18' 18d18'A- 45 586 6' 6. 6. 14 3151 34. 33 33.

i 11 990 16. 1541B7. 1067 7 7' 7 9 4718 35' 34'ft 34- 808 22' 22 d22'ft 862 20V. 19'A 20 6 567 6. 6V 6' 28 598 27'A 26 26 12 2903 2 1' 1' 716 20 20 20V.

4 1371 27'A 25V. 26V. 4 2747 7 71 7 4 430 15 14 d14 3119 1t' 11 1658 12. 12V. 12 1225 22V.

20' 21 1280 18'A 17' 18 1705 13'6 12 12' 15x13994 64V. 60 81' 2668 33 32 32'A 13 591 16 15d15. 6 5762 91 8' 9V. 4 3389 27. 27' 27 4 39 2108 47 45 45V.

16799 31V. 29V. 29 -5207 28 26' 26V. -9 365 21 20. 20.

-37 307 14 13'ft 13 X2252 30. 29V. 29V. 19 7113 23 21. 22.

9 597 17 17 17 It 688 14 13' 13V- 20 1709 1 5. 15V. 15 502 22 21' 211-1623893 32 28 24' 24Vu424Vl 13 967 25V. 23 425' I 21 7505 21 V. 18'ft 19' -26x6828 14V.

13' 13V. 610 22 Km d22 1219955 23 22V.d22V 414 21' 21 421 30 1582 22' 21' 21V. 2001 16 16' 18. 18x3462 29 27 27'A-1110195 19. 17' 17' 11 1796 33 32V.

32 8 615 14 2048 29' 4801 28' 26'S 427 11 B01 8 7. d8-8 1036 14 13. 13. 644 16' 15.d16 519 13' 12'ft 12. 15 2374 25 24V.

24 1511691 11' 10' 10'- 598 12' 11 11'-666 9. 9'S 9' 24 2403 34V. 32'. 33 Ml'. FrkEPb 10 7FMul 9 6 FrtPr 40'ft28 FikQsl 51 33 FrnkRs 9'ft 42131 FrMeyei 1 at II 8'.

CcJIAlk 9' 6.ColHln 12'ft 9 Collntln 7' 5CollHI II 8CollnvQ 8'ft 6 ColMu 23.20'ColcnPT 21'16 Coltec 30.2l'vjColQs 45V. 27 ColHCA 18 1932 7'ft 7V 7 1.75 9.3 6 6. 14 4894 40 39 39 2283 7' 7'ft 74 3535 6 26e 10 1.12 5.4 BIB 28 44 1.9 32 1 8 1311100 36 37 'ft 974 4 3 d4- 'ft .76 3.0 14 2142 25 24 25 .40 1.4 2337765 29'. 28 'ft .46 1.5 34 x346 30 29 30 4 1 10 2 9 13 6437 38 37 2 590 1 53 1291 17 16 16- 028 2 2673 11 11 11- .248 11 3 7x4512 2 1 2 1 102 1226 21't 20' 21V. 172 81 37i18 ELaMdn 26 19'A Enrgn 17 10.

EngyVen 33 V. 16. Enersis 31 '21 'ft EnglhCp 20 1 7 Enhance 16'12'EnisBu 1914'ftEnqStr 13 6410 35 33 34 33 2 4 25 3062 14 13V. 13'ft- 'ft 96 7 3 19 482 13' 12. 13' 4 V.

58 9135 22V. 21 21'- 14'1l'ftDelaGp 10 9 4 15'1lDEGpGln 1 06 8 9 2416'DelmPL 154 8.6 61'39'DeltaAlr .20 4 58 43'DeltaApt 3.50 7 5 12'ft 8'DeltaW 40 4 0 38 25 Deluxe 1 48 5 3 39V.25' Dept56 15 9 Destec 0'; 2428 24' 23d24' 336 22 21 21 .11 58 4 4 20 13 14 2098 I8' 17' 18. V. 5 4741 25' 25 25V. 1944781 40.

38 38' 1. 1010 18 17 17'. V. 19x2035 22 20V. 21.

1'ft 611977 27V. 25. 26' 14 522 19V. 16'ft 18 12 5CarrGolt 2417CairRI1y 26 9CadWal 18124CascNGs 2118 CaseCpn 10 7CashAm 164.13 CaslBChn 5641 8 6Cat6lus 6044lCaterps 36 297. CedrFr 14 9 CentEn 14 9'ftCntxCnn AmSouths Second-Chance CD.

1 1858 35 21t7V.ColuflTn I 50 24V.17'Comdis 36 I 0 55761 20V. 19. 19. 6 15 2088 8' 7. 7' 2943 14'ft 13 14'ft 4 1' 67 762 54' 52.

54' 4 1445 7 6 6' 4 II 1442776 57' 55' 65- 1'ft 3113 ud 687 19 19 19 22144. AsiaPc 16104AsiaTigr 3 1Asetlnv si 's Aatlnv 2418'AsdEsla( 38 28'. AsdNG 39 29 AtlGas 2216 AIIEnrg 11292 AIIRich I 60 6 3 527 34 33 dJ3 1i 27'ft la'. rMCu .60 2 8 3123 FMCGpf 1 75 7.3 26 20 FMCGplA 1 25 5 8 44 34'. FMCG pfB1 37e 4 0 4133 FMCG pfCt 00s 3.0 22 19 FMCG pfD 24s 12 2116 FrptMc 1111 6.3 7 1 FM RoyT 20'ft 13 FMRP 2 406 16 8 26 21 'ft Fremont .76 3.3 26V.20.EnrLLCpf 200 9 3 34 27 Enron 80 2.7 2424'AEnrGPn 34'A23 EnronLq 2.52 100 30 7575 38 36'u38 1 12 .3 1 28 4 9 .50 2 7 60 36 22 DelDiesI 32.24"DetEd 3326 DevlDv 48 1.9 14 457 27 24'ft 25 1.

2 06 6 9 13x1694 30 30 1.54 9.1 9 3178 17 1 6 16 4 550 5.3 22x12519104102103. 31V. 25' ComerK 2012 CmlTeks 29'21 CmlMtl 14'ft 11'CmclNL 47i35. ComES 27. 16' ComHISy 2 25 7 8 10 1997 30 80 9 3 614591 8' 8ft 8 682 11' 11 11 20 1 0 6 7892 21' 2(l'd20 2417' EnrOGs 1912 Ensrch 24'21EnscpfF The beauty of a CD is that you can lock in an rate and collect that rate for the life of the CD.

20 I 5 89e 4 0 X8594 1'. 208 80 1 92 7 1 88 4 3 60 2 9 56 2 1 32 24ftAIIRc97n 2 23 9 2 1 12 9 1 12 1046 12 12V. 12 3.00 8.3 7 912 37' 35. 39 20 1 719 25. 24.

1 .01 .1 41 8848 10' 9' 9' 1867 21 20. 20 3510693 17' 17' 26 1150 4. 4 4'ft- 10751 15 13dM'- 7 460 24 23V. 23- 16 2863 20 18. 19- IV.

1339 5 4 14 7477 29'. 28'. 28. 1704 'ftr- 115 645 13' 12V. 12 16472 12 IO'ftull'4 5736 2 1'ft 2V.

820 2 IV. 42 14x21182 84' 79 79'- 474 4. 3. d3 15x1912 29' 27. 28V.

4 814501 37. 34' 35V. 7778 7'6 7'A 7'ft 4 2655 14' 13. 14 1024441 69 65 66 1021 11. 11 114 4 895 12 11411' 11 3485 181 17' 18 .10183 52 50V4 51.

1927 48. 45 48 .1645 10 9 10 15x8701 28 28 28 -22 2249 36' 35 35. 6 2234 10' 10V. 10'ft 17 730 24 23V. 23 4 9 9804 26 251 25' 21 4435 27 27 27' 13 1646 20' 20 20'ft 5231695 17' 14'ft 16V.

4 13 8064 211 201 20 -13x2307 27'ft 26 26' 8 429 7 6' 7V 4 21 4044 43. 41' 42' ...111013 36 31' 38 I 937 22 21' 22V. 1323643 29. 27 26 610450 8V 8 8i 11 1509 14 2066063 44 41' 42 21 10028 28V. 24 26'.

31 4128 25 24 24 1115497 36V. 35'. 354 818 19 18 18 1400 6' 5' 6 4 18 5227 224 20' 21 18 5964 30V. 28' 29 16 2509 54. 52 52 3550475 69 64 66' 18 6000 30'.

29' 30 12 1117 17 16 416 5 832 11'. 10 10. 1714013 21. 20 20' 1654 8. 8'ft 8 454.20 Cenlex 9.0 19 26 20 Dexter 254l3'Diagnsl 24 18 Dial 30 23V.

DiaShm 14 6V. DianaCp 46 DtX)l(ls 32'20'CenSoWsll 70 8 4 1429089 20. 20Va 20V. 31V.22'CenHud 2 08 8 7 9 206 7 24'ft 23 23' au Hi 2621 EnlOifprB 2 48 11 3 23' 17. Entera 37'ftt8Frtrlnso 7 38 22' FruitL 'cFurflpf 28 6.

CompUSA 133. 75 ChtsTel 2 42e 2 8 42 2l'Compaqf 471 6 5 88 21 The only problem is, sometimes rates go up. And 8621 3 2'h d24. 1 .92 5 5 17 X451 17 16' 164. 4 478 5 2 69 4999 9 9 9 1 044 .2 1 5 3023 19' 18 18 1 2.28 9.9 325 23 23 23.

.10 1.2 2319 8 8 8 432 13 1 2 12 30 1053 15 14' 14 1 46 6 8 11 1335 21. 20'421Vj 90 7 3 9 3065 12'ft 12 12V. hired to analyze the lending practices at Barnett and other banks. Siskin, a statistician who runs the Center for Forensic Economic Studies in Philadelphia, has been criticized by several federal judges for his analyses in several other cases, Bennett said. To refute any findings by Siskin and Justice, Bennett hired his own lending experts.

University of Tennessee finance professor Harold Black and Tallahassee consultant Joan Haworth, president of Economic Research Services, examined Barnett's loans at Bar-nett's expense. Their not-so-surprising conclusion? Barnett did not discriminate. A changing climate Barnett's leader, chairman Charles Rice, also has gone on the offensive. At a meeting with analysts in Palm Beach this month, Rice defended Barnett's lending record. Rice said his banking company has been examined by bank regulators and has never been criticized for community reinvestment obligations, said analyst Richard Bove of Raymond James Associates, who attended the session.

Recently, Barnett has become further emboldened in its fight with Justice by the actions of federal bank regulators. Two federal agencies, considering Barnett's applications for new acquisitions, recently defied Justice requests to hold up their approval. When Justice did not divulge concrete evidence of problems at Barnett, the Federal Reserve and the Comptroller of the Currency signed off on Barnett's purchases of Glendale Federal branches and of EquiCredit, a consumer loan company. 7559 12' 12 12 5733 90 85 85' 5'ft 1492964 41' 39V. 39.

4 560 7'. 6'ft 8 2.26443 48. 45' 46 25 4770 48' 45u4774 2V. 365 8 7'ft 7- 10 2V. Atlaa 20'A16ATMOSs 12'ft 8'ft Attwood 2415'Augal 28 23'.

AusNZ 12 8 Austr 13V. 12 AuslSlk 16 10AulFits 4 2AutSec 58 47 AuloDta WAuloZns .20 21-Month CD 23' 18' Digital pf 2 22 100 41.25Dlllard .12 4 10. 7'DmeBcp 88e 53 62 2 3 .20 1.1 48 15 28a 44 8 1 18 4.2 2 08 7 7 2520' CenLAEI 17alOCeMPv 30 24ClrNm 22 12'CVlPS 25'. 18 CentUk 32V21'CntyTI 27'ft 18' Cendian 65' 20' 15'ft EonEnn 30'ft21'Equitx 30 17'ft EqtCos 39V.29 Eqlowa 1 'ftEqtRI 39'28'EqtResc 35i26' EqlyHsd 56 21 17 892 27. 27 27V.

1 42 10 4 10 3210 141 12 13 'ft .78 3 5 10 645 22 21V. 22 4 32 1 0 20 2642 31 31' 31V. V. 8808 26' 26V. 26 12' IViCmpCfs 50'27 CmpAsc 48'31ConipScs 10.

6'ftCmpTak 5. 2'ftCmptvsn 32. 19 Comsat 33'24VConAar 071 5986 3 3'. 3 110040 20 I9d19 Right now the Second-Chance CD gives you one of the best rates anywhere on a 21 -month CD. But, if an even better rate comes along during your CD term, you get a chance to trade for that higher rate for another 2 1 months.

Any way you look at it, you win. The Second-Chance CD. If you want to get and keep- the best rate, here's your best JWGCUYH BANK chance. the relationship people 04 12 76 4.0 2 9 26 9932 2' 2 2 1 0 23 7955 574. 56 57 3319829 27 24 264 1 7.4 1838 19 18 19 4 10 28'14, DMBW1 4837.

Disney 28 20' DrPSev 3.7 12 928 41 41 41 690 29 28' 28'- 1 2.0 18 636 50 50 50- 2.6 12 2617 32'ft 30. 30 24 176 16'ft 15U1B 'ft 1140 11' 11 11 1.D 2386 13 12 12 66 2 75 20 20 I 44 874 63. 62' 63V. 'ft 19071 36 334 33. 2'fc 16 497 6 7'ft 47' 19 1541 9' 9V 9'ft 4 'A 1.6 40 28 Chmpln 12V.

7'ftChpSII 15. 5.ChtHou 13 7 Esco 19.13'EsprSans 1 67 100 13 6Estrlne 35'ft23. Dole 40 I 7 46 34' DomRes 2 58 7.2 20'IB'DHsBWh 72 3 6 when you re locked in to a lower rate, well, you're just locked in. That's no secret. So we've created a way to unlock your rate.

2918 10 9'. 4' 24V.18'AvalonPr 3526 AyeryD 19 7'ft Avian 45 304. Avnet 6347 Avon 7 5 Aztar 6 3 23077. 31 30 30 1 06 3.3 18 7266 33 32 4 737 10'ft 6' 9'- 4. .60 1 6 22 9946 38 37V.

37- 2.00 3 2 1910212 63 61 62 4 1 14 423 12 114. 11 12 5647 6 54. 54. V. 1712431 31 30 31 911 32' 32 32'ft4 'It 9 3456 12' 11 11' 4 934928 13' 11.

12' 4 1' 1613319 53. 51' 52 4 V. 5 3588 37. 36 37 388 39 38 d38 1 816473 24' 24. 24'ft 21 5526 22' 21V.

214 6.44 Interest Rate 6.60 Annual Percentage Yield 34'29 ConAg pit I 69 5 2 1711Coneiw 20V! 10V. ConrPr 69V.481 Coma. I 50 2 9 66V. 357 Conseco 50 13 607.38 ConscpfD 3 25 8 6 33 23 ConEd 2 00 8 2 4.3 2 46'ft 46'ft 46'ft 92 1977 25 24. d25 44 33 QATX 150 40 25GCCon 5747 GEICO 1.00 39 26'ft GFCFn 80 16' 7QRClm 15V.10iGTDvMkn 17i.12VGTEuro 24e 37 29' GTE IH 57 45GTEpfC 200 25 24 GTE Opf 2 31 20 14GTEFplA 1 25 20 16 GTEF pfB 1 30 108 98'ft GTEF ptC 8 16 1210 Gabeili 111' 7.GaGMn 2619' GablRsn 1 80 37 28 Gallagt 86 11 5QalDob 1 IV.

GeJHous 32 19'A ElhanAIn 14 IO'EuroFd IB' 8' EurWIFd 21V. 18 EvnvVlhn 16' 8 EvqrHlth 50 4 8 75e 62 09e 10 I8e 10 10' 9V.ChseBrn 40 30Chase 1.60 4 5 9. 5 Chase a 27V.24ChseptJ 2 27 9 2 27V.22.Chsep)L 2 08 9 1 27ft23'ChepfM 2 10 9 0 25.22V. ChsepfN 61e 2 7 6' 1Chaus 2l'ft10C(Pt 2060 18. 18 d18.

646611 37 35 36' 1374 6'ft 5V 5 325 25' 24424 1200 23' 22V.422' 432 23' 23'423 832 23' 22V.422'. 2002 5. 5 1680 21' 19. 19' 500 24' 23' 24'ft '2 301 I0V 10 10 22V.16 Excelfll 1 72 10 5 1 94 5 6 1611411 36V. 34'd34 I I 28 2 9 27 2102 46'.

43 44 4 1 19 3121 18 17V. 17 V. 47734' ConsNQ 52 36'. ConPap 22V.11'CnS1or 31 9. CGDina 7 9 73980 1 5.

15 15. V. 8 1 290 16 16 16 4 9.2 7390101 4 11.0 X9918 101 10 d104 560 8 7 T- 0.1 765 20 19'd1- 'It 2 8 16 433 32 31 1 1 1712 7 6 6 175 893 1 1 1 6' 4. Domtar 26V.20 Donald! 66 'ft 50' Dover 79'55'DowCh 41'28L)owJns 25 16 Downy 13 9'ftDravo 24'18Drasar II 8V. DryStG 111 8V.DnSttl 10 7iDrySM 6246'ftDuPont 10'4 .28 1 3 84 2 2 1 04 20 2 60 3 9 84 2 8 48 3 0 88 3 3 .61 9.4 73 8 2 66 7 8 1 88 3 4 18b I 5 72 9 0 04e 3 1 32 3 4 384.31 BCEg 224.

1 7 BJS 164. 84 BMC 15'10'ExcRskn 45. 36 Exel 56 20 ExideCp 23e 19 30'623ChelGCA 1 84 7 5 Ud 1479 16 16 16 304 1 3 12 13V. 4 9 2031 40' 38. 39' 36 987 53'A 51.

51. 468 23'A 21.d22i 1665566 61V. 59' 80. 7831 12' 11' 12 3619 10 9 d9 'ft i 13' 9 CGDina 25 21CnPp1l 2 08 9 2 3629 Churned 4J" i35 ChmBnk 2 04 6 2 16x1864 33. 32' 33'.

1 76 5 0 754966 36. 35 351 27 164. BPPnj 1 498 7 8 3529 BRE 2 40 7 9 27'21Extecppr 2 28 10.2 6756' Exxon 3 00 4 9 382 22' 22 22 1848 16 15 16V. 4 23 7161 15' 14'A 141- 1 27'23 ChBkpfH 2 09 9 1 20 52 "M'l'fS 21-Mimlh CDs only. Mtmmum deposit required to open the account and earn the Med APY is During the term, you may adjust your rate to the current 21-Month rate tor new M-mmm tern.

Substantial mtrrrst penally for early withdrawal. Maximum CD deposit of $99,999. Offer not available to hnanruil institutions. APY is accurate as al November 21,1994. No other bonus rales available with this oiler 2 8 1616296 49.

47. 48 4 tJI vi 27V.11'.aiAirB 3012 CnKCp 23'13'CIIHme 14340 25 4702 17 1284 11 1717 15 678 35 633 949 2218707 20 362 4921 14 2224 9749 24x6574 34 33 33 20 18 19. 16 15 15- 19'ft 184. d1 304. 30 30'ft 4 3 3 4 144.

14d14'ft 19 18 19 264. 25 254. 29 28V. 28 107. 9 9 84.

6 d6" 20 20u20. 21 21 20 1 4 3406 23 23 421 755 22 489 21' 21 4211 362 21 'ft 20421 314 91 90 490 2621'ChBkpll 196 B8 26 21 ChBk pfj 1 89 8 9 187 B9 7 921 14. 13 14V. 7 2477 7 7 714 I 3 1824942 37 36 37. 1 1 26 6978 24'4 22'ft 22 4 1069 11 10'ft 10.

J994 Amsmilh Hjruorwralum ill i i. i All AmSouih bank 59 46 Gannett 4930' Gap 32'ft19GaylEnl 1210 Gamlll 1610 GenCrp 53'ft41. Genentc Bancorporation subsidiaries arc members FD1C 60 96 78 16. 1 1. DufPTF 39 91e 12 7 48 2 4 48 I 9 60 2 1 058 5 .20 1.0 5' 3 Bairnco 1614 BakrF 24 17 Bak'Hu 2721 Baldof 31 7.24 Ball 17 8'ft Ballard 10 6BallyFnt 2013 BaltBcp 26V.20'ft 4 22B9 II 9B V.90 ChBk ptt 3 54e II.

7'ChWs1e 32 7650 9 9 9'ft 12 6C1IMed 27 18 Conbn 12a10 Convrswi 11. 8ConvHk1 93e 10 2 1110 CvHdpl 1 22e 12 2 23 1814 26ift 25V. 26V. 1881 12 10 iM. 1061 9 9' 9' 767 10' 10 10 15 lOiADufPUC 1 18a 110 12'ft 9'0ufPCrn 03e 3 44 32' DukeP 1 96 5 1 8166 9' 8V.

48' 8718 6'ft 7'A 8'ft .1855022 55' 54 55V. 8x6233 12' 13087 8'A 6 I 1342 12'ft 11 I2'A 2060 10. 10' 10 H155 10i 9 49' 13x18079 39 38'ft 36'ft 2227 24' 24'. 24. 21x13178 56V.

54'ftdM' 26 7912 44' 43 44 16 1647 13 13V. 13'A 334 2'A 2V 2 8 704 6'A 5. 45' 15 389 19'ft 18'ft 19 1 55e 72 2 3 24 3173 32 30. 31' I 85 4 3 2046843 42' 41 42 13 3475 20 19 20' 35' 22V. Chspk 22'l9'GAInv 34 8''.

GnOata 1 (IS 65'44' 7' 3' 39'26' 19V.11 28'19 4'A 3 1210 18 9' 21' 7 FMC FWCGd 05 FPL Op 1 68 FabnCtr FadSIr 1 92 FairCp FalcBP FamOIr 34 Farah 4399 7. 7 7'A- I 52 7 1 260 1216292 862646 922 6'ft 6 8'- V. 18 NORTH PINELLAS 1 27 d2 38 25V. BancOne 1 24b 4 8 5632' Chile 1 45 30'ft 23 CMgenn 32e 3128 2' 2'ft 2'ft 05e 8 1 32 3 6 1 40 1,44 56 1 48'ft 38 GnDyn 5A'A45 GenEJa 2219' GnGrlh 7 3. GnHost Kiulf-m-Rav Offirp COUNTY CLEARWATER Belleair-Highland Office 441-8451 Clearwater Beach Office 461-3344 Countryside Office 796-4497 Downtown Office 441-9611 Enterpnse Road Office 462-1271 6-0488 Harbor Oaks Office 462-1383 ICOT Center Office 462-1264 Sunset-19 Office 796-01 96 Tn-City Plaza 535-5527 BELLE AIR BLUFFS Belleair Bluffs Office 462 2474 DUNEDIN 9354 LARGO Barcimrmr Office 1Q7.1707 u.e, rxri.

AAinrm ni FJCr i aU. n(fw 41.740.") pai a madrd ioiooh i 7QAruuo ndiixirwaKSUIIKCWV-Mm, (pracrnhrf). Mi Snrwr- wp 7Uft-( Wfi n-( irv 1' a 7a 1V777 FAR 1 1 Lvir (IV. rW ik) 7474 i trr. LARGO Rarrlmrvir nff- 101 1777 I ilr.

rCt. ac-, linn CM nculD Bm I Imi ll .11 i lti i DAI ulnnnn ncf. UunBro 47V.32V. Duracel 20 8 Dutyf 4 2 Dycom 8 5. Dyershg 21 13 DynAm 91e 09e 25 24d24 26 U26 7888 36.

36' 36 12958 21.421'- V. 17x8090 24' 22. 23'. 31 1229 47 46. 46.

1.1 379 28 27' 28' 5 7 1385 16 15 16'- 6 21 2577 16' 15. 15. 1 5 .3027 13 12' 13' 4 3 5 6 940 6 6 6 2 9 14 1859 36 35 35. 28.14'Ch.naFd 29 12. ChmTirs 1910'Crqula 9'ft 6 ChkFull 64 8 6' Dunedin Office 733-9354 1 0 20 Fayslnc Feders.

8' 4 Convex 15. 5'Cocef 3'ft CoopCo 53'. 34' Cooper 3121Cooppl 29'ft 20'CoOfxTr 19'10'ft Coram 18 8 Coreln 29'24'CoreSIF 23'A Vk Conmon 52'ft48 ComD pf 35'w25. Comingln 'ft 1 a.i no-7 ckr-r-n wmv j7fiiu( vvcm Day wince Tui-uuv wLujmni i.irt vuiLt Tui'iTui ivi naiDui tuntrw wince oo-otl-t-r 1 a i i Harbor Olhi 11 11 114 13 13V. 13 224.

23 6 3' 5 4 20 211 1 021 1.00 BO 5 7 rc'iKBUK Salety Harbor Office 725-2541 TARPON SPRINGS Tarpon Spnngs Office 934-5786 SOUTH PINELLAS COUNTY ST. PETERSBURG Dolphin Village Office 367-7891 iiJowntown Othce 823-0133 Gateway Offke 57A.1 1U4 id- ru ci i-ug ah. tmi n. rvftw m.onw auo im m-i on 2 10676 15' 15' 15 'ft 24 2 3 10 2373 10. 8' 10.

1 1 66 5.4 1522209 28 25 29'- 09e 9 94 2447 10 9'ft 10 ft 06s .2 509 50 48'ft 48'ft 1 68 2 2 13416935 32 30. 30. 1V. jj wwe -j 4s i 2 6 1210329 71 '4 69' 701 34'A 32 32 184. 18 18 4419077 48' 43 45' g.t (S3 20 18'd1t- 5551 32 29 30 2 3 5 11 7467 42 40 40 3.0 JSJl 7 6 3418999 21 20 20 10 ISM 4 4 44 2 2 15 881 15' 14 14 2029485 34 31 u32 3 3 1712497 57' 56' 57 4 1 11 7207434 4.01 37 8 9 1 104 22 22'" 22 'ft 91 1221 29 24 29 9 0 1 901 29 24' 294 1.3 2216082 37 35 34 1 5 2124 56 55 96 4 1 2 4 13 9963 34 33 33 4 g.7 It 366 2 2 2 72 20 4299 25 247 25 1 7 15 633117114i114- 2 5 21 5570 36'ft 34 36 402S 2 2 2- 26 1690 30 29 30 4 2937 14 '2'ftdll- 1'ft I 84 t6 9 GnHons 32 3421 63 49 GnMill 188 JO 26 22'.

GMotofD 98 2B24'GMotpfG 2 28 2 28 3B'26'ftGME 4 5952 GMEpfC 3 29 4231.GMH 80 5 2 GnPhvs 24 ir. 62'46'ft 27'244, 37 20 60. 59 80' 4' 3' 41' 33V. 32 32 16' 14'A 14 21 19' 20V. 3 3V.

3i 111 10d10' 11 10. 10' 8. 8' 8'A 6 6 6 6 5 5' 4' 4' 41 60'A 58 59 54'ft 61' 22 21 'A 21' 75 71'471 28 26' 26 52 50 50 21 20 20' 19 18' 19 20. 19. 20 21 21 21'A 24 24' 24'-19' 1 It'll 14' 13' 14 10 9410'-26'A 24 25 -18 177 U19 13 3008 1 3 97 455 5 2 11x28721 17 711 9 5 16 1677 3 620 1666 31 10 5078 6 5632 31 10 679 10 4291 in 1412144 2 0 1015734 6 0 2948 22 15 9173 3 4 1055871 36 4010912 5 7 3072 7 6 32 1870 2 1 20 2941 1147059 MM 22 14 3006 3 427 666 27 6 1776 9 3082 1 0 11 7894 44 2 0 28 1736 23 22 22 41'32 ChnsCi M'68Chut 29'20'AChrDwi 'Chvron Citcorp ilt.

15JCinnB 17'ft 3' 19 14' 9 9' IS 18 56 37 136 3805 1 5'ft pourn rasattena Othce 384-3166 Tyrone Office 462-5104 GULF-PORT Giiltnort OftVe 462-5101 49th Street Office 321-91 17 INDIAN SHORES Indian Shore Dffire Sins pimfi i padw iu. bl 950 'A. 2 46 8.2 12x5251 31 29. 30 4 15e 7 658 20' 553 12 1003 9 638 10 1658 7 5823 20 622 26 2456 10259 538 10 757 6x7632 18 852 15 640 1079 523 724830 7t 1963 20'ft 20ift- 46 12.6 .2601 11' 11V. 11' 4 v.

9071' 15. IO'CorpHV 547- 525 SEMINOIr NWA ntt- FederA Fedtixp FdHmLn 1 04 FdHLn pf 1 98 FedMog 48 FedNM 2 40 FedPB 1 00 FPappfA 2 87 Fedfllty 1 58 FdSgn i 42 FedrOS Fefllgs Ferro 54 IS '0. CpHYIIn 1 42 122 .1510 11 10'A411 1 60 4.2 2771 19' 18'. 19'. 1'I9 24 12' 2' 1' 1 BiTex 2924 BncB'Ipf 2 44 9.6 26 20 BcB.IV I25e 4 7 13 9BncCt1 75e 6 5 17 12 BnCPort 348 2 6 47 22 BncFrnn 62e 2 7 52 30 BcLatn .46 14 2215 BcOHijn 13fi12'B08omon 254.19 BWKMn 46334.

BnSant 6 488 5 4 34247. BcpHw 8 1 04 4 2 6349 Bandag 60 14 5944'BandgA go ,6 1S' 9BangH 1 32 13 0 274. 24 BWJId pi 2 53 10 4 1 08 4 I 2722 BKB pJ 215 9 3 1817BMontgn 1 20 33 25 BkNY. 1 28 4 4 80 4 1 2726 BkAp2() 5042'. BkAm pfAJ 25e 7 6 32 20 58 44 'A 24 1 9 371 13 12.

12. 85 108107 CinGpfH 915 rM "Miuuu To-i ion uaktiurst Plaza Utlice 595-Hjyu beminoie uttice wmwi i MiLLiBUKUUijri luuniyj lAMrA Larrollwood Ofhce 962-2704 Downtown Office 226-i ralma Ceia Office 254-6071 I SARASOTA rniivrvKjiiAcnTi 271BCM.I 36 1' 42 3931 39 16 417 25' 26V. 17617' ij II tj, wuim i jnivuuin UUII unit UIIIIC Jij-TIUT; jaimuwi-uiiiiiiuiij unite 7t-uuv juuiiimi i una vnint JlUOTO CI 1 HU3 LUUlN I DrvrKlI ft 1 1 Rpvprtv 11 Is ire 746-7)7 INVFDMPCC r. 13 12112 1 20 19 d1- 1 41 V. 40 40 26' 24'ftd24 1 59 57 56 52 507 611- 10 6d10.

24 24424 28 25 26 2 23 22 d23 19 17 It 31 29 29- 424. 39 2 32 2 3 936989 14 14 14 88 5 5 22 797 16 15' 15' 4 75 2 8 1 713237 277 26'ft 28.. 50 3 3 13 402 15 15 15 iao 192 90 27V. 3123 GPU 38 30'GenSigrv 6' 1Gensco 1 cuius center IJ ce 44- i nwme 1 b( 77ft.g MOSASSA Hnmnsassa irp tyjrs- Hi-kAN It I IMTV RPnOVSVII I ync EGG EKChrx EMCs EOKRt ESysl EstANG EastEn EastUli Eslgp Easier. EKodak Eaton EOWn Eckerd 1 72 80 10 4 28'ft21'S 29196 2118A.

25V.18. 22 20 36 21 23 10' 16 12V. Hnwp Avptiwp njV 70 ti U.w.,t umc -JO-jluo I 4' 27r20't CIlMergv 271 6'ft CreCty 40. 20'ft Circus .7 33 Com 2258619 24 622 2' I 20 3 0 14 7211 40'A 1 92e 11 3 598 177 1 40 5 3 3357 26 64 7.2 6 911 21' 1 80 10 3 8 X527 1 7' 160 32 12536 53'A 1 60 3 3 2158864 49 1 20 2 4 14 9033 51' 76 2 4 15 6176 31 15 4404 29. 16V.tl'CTF 1912' CrtCrts IB I5'CousP.

Crane 17 14.CwldB 33.17.Crayfls 30 25'ACresREn 4.37'A Create. 12 7CMa 31 18CrlChln .6136 25. 23 24. 4 1V 11725 3 2. 2 4 1010676 22V.

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Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


Which city is bigger Tampa or St. Petersburg? ›

While they have a lot in common, Tampa is a bigger, more diverse city with more job opportunities. Given its proximity to St. Petersburg, living in the Tampa region might be your best bet - so that you live where you work and take a quick drive to nearby beaches and art museums around St. Pete.

Is it cheaper to stay in Tampa or St. Petersburg? ›

The cost of living in St. Petersburg, Florida, is 1.4 percent lower than in Tampa, and it's exactly the same as Clearwater.

What days are the Tampa Bay Times delivered? ›

  • Home Delivery: Sunday and Wednesday print editions.
  • e-Newspaper: Digital replica of the printed paper seven days a week.
  • tampabay.com: Unlimited access 24/7.
  • Subscribers Only. ...
  • Newsletters: DayStarter and News Alerts.
  • Mobile app: Easy access to enjoy our content anytime, anywhere.

Is Tampa Bay Florida expensive? ›

Tampa's housing expenses are 3% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 3% lower than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 0% higher than the national average. Tampa has grocery prices that are 8% higher than the national average.

What percentage of Tampa is white? ›

Tampa Race Breakdown

White: 58.8% (44.4% of people identify as white and not Hispanic or Latino) Hispanic or Latino: 26.2%

What is the best area to live in St. Petersburg Florida? ›

Snell Isle - A Top Choice Among the Best Neighborhoods in St Petersburg FL. Snell Isle is a luxurious, suburban neighborhood located in northeast St. Petersburg, Florida. Known for its waterfront properties and upscale homes, Snell Isle offers a serene environment with easy access to downtown amenities.

What is the best beach town in Tampa? ›

Beach towns near Tampa for families
  • Holmes Beach. De-stress at a Holmes Beach vacation rental. ...
  • Anna Maria. Just down the road from Holmes Beach, you'll find Anna Maria, the island's namesake. ...
  • Bonita Springs. ...
  • Fort Myers Beach. ...
  • Marco Island. ...
  • St. ...
  • Naples. ...
  • Sarasota.

Why is rent so high in St. Petersburg, FL? ›

Petersburg metro area from within the U.S. Many of those new migrants heading for Florida are being drawn to St. Petersburg given its beaches, sunny weather, and arts and culture scene. With more people relocating to the city, demand for apartments continues rising, allowing landlords to push rents higher.

Why is Saint Petersburg so cheap? ›

The city's beautiful beaches, excellent weather, and cultural attractions draw millions of visitors each year, providing a steady stream of revenue for local businesses and helping to keep the cost of living low for residents. Seasonal residents, or “snowbirds,” also contribute to the affordability of St. Petersburg.

What is Tampa best known for? ›

In general, Tampa is well-known for its bustling Ybor City, which is where visitors may learn why the city is sometimes referred to as the Cigar Capital of the World. Busch Gardens and the Florida Aquarium are just two of the many breathtaking museums and amusem*nt parks that can be found in the Tampa area.

Is Tampa a good place to live? ›

Part of the Tampa Bay area, this Florida city is one of the best places to live in the Southeast, with affordable living options, gorgeous tropical weather, quick access to the beach, and more. If you're thinking about living in Tampa, here are 12 things to know!

What is rush hour in Tampa? ›

Rush Hour times are between 7:30 and 9:30 am and again from 3:30 to 7:30 pm. During these times, avoid Hillsborough Ave and popular I-275 exits. Follow the speed limit. The City of Tampa is in the midst of an enormous project to relieve the congested traffic areas outside of Downtown Tampa.

What is a livable salary in Tampa, Florida? ›

In Tampa Bay, an individual without a child must make an annual salary of at least $94,432 — or an hourly wage of $45.40 — to achieve a comfortable lifestyle, as defined in the study. That breaks down to nearly $47,216 going toward needs, about $28,329 toward wants and close to $18,886 toward debt/savings.

What is the most upscale town in Florida? ›

1) Naples. Naples, the wealthiest city in the Sunshine State, is located in southwest Florida, near the Gulf of Mexico. There are 69,303 citizens in Naples, with a typical family income of $80,815, making it one of the state's richest communities.

What is the most expensive city in Florida to live in? ›

Most Expensive Cities in Florida
  • Key Biscayne. With stunning white sand beaches and luxurious properties, Key Biscayne tops the list. ...
  • Palm Beach. Known for its opulent estates and wealthy residents, Palm Beach has a median home value of $1,211,900. ...
  • Naples. ...
  • Pinecrest. ...
  • Coral Gables. ...
  • Longboat Key. ...
  • Islamorada. ...
  • Sanibel.
Jul 5, 2024

Is Tampa the largest city in Florida? ›

Jacksonville, FL

Located in Duval County, the seaport city of Jacksonville is the largest city in Florida by overall population and land area.

Where does Tampa rank in size? ›

Tampa, Florida
Population (2020)
• City384,959
• Estimate (2023)403,364
• Rank49th in the US
39 more rows

Is Tampa or St. Pete more fun? ›

Visitors can find plenty of fun things to do in both Saint Petersburg and Tampa. With generally more activities and things to do, visitors tend to spend more time in Saint Petersburg than in Tampa. Usually, 2-4 days is a good amount of time for Saint Petersburg, and 2-3 days is enough time in Tampa.

Is St. Petersburg a big city? ›

It is the second-most populous city in the Tampa Bay area, which is the second-largest metropolitan area in Florida with a population of around 2.8 million.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.