Legend of the Sacred Stones (2024)

'Legend of the Sacred Stones' is an 8-chapter adventure story by Haiku Games, available in the AE Mysteries app. It is followed by a sequel, Legend of the Time Stones.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • 2 Characters
  • 3 Plot
    • 3.1 Chapter 1 - Secrets and a Curse
    • 3.2 Chapter 2 - The Spring Temple
    • 3.3 Chapter 3 - The Mori Woods
    • 3.4 Chapter 4 - The Fall Temple
    • 3.5 Chapter 5 - In the Mountains
    • 3.6 Chapter 6 - The Winter Temple
    • 3.7 Chapter 7 - More Secrets
    • 3.8 Chapter 8 - The Summer Temple
    • 3.9 Epilogue
  • 4 Mythology
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery


A mysterious curse has fallen over Tempus Island. Help Aila take control of the elements and learn the truth about her past as she battles towering Stone Gods!


  • Aila: The protagonist
  • Arthur: Aila's father
  • Selma: Aila's Mother
  • Milo: One of Aila's neighbors
  • Ollie: Milo's son
  • Siegfried: Another of Aila's neighbors
  • Aquarius: God of Water
  • Autumnus: Goddess of Earth
  • Glacius: God of Wind
  • Solaris: God of Fire


Chapter 1 - Secrets and a Curse[]

The game opens by introducing players to Tempus Island and its four ancient temples. The temples are said to each house a sacred stone, guarded by ancient gods to prevent anyone from taking all four stones and possessing a dangerous, absolute power. However, this power can only remain sealed for so long...

The game then shifts to Aila's perspective. Her father, Arthur, tells her that Milo, another villager, is trying to break into the Spring Temple to get a hold of the sacred stones. He says it is urgent and he needs to stop Milo, urges Aila to take care of her bedridden mother, and leaves. Aila makes a healing tonic for her mother Selma, which wakes her up from her sleep. Aila tells her mother that her father went to the Spring Temple after Milo. Suddenly the ground shakes and Aila's mother recognizes this must be the temple. Aila has questions, and her mother tells her that in order to explain more about what is happening, Aila must dig up a box buried outside their cabin. Outside, Aila sees a beam of blue light coming from the Spring Temple in the distance. As she is digging outside, Milo's young son Ollie comes up and proudly tells Aila that his dad went to the Spring Temple to save everyone from the "curse" that has been making everyone sick. Aila tells Ollie to go back home to his mother, who is sick. When she digs up the box, she finds an old locket inside.

Aila goes back inside and shows the locket to Selma, who tells her that many secrets were kept to protect her. Aila learns that her parents are not her biological parents. Sixteen years ago, Selma found her washed up on the beach with that very locket around her neck, and she and Arthur raised Aila as their own. Selma believes that Aila is from a different world, because the material the locket was made of was unlike anything they'd seen before. Suddenly there is another loud rumbling sound. Selma tells Aila she needs to take the locket and go help her father.

Aila, very confused by all this, decides to follow her mother's instructions. When she steps outside, the beam of light coming from the top of the temple connects with her locket and causes a blue gem with a water wave on it to appear. Aila uses the locket to connect to a star symbol on the stone gate leading towards the temple, and is able to open the gate using the locket's power. When it opens, she hears a mysterious voice calling her "bearer of the artifact" and telling her to seek its counsel at the Spring Temple.

Chapter 2 - The Spring Temple[]

Aila finds her father lying injured outside the Spring Temple. He tells her that Milo had attacked him and gone inside to get the Spring Stone since he thought it was the only way to cure his wife's sickness. Aila needs to stop Milo from awakening the water god, Aquarius. Arthur tells her to use her locket to help her get into the temple. The blue stone in the locket is able to activate water powers using star symbols carved into various places in the wall of the temple. Aila manages to get into the temple using these powers. Once inside, the door shuts behind her.

Aila finds herself in a room with a large stone turtle, and her locket is not working for some reason. She finds a stone relief on the wall with stars on it and questions whether the gods were powered by the stars. She manages to open a small side room, but her locket doesn't work in there either. After she blasts a hole in the ceiling, the locket starts working again. Aila concludes access to the sky and the temple's strange blue light are needed for some reason. Using the Locket, Aila manages to open the stone turtle's mouth, and she proceeds into an inner room where she finds Milo and the god Aquarius (who looks like a robot made out of stone). Milo is holding the Spring Stone and he tells Aila this is the only way he can stop his wife from dying of the "curse." Milo, invoking the power of the Spring Stone, commands Aquarius to obey him and stop the "curse." Aila uses her locket to battle Aquarius and stop him from following Milo's bidding. Milo angrily leaves.

Aquarius then speaks to Aila. He wonders how she has awakened the power of the Artifact she possesses. He also confirms that whoever has all four sacred stones will be able to command the gods to do their bidding if they so choose. Aquarius remarks that Aila's power is extraordinary, and suggests that she go see his wise sister Autumnus at the Fall Temple and seek her advice. Aila sets out towards the Fall Temple after Milo.

Chapter 3 - The Mori Woods[]

Aila meets Arthur outside the Spring Temple. He congratulates her for her efforts to stop Milo, and confirms Selma's story about the strange circ*mstances of her adoption. Aila still has questions, but there is not enough time. Arthur directs her to a gate which leads to the Fall Temple, and warns her to be cautious because the "curse" has spread throughout the forest. While Aila goes after Milo, Arthur says he will go back home and analyze a "curse" sample to try and find a cure for his wife.

The trees in the forest are mostly dead and covered in splotches of an oozing, purple goo: the curse. The armored bodies of two Mori warriors who succumbed to the curse can be seen in the background. At the entrance to the Fall Temple, Aila pleads with Milo not to go after the stones and to wait for her father to find a cure. Milo blames her father for the reason they are still suffering from the curse, insists the sacred stones are the only solution, and questions why she even trusts Arthur when he kept her adoption a secret from her all her life. Milo goes into the temple, and the door seals shut behind him.

As Aila looks around for a way to get into the temple, the ground rumbles and a yellow beam of light comes from the Fall Temple. It connects with her locket, and a yellow gem with a tree on it appears. Aila says she feels the energy coursing through her body and connecting her to the earth. She is able to use this new power of the locket to connect with star symbols and cause plants by those symbols to grow or wither. Using the new earth power in addition to the water powers of the locket, Aila manages to open the door of the temple.

Chapter 4 - The Fall Temple[]

Inside Autumnus' temple, Aila finds herself in a room with a statue of a large wolf head. She figures she will need to open it in order to access the goddess, just as she had accessed Aquarius through the turtle statue. In the course of her explorations, Aila discovers a stone relief with a story about a chosen child of the stars. She also find a broken block with a star symbol on it that has crystals inside, and figures the crystals must be the energy source that powers the locket.

Aila makes it into the chamber where Autumnus is and there confronts Milo again. Milo tells her that the very day she arrived was the same day the purple ooze came and started killing people. He blames Aila for both his wife's and her mother's sickness. He threatens Aila he will harm her if she tries to get in his way, and then tries to take control of Autumnus with the sacred stone he has stolen from her temple. Aila battles Autumnus and frees her from Milo's control. Milo questions what right Aila's family has to control the sacred stones when people are dying. He leaves the temple angrily.

Aila then has a conversation with Autumnus, who asks her to reflect on how the locket is reacting to her. Aila notes that she has felt different. She tells Autumnus she is confused and doesn't know what to believer or what to do. The goddess tells her to listen to her heart and remember to feel. Now even more confused, Aila decides to go back home.

Chapter 5 - In the Mountains[]

On her way home, Aila passes through a mountain area where snow is falling, and runs into Siegfried, an old family friend from the village. He lends her some warm clothes and tells her he'll show her the way back, around the Winter Temple. However, the bridge across the river is out. Aila knows Milo must have destroyed it. Siegfried tells her he thinks this is his fault. He had just come from the village on the beach, where he heard from Aila's father that Milo's wife Mika had passed away. Siegfried, thinking that Milo already knew of his wife's passing, offered Milo his condolences, upon which Milo got a wild look in his eyes and stormed off.

In the course of trying to find a way across the river, the ground shakes and a white beam of light comes out of the top of the Winter Temple and connects with Aila's locket. A white gem with a wind symbol on it appears. Aila feels a stronger connection to the locket, and the winds of winter. She is torn between going to stop Milo from awakening Glacius, or going back home to her mother.

When she rejoins Siegfried at the side of the river, Aila finds that he has been buried under a small avalanche of ice, which she will need to extricate him from. With the power of her locket, she is able to freeze over the river and walk across. She finds a torch which she lights, and is able to use it to melt the ice and free Siegfried. He asks her what is going on with her powers, but offers to help her get home. Aila tells him she has changed her mind. Rather than go home, she wants to go to the Winter Temple to stop Milo from getting the Sacred Stones, because she feels something calling her to do so. Siegfried encourages her and gives her a stone key to help her get into the temple.

Chapter 6 - The Winter Temple[]

Inside the Winter Temple, there is a large stone polar bear head which Aila must open in order to reach the wind god, Glacius. In the course of her explorations, she finds a stone mural on the wall depicting falling stars and people dying from the curse. Aila wonders if this was something that happened in the past or if it was a prophecy. Using the power of her locket, Aila is able to eventually open the way to Glacius.

She encounters Milo, who now has a third Sacred Stone and is trying to get Glacius under his control. Milo is very angry that his wife is dead, and blames Aila for causing the curse and not doing anything to stop it. Aila battles Glacius, and ends up losing. Milo commands Glacius to attack Aila, and she soon feels herself growing frozen and she loses consciousness.

Chapter 7 - More Secrets[]

Aila wakes up and finds that she is back home with her parents. Her father tells her that Siegfried found her at the Winter Temple and carried her back. Aila notices that her Locket is missing. For now, her father tells her not to worry about this and to look after her mother. He says he is going to go next door and check on Milo's son Ollie, who is all alone.

Aila's mother tells her that now would be a good time to say more about the day she found Aila. But to help her, she wants Aila to find her journal in the basem*nt along with her father's archives. Up to this point, Aila had no idea they even had a basem*nt. Selma directs her to open a hatch under the rug to get there.

When Aila gets into the basem*nt, she finds that the floor is covered in broken glass. The window near the ceiling had been shattered. Aila concludes this must be how Milo stole her father's Book of Tempus. She finds her mother's journal and brings it back upstairs to her mother. Selma tells her that sixteen years ago, a shooting star crashed into the Great Volcano, and when she went outside she found baby Aila floating down the river. Aila was wrapped up in swaddling clothes and had the locket around her neck. She was also very dirty, covered in the purple ooze, but her mother washed her and raised her and considered her a great blessing. Aila asks why her mother considered her a blessing when the curse had also arrived with her. At this moment, her father and Ollie walk into the house. Her mother answers her question and tells her that there had been a huge drought beforehand, but once Aila arrived they started to get plenty of rain. Her father confirms this, and says he never saw anything like it. Aila's mother tries to continue speaking but she can't anymore. She dies from her sickness.

A few hours later, presumably after burying Selma or at least moving the body, Aila's father tells her to be careful in trying to stop Milo from awakening Solaris at the Summer Temple. He tells her there is a shortcut to the temple through the basem*nt. Aila opens the passage, and her father warns her again that Milo is very dangerous and could become unstoppable if he gets a hold of all the stones.

Aila emerges out of the passage onto a beach, where she runs into Siegfried. He is standing next to a large stone hand which he says legend has it used to belong to Solaris, but he lost it in a battle with other gods from distant lands. Suddenly, a beam of red light shoots up from the Summer Temple. Siegfried holds up Aila's locket, but nothing happens. He gives it back to Aila, and the light connects to the locket, revealing a red gem with a fire symbol on it. Aila now is able to use the locket with star symbols to start fires. Siegfried helps Aila with some heavy lifting, and then goes off to hunt.

Aila manages to open the gate to access the temple, and discovers she needs to put four elements of water, earth, fire, and ice on pedestals in order to get in. She goes back to the beach and Ollie shows up. He tells her that her father fell asleep and he found the secret passage in the basem*nt. He wants to go with Aila to find Milo. Aila tells him to run along, but first Ollie gives her a "cool rock" he found on the beach. This is a part of one of the star symbols that will help Aila get into the temple.

Just as Aila opens the door to the temple, Arthur shows up. He is coughing and is sick from the curse. He tells her he wanted to be sure to see her one last time, and urges her to bring Milo back alive if possible.

Chapter 8 - The Summer Temple[]

Inside the Summer Temple, Aila runs into Milo. He is stunned that Aila is alive after he saw the Winter Temple collapse on her with his own eyes. But now he has all four Sacred Stones and plans to awaken Solaris. Milo enters through the mouth of a stone lion head, which closes behind him. Aila now must find a way to open it and go after him.

When she gets past the lion head, Aila confronts Milo again. Aila tries to plead with Milo to go home to Ollie, but Milo claims he has found proof at the top of the Great Volcano that Aila is the source of the curse. Milo calls upon Solaris to cleanse Tempus Island. He proclaims that he will rule over everyone as their new god. Aila now battles Solaris and wins. Milo is enraged at how the gods "can't even stop a child." He tells Aila to meet him outside on top of the Great Volcano, and leaves.

Aila comments on how Milo is losing his mind and can't even think of Ollie. Solaris says the Sacred Stones have clouded his mind because he wasn't chosen to have that power. Solaris tells Aila he was asleep for nearly a thousand years. Aila asks him about his missing hand, and he tells her that he and his siblings fought to protect the island from other gods who were being controlled by humans. He also tells Aila she is not the first of her kind. She was born of the stars, and she does have what it takes to stop Milo.

Aila heads outside to the top of the volcano where Milo is levitating over a pile of crystals covered in purple ooze. Milo says this is the shattered star that fell, bringing Aila and the curse with it. She finds the Book of Tempus on the ground below Milo and uses it to battle him with her Locket. Milo falls down into the purple ooze. He is in pain and begs Aila to help him. Aila picks up the four stones, and as she does, a light beam shoots from each of the temples, and the gods speak to her, saying they will do her bidding as she is the "chosen one" fulfilling the prophecy once more. Aila calls upon the gods to rid the island of the curse that she brought, and asks them to take her with it if need be. They tell her to raise the Artifact. She uses her locket, and when she lowers it, the curse has disappeared, but Milo is just a skeleton. Aila breaks down in tears since she did not want this to happen.


Aila is congratulated for ridding the island of the curse, and Arthur appoints her as new Guardian of the Stones. Aila sealed the temples again and hid the Sacred Stones. Now that Ollie was an orphan, Siegfried adopted him. As Siegfried is fishing with Ollie, the two see a green beam of light shooting up to the sky from somewhere out in the ocean. Siegfried says they should go get Aila... This sets the stage for the sequel, Legend of the Time Stones.


The mythology in the game focuses on Tempus Island's four gods: Aquarius, Autumnus, Glacius, and Solaris. These gods are powered by the stars, but also can be controlled by whoever bears their Sacred Stones which have been sealed away in their temples. Long ago, the gods on Tempus Island battled a variety of other gods from distant lands who had been taken over by humans. They won the battle, but Solaris lost his hand in the process. Since then, they lay dormant for near a thousand years until Milo took the Stones and awakened them. The Stones, when possessed by someone who is not chosen, will warp their mind and cause them to simply lust for power and use the gods for destruction.

Each of the gods on Tempus Island has a corresponding season, element, and animals which represent them and their powers.

Table of the gods and their various attributes
Creator ofElemental PowerCombination PowerSeasonColorAnimals
AquariusRain and waterWaterHealSpringBlueTurtle, fish
AutumnusEarth and soilEarth, VinesDeath, DecayFallYellowBear, elephant, monkey
GlaciusWindsWind, IceTelekinesisWinterWhitePolar bear, penguin, walrus, snow leopard
SolarisSunlight and fireFireInvincibilitySummerRedLion, phoenix, snake
Legend of the Sacred Stones (1)

Per a plaque Aila finds outside the Winter Temple, there is an established order to the quest for the stones: Spring, Fall, Winter, and Summer. Milo was likely aware of this, since this is the order he (and Aila as a consequence after him) follows in obtaining the stones.

Legend of the Sacred Stones (2)

Each of the temples contains a different indication about the gods' origins and the prophecy. First, in the Spring Temple, Aila sees a stone plaque with stars on it and wonders if the stars power the gods. Next, in the Fall Temple, Aila finds a detailed four-part stone plaque. It reads:

  1. "In dire times, the Gods shall call to the stars to rain down upon Tempus Island."
  2. "A child of light shall be born to repurify the land."
  3. "The child shall grow and learn to wield the power of the Sacred Stones."
  4. "The Chosen One of Destiny shall command the Gods and restore the lives of the people."
Legend of the Sacred Stones (3)

In the Winter Temple, Aila finds a depiction of people dying from the curse and is unsure whether it is history, prophecy, or both. Finally, in the Summer Temple, she encounters a depiction of the four Island gods' battles with eight other gods from the outside. These outsiders include the God of Stars, God of War, God of Time, God of Steel (who was responsible for Solaris losing his hand), God of Spirits, God of the Sun (different from Solaris, who is properly the god of fire), an electrically charged god, and a two-headed god.


  • The names of the gods on Tempus Island are all derived from Latin. Aquarius is an adjective meaning "of/having to do with water." Autumnus is an adjective that means "of autumn" or "autumnal." Glacius is derived from the Latin adjective glacialis, meaning "icy" or "frozen." Solaris is derived from the adjective solarius, meaning "of/having to do with the sun."
  • Autumnus, having an -us ending, is a masculine form, despite the god Autumnus being female. The feminine form is Autumna.
  • Tempus means "time," so the name of the island means "Time Island."
  • The symbols which open the box outside Aila's cabin are the letters in Milo's name.


Aila 1

Aila 2






Milo with the Spring Stone

Milo with the Fall Stone

Milo with the Winter Stone

Milo with the Summer Stone


Aquarius info


Autumnus Info


Glacius Info


Solaris Info

Tempus Island

Arthur's Research

Legend of the Sacred Stones (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.